CSS - An engineer's path to the biochemistry lab

  • Date: Jul 10, 2024
  • Time: 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Dr. Carolina Sánchez Rico
  • Postdoc, Boehringer Ingelheim
  • Location: online only
  • Room: -
CSS - An engineer's path to the biochemistry lab
As a PhD in structural biology transitioning to a postdoc in industry is an experience that provides valuable skills and insights. Key points one should consider transitioning to industry are networking, building a strong publication record, learning the local language and exploring diverse opportunities beyond academia or even research. Everyone's journey is unique, and embracing flexibility empowers us to thrive in the dynamic world of life science careers.
About the speaker: Carolina did her Bachelor's in Physical Engineering at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and her Master’s in Physics at the CINVESTAV, Mexico. Afterwards she moved to Germany to do a PhD in Structural Biology at the TUM Munich, followed by a postdoc at the MPI for Biology with Murray Coles. In 2023 she changed to a postdoc position in industry at Boehringer Ingelheim, Biberach.

For registration, please write an e-mail to rst@tuebingen.mpg.de.

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