Journal Article (162)

Journal Article
von Grünau, M.; Rauschecker, J.: Natural strabismus in non-siamese cats: Lack of binocularity in the striate cortex. Experimental Brain Research 52 (2), pp. 307 - 310 (1983)
Journal Article
Braitenberg, V.: Status of biological cybernetics in Germany. Trends in Neurosciences 6 (9), p. 365 (1983)
Journal Article
Fahle, M.; Palm, G.: Calculation of surface areas from serial sections. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 9 (1), pp. 75 - 85 (1983)
Journal Article
Koch, C.; Poggio, T.: A theoretical analysis of electrical properties of spines. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 218 (1213), pp. 455 - 477 (1983)
Journal Article
Koch, C.; Poggio, T.; Torre, V.: Nonlinear interactions in a dendritic tree: localization, timing, and role in information processing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 80 (9), pp. 2799 - 2802 (1983)
Journal Article
Rauschecker, J.; Harris, L.: Auditory compensation of the effects of visual deprivation in the cat's superior colliculus. Experimental Brain Research 50 (1), pp. 69 - 83 (1983)
Journal Article
Braitenberg, V.: The cerebellum revisited. Journal of Theoretical Neurobiology 2 (3), pp. 237 - 241 (1983)
Journal Article
Braitenberg, V.: Alla ricerca di morfemi all‘interno del cervello. Giornale italiano di psicologia 3, pp. 521 - 541 (1983)
Journal Article
Palm, G.: Wo kommen die Wahrscheinlichkeiten eigentlich her? Mathematik-Unterricht 29 (1), pp. 50 - 61 (1983)
Journal Article
Rauschecker, J.: Instructive changes in the kitten's visual cortex and their limitation. Experimental Brain Research 48 (2), pp. 301 - 305 (1982)
Journal Article
Nagel, R.; Palm, G.: Lattice Dilations of Positive Contractions on Lp-Spaces. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 25 (3), pp. 371 - 374 (1982)
Journal Article
Rauschecker, J.; Singer, W.: Binocular deprivation can erase the effects of preceding monocular or binocular vision in kitten cortex. Developmental Brain Research 4 (4), pp. 495 - 498 (1982)
Journal Article
Fahle, M.: Binocular rivalry: Suppression depends on orientation and spatial frequency. Vision Research 22 (7), pp. 787 - 800 (1982)
Journal Article
Koch, C.; Poggio, T.; Torre, V.: Retinal ganglion cells: a functional interpretation of dendritic morphology. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 298 (1090), pp. 227 - 264 (1982)
Journal Article
Singer, W.; Rauschecker, J.: Central core control of developmental plasticity in the kitten visual cortex II: Electrical activation of mesencephalic and diencephalic projections. Experimental Brain Research 47 (2), pp. 223 - 233 (1982)
Journal Article
Fahle, M.: Cooperation between different spatial frequencies in binocular rivalry. Biological Cybernetics 44 (1), pp. 27 - 29 (1982)
Journal Article
Braitenberg, V.: Das Gehirn: die graue Eminenz des Verhaltens. Das Fenster: Tiroler Kulturzeitschrift 31, pp. 3114 - 3120 (1982)
Journal Article
Palm, G.: Evidence, information, and surprise. Biological Cybernetics 42 (1), pp. 57 - 68 (1981)
Journal Article
Blondeau, J.: Aerodynamic Capabilities of Flies, as Revealed by a New Technique. The Journal of Experimental Biology 92 (1), pp. 155 - 163 (1981)
Journal Article
Blondeau, J.: Electrically Evoked Course Control in the Fly Calliphora Erythrocephala. The Journal of Experimental Biology 92 (1), pp. 143 - 153 (1981)
Journal Article
Palm, G.: On the storage capacity of an associative memory with randomly distributed storage elements. Biological Cybernetics 39 (2), pp. 125 - 127 (1981)
Journal Article
Palm, G.: Towards a theory of cell assemblies. Biological Cybernetics 39 (3), pp. 181 - 194 (1981)
Journal Article
Schüz, A.: Pränatale Reifung und postnatale Veränderung im Cortex des Meerschweinchens: Mikroskopische Auswertung eines natürlichen Deprivationsexperimentes I: Pränatale Reifung [Prenatal Development and Postnatal Changes in the Guinea Pig Cortex: Microscopic Evaluation of a Natural Deprivation Experiment I: Prenatal Development]. Journal für Hirnforschung 22 (1), pp. 93 - 111 (1981)
Journal Article
Schüz, A.: Pränatale Reifung und postnatale Veränderung im Cortex des Meerschweinchens: Mikroskopische Auswertung eines natürlichen Deprivationsexperimente II: Postnatale Veränderungen [Prenatal Development and Postnatal Changes in the Guinea Pig Cortex: Microscopic Evaluation of a Natural Deprivation Experiment II: Postnatal Changes]. Journal für Hirnforschung 22 (1), pp. 113 - 127 (1981)
Journal Article
Welpe, E.; von Seelen, W.; Fahle, M.: A Dichoptic Edge Effect Resulting from Binocular Contour Dominance. Perception 9 (6), pp. 683 - 693 (1980)
Journal Article
Palm, G.: On associative memory. Biological Cybernetics 36 (1), pp. 19 - 31 (1980)
Journal Article
Bentz, H.-J.; Palm, G.: Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie ohne Mengenlehre (Common Sense Probability). Mathematica Didactica 3, pp. 167 - 183 (1980)
Journal Article
Palm, G.: On representation and approximation of nonlinear systems Part II: Discrete time. Biological Cybernetics 34 (1), pp. 49 - 52 (1979)
Journal Article
Braitenberg, V.; Braitenberg, C.: Geometry of orientation columns in the visual cortex. Biological Cybernetics 33 (3), pp. 179 - 186 (1979)
Journal Article
Palm, G.: Entropy for Dynamical Systems. Trabalho de Matematica 151, pp. 1 - 22 (1979)
Journal Article
Marr, D.; Palm, G.; Poggio, T.: Analysis of a cooperative stereo algorithm. Biological Cybernetics 28 (4), pp. 223 - 239 (1978)
Journal Article
Palm, G.: Additive entropy requires additive measure. Archiv der Mathematik 30 (1), pp. 293 - 296 (1978)
Journal Article
Palm, G.; Poggio, T.: Stochastic Identification Methods for Nonlinear Systems: an Extension of the Wiener Theory. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 34 (3), pp. 524 - 534 (1978)
Journal Article
Palm, G.: On representation and approximation of nonlinear systems. Biological Cybernetics 31 (2), pp. 119 - 124 (1978)
Journal Article
Palm, G.; Poggio, T.: Wiener-like system identification in physiology. Journal of Mathematical Biology 4 (4), pp. 375 - 381 (1977)
Journal Article
Kern, M.; Nagel, R.; Palm, G.: Dilations of positive operators: Construction and ergodic theory. Mathematische Zeitschrift 156 (3), pp. 265 - 277 (1977)
Journal Article
Besenfelder, H.-J.; Palm, G.: Einige Äquivalenzen zur Riemannschen Vermutung. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 293-294, pp. 109 - 115 (1977)
Journal Article
Braitenberg, V.: The concept of symmetry in neuroanatomy. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 299 (1), pp. 186 - 196 (1977)
Journal Article
Palm, G.; Poggio, T.: The Volterra Representation and the Wiener Expansion: Validity and Pitfalls. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 33 (2), pp. 195 - 216 (1977)
Journal Article
Burkhardt, W.; Braitenberg, V.: Some peculiar synaptic complexes in the first visual ganglion of the fly, Musca domestica. Cell and Tissue Research 173 (3), pp. 287 - 308 (1976)
Journal Article
Schüz, A.: Pyramidal cells with different densities of dendritic spines in the cortex of the mouse. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, C: Journal of Biosciences 31 (5-6), pp. 319 - 323 (1976)
Journal Article
Palm, G.: Entropie und Erzeuger in dynamischen Verbänden. Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 36 (1), pp. 27 - 45 (1976)
Journal Article
Steffen, H.: Golgi-stained barrel-neurons in the somatosensory region of the mouse cerebral cortex. Neuroscience Letters 2 (1), pp. 57 - 59 (1976)
Journal Article
Braitenberg, V.: Letter to the editor. Neuroscience Letters 1 (6), p. 351 (1975)
Journal Article
Campos-Ortega, J.: Autoradiographic Localization of 3H-gamma-aminobutyric Acid Uptake in the Lamina Ganglionaris of Musca and Drosophila. Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und Mikroskopische Anatomie 147 (3), pp. 415 - 431 (1974)
Journal Article
Braitenberg, V.: Thoughts on the cerebral cortex. Journal of Theoretical Biology 46 (2), pp. 421 - 447 (1974)
Journal Article
Braitenberg, V.; Debbage, P.: A regular net of reciprocal synapses in the visual system of the fly, Musca domestica. Journal of Comparative Physiology 90 (1), pp. 25 - 31 (1974)
Journal Article
Campos-Ortega, J.; Strausfeld, N.: Synaptic Connections of Intrinsic Cells and Basket Arborizations in the External Plexiform Layer of the Fly's Eye. Brain Research 59, pp. 119 - 136 (1973)
Journal Article
Strausfeld, N.; Campos-Ortega, J.: The L4 Monopolar Neurone: A Substrate for Lateral Interaction in the Visual System of the Fly Musca Domestica (L). Brain Research 59, pp. 97 - 117 (1973)
Journal Article
Strausfeld, N.; Campos-Ortega, J.: L3, the 3rd 2nd order neuron of the 1st visual ganglion in the “neural superposition” eye of Musca domestica. Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und Mikroskopische Anatomie 139 (3), pp. 397 - 403 (1973)
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