Publications of MHJ Munk

Journal Article (37)

Journal Article
Danyeli, L.; Sen, Z.; Colic, L.; Kurzweil, L.; Gensberger-Reigl, S.; Macharadze, T.; Götting, F.; Refisch, A.; Liebe, T.; Chand, T. et al.: Association of the delayed changes in glutamate levels and functional connectivity with the immediate network effects of S-ketamine. Translational Psychiatry 13 (1), 60 (2023)
Journal Article
Danyeli, L.; Sen, Z.; Colic, L.; Kurzweil, L.; Gensberger-Reigl, S.; Macharadze, T.; Götting, F.; Refisch, A.; Liebe, T.; Chand, T. et al.: Correction: Association of the delayed changes in glutamate levels and functional connectivity with the immediate network effects of S-ketamine. Translational Psychiatry 13 (1), 73 (2023)
Journal Article
Billette, O.; Ziegler, G.; Aruci, M.; Schütze, H.; Kizilirmak, J.; Richter, A.; Altenstein, S.; Bartels, C.; Brosseron, F.; Cardenas-Blanco, A. et al.: Novelty-Related fMRI Responses of Precuneus and Medial Temporal Regions in Individuals at Risk for Alzheimer Disease. Neurology 99 (8), pp. e775 - e788 (2022)
Journal Article
Amaefule, C.; Dyrba, M.; Wolfsgruber, S.; Polcher, A.; Schneider, A.; Fliessbach, K.; Spottke, A.; Meiberth, D.; Preis, L.; Peters, J. et al.: Association between composite scores of domain-specific cognitive functions and regional patterns of atrophy and functional connectivity in the Alzheimer’s disease spectrum. NeuroImage: Clinical 29, 102533, pp. 1 - 11 (2021)
Journal Article
Dyrba, M.; Hanzig, M.; Altenstein, S.; Bader, S.; Ballarini, T.; Brosseron, F.; Buerger, K.; Cantré, D.; Dobisch, L.; Düzel, E. et al.: Improving 3D convolutional neural network comprehensibility via interactive visualization of relevance maps: evaluation in Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 13, 191, pp. 1 - 18 (2021)
Journal Article
Rauchmann, B.-S.; Ersoezlue, E.; Stoecklein, S.; Keeser, D.; Brosseron, F.; Buerger, K.; Dechent, P.; Dobisch, L.; Ertl-Wagner, B.; Fliessbach, K. et al.: Resting-State Network Alterations Differ between Alzheimer’s Disease Atrophy Subtypes. Cerebral Cortex 31 (11), pp. 4901 - 4915 (2021)
Journal Article
Ballarini, T.; Melo van Lent, D.; Brunner, J.; Schröder, A.; Wolfsgruber, S.; Altenstein, S.; Brosseron, F.; Buerger, K.; Dechent, P.; Dobisch, L. et al.: Mediterranean Diet, Alzheimer Disease Biomarkers and Brain Atrophy in Old Age. Neurology 96 (24), pp. e2920 - e2932 (2021)
Journal Article
Hansen, N.; Singh, A.; Bartels, C.; Brosseron, F.; Buerger, K.; Cetindag , A.; Dobisch, L.; Dechent, P.; Ertl-Wagner, B.; Fliessbach, K. et al.: Hippocampal and Hippocampal-Subfield Volumes From Early-Onset Major Depression and Bipolar Disorder to Cognitive Decline. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 13, 626974, pp. 1 - 12 (2021)
Journal Article
Liebe, T.; Li, M.; Colic, L.; Munk, M.; Sweeney-Reed , C.; Woelfer, M.; Kretzschmar, M.; Steiner, J.; von Düring, F.; Behnisch, G. et al.: Ketamine influences the locus coeruleus norepinephrine network, with a dependency on norepinephrine transporter genotype: a placebo controlled fMRI study. NeuroImage: Clinical 20, pp. 715 - 723 (2018)
Journal Article
Van Grootel, T.; Meeson, A.; Munk, M.; Kourtzi, Z.; Movshon, J.; Logothetis, N.; Kiorpes, L.: Development of visual cortical function in infant macaques: A BOLD fMRI study. PLoS ONE 12 (11), pp. 1 - 29 (2017)
Journal Article
Ortiz-Rios, M.; Azevedo, F.; Kuśmierek, P.; Balla, D.; Munk, M.; Keliris, G.; Logothetis, N.; Rauschecker, J.: Widespread and Opponent fMRI Signals Represent Sound Location in Macaque Auditory Cortex. Neuron 93 (4), pp. 971 - 983 (2017)
Journal Article
Franke, F.; Pröpper, R.; Alle, H.; Meier, P.; Geiger, J.; Obermayer, K.; Munk, M.: Spike Sorting of Synchronous Spikes from Local Neuron Ensembles. Journal of Neurophysiology 114 (4), pp. 2535 - 2549 (2015)
Journal Article
Zaidi, A.; Munk, M.; Schmidt, A.; Risueno-Segovia, C.; Bernard, R.; Fetz, E.; Logothetis, N.; Bierbaumer, N.; Sitaram, R.: Simultaneous epidural functional near-infrared spectroscopy and cortical electrophysiology as a tool for studying local neurovascular coupling in primates. NeuroImage 120, pp. 394 - 399 (2015)
Journal Article
Mätz-Rensing, K.; Hartmann, T.; Wendel, G.; Frick, J.; Homolka, S.; Richter, E.; Munk, M.; Kaup, F.-J.: Outbreak of Tuberculosis in a Colony of Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta) after Possible Indirect Contact with a Human TB Patient. Journal of Comparative Pathology 153 (2-3), pp. 81 - 91 (2015)
Journal Article
Priesemann, V.; Wibral, M.; Valderrama, M.; Pröpper, R.; Le Van Quyen, M.; Geisel, T.; Triesch, J.; Nikolić, D.; Munk, M.: Spike avalanches in vivo suggest a driven, slightly subcritical brain state. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 8, 108, pp. 1 - 17 (2014)
Journal Article
Turi, G.; Gotthardt, S.; Singer, W.; Vuong, T.; Munk, M.; Wibral, M.: Quantifying additive evoked contributions to the event-related potential. NeuroImage 59 (3), pp. 2607 - 2624 (2012)
Journal Article
Pipa, G.; Munk, M.: Higher Order Spike Synchrony in Prefrontal Cortex during Visual Memory. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 5, 23, pp. 1 - 13 (2011)
Journal Article
Rio, M.; Hutt, A.; Munk, M.; Girau, B.: Partial amplitude synchronization detection in brain signals using Bayesian Gaussian mixture models. Journal of Physiology 105 (1-3), pp. 98 - 105 (2011)
Journal Article
Franke, F.; Natora, M.; Boucsein , C.; Munk, M.; Obermayer, K.: An online spike detection and spike classification algorithm capable of instantaneous resolution of overlapping spikes. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 29 (1-2), pp. 127 - 148 (2010)
Journal Article
Rodriguez, R.; Kallenbach, U.; Singer, W.; Munk, M.: Stabilization of visual responses through cholinergic activation. Neuroscience 165 (3), pp. 944 - 954 (2010)