Mark Deshmane

Alumni of the Department High-Field Magnetic Resonance

Main Focus

In the work group of Prof. Scheffler I work on protein CEST-MRI at UHF as part of the DFG project qCEST.

With CEST-MRI we aim to detect proteins (e.g. amide) and metabolites (e.g. glucose) in healthy and pathological tissues in the human brain by an indirect measure of controlled signal losses in the water proton pool.

My work focusses on studying protein CEST effects at 9.4T. At ultra-high fields, we exploit the generally improved spectral resolution. Additionally, challenges arise from B0 and B1 inhomogeneities which we try to tackle with the use of parallel transmission and optimized RF pulses.

For more information about the project, visit the website of (project leader).


Curriculum Vitae

Since 07.2017

Post-Doc @ Max-Planck-Institute for biological Cybernetics Tuebingen, AG Scheffler

10.2010 – 07.2017

Research Scientist - Ph.D. student @ University Medical Center Mainz, Dept. of Radiology, Section of Medical Physics

02.2011 – 09.2011

Guest Scientist @ A.A.Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging

08.2005 – 10.2010

University of Applied Sciences Giessen Biomedical Engineer (Medical Physics)
