Let’s Shape the Future Together!

Let’s Shape the Future Together!

Employees from over 40 nations work at the institute. About two thirds of them are active in the scientific field, leading research groups or completing doctoral and master's theses. In addition, there are third-party funded employees and guests as well as the scientific-technical staff.

Careers in Science

Do you have an excellent Bachelor's or Master's degree in the neurosciences, biomedicine, computer science, applied mathematics, statistics, AI or technical sciences? Do you already have an outstanding scientific qualification with a doctorate?  Then we are a top address for you! A solid and internationally oriented education and training of promising young researchers is one of our central tasks. 

Excellent scientists with a Bachelor's degree will find an early entry into research through our International Max Planck Research School with a Master's program tailored to their skills. There is also the option of applying directly to a research group or department for a master's thesis.
For Master's students with an outstanding degree our International Max Planck Research School offers a multi-year PhD program. In addition, there are individual PhD positions in the Institute's research groups and departments for which interested candidates can submit direct applications.
As a springboard after the doctorate, we offer individual qualification programmes for scientific management positions. Postdocs have the opportunity to develop their profile during this phase and build up their own academic network. [more]


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