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Book Chapter (432)

Book Chapter
Robson, D.; Li, J.: Simultaneous Behavioral and Neuronal Imaging by Tracking Microscopy. In: Zebrafish: Methods and Protocols, pp. 155 - 167 (Eds. Amatruda, J.; Houart, C.; Kawakami, K.; Poss, K.). Humana Press, New York, NY, USA (2023)
Book Chapter
Hexley, A.; Morimoto, T.; Spitschan, M.: Psychophysics: Concepts, methods, and frontiers. In: APA handbook of research methods in psychology 1: Foundations, planning, measures, and psychometrics, Vol. 1, 2. ed. Ed., pp. 511 - 528 (Eds. Cooper, H.; Coutanche, M.; MacMullen, L.; Panter, A.; Rindskopf, D. et al.). American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, USA (2023)
Book Chapter
Kirschfeld, K.: Die Hierarchie von Gehirn und Geist. In: Was bedeutet Leben? Beiträge aus den Geisteswissenschaften, 2. Aufl. Ed., pp. 222 - 265 (Ed. Baumann, U.). res publica Wissenschaftsverlag, Eberswalde, Germany (2023)
Book Chapter
Brielmann, A.: Top-down processes in art experience. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Neuroaesthetics, 25, pp. 461 - 474 (Eds. Skov, M.; Nadal, M.). Routledge, London, UK (2022)
Book Chapter
Bassetto, G.; Macke, J.: Electrophysiology Analysis, Bayesian. In: Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, pp. 1280 - 1284 (Eds. Jaeger, D.; Jung, R.). Springer, New York, NY, USA (2022)
Book Chapter
Bethge, M.: Efficient Population Coding. In: Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, pp. 1257 - 1264 (Eds. Jaeger, D.; Jung, R.). Springer, New York, NY, USA (2022)
Book Chapter
Bellucci, G.; Dreher, J.-C.: Trust and Learning. In: The Neurobiology of Trust, 8, pp. 185 - 220 (Ed. Krueger, F.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2022)
Book Chapter
Brändle, F.; Binz, M.; Schulz, E.: Exploration beyond bandits. In: The Drive for Knowledge: The Science of Human Information-Seeking, pp. 147 - 168 (Eds. Cogliati Dezza, I.; Wu, C.; Schulz, E.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2022)
Book Chapter
Cogliati Dezza, I.; Schulz, E.; Wu, C.: Future challenges. In: The drive for knowledge: The science of human information seeking, pp. 279 - 290 (Eds. Cogliati Dezza, I.; Schulz, E.; Wu, C.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2022)
Book Chapter
Brielmann, A.: Empirical Aesthetics. In: Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Eds. Fieser, J.; Dowden, B.) (2021)
Book Chapter
Rodríguez-Rodríguez, A.; Zaiss, M.; Esteban-Gómez, D.; Angelovski, G.; Platas-Iglesias, C.: Metal Ion Complexes in Paramagnetic Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (ParaCEST). In: Metal Ions in Bio-Imaging Techniques, 4, pp. 101 - 135 (Eds. Sigel, A.; Freisinger, E.; Sigel, R.). De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany (2021)
Book Chapter
Dayan, P.; Roiser, J.; Viding, E.: The first steps on long marches: The costs of active observation. In: Psychiatry Reborn: Biopsychosocial psychiatry in modern medicine, 14, pp. 213 - 228 (Eds. Davies, W.; Savulescu, J.; Roache, R.; Loebel, J.). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2020)
Book Chapter
Ehses, P.; Heule, R.: Multiproperty Mapping Methods. In: Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging, pp. 65 - 90 (Eds. Seiberlich, N.; Gulani, V.; Calamante, F.; Campbell-Washburn, A.; Doneva, M. et al.). Academic Press, London, UK (2020)
Book Chapter
Gouw, M.; Alvarado-Valverde, J.; Čalyševa, J.; Diella, F.; Kumar, M.; Michael, S.; Van Roey, K.; Dinkel, H.; Gibson, T.: How to Annotate and Submit a Short Linear Motif to the Eukaryotic Linear Motif Resource. In: Intrinsically Disordered Proteins: Methods and Protocols, pp. 73 - 102 (Eds. Kragelund, B.; Skriver, K.). Humana, New York, NY, USA (2020)
Book Chapter
Stednitz, S.; Washbourne, P.: The development of social behavior. In: The Behavior Genetics of Zebrafish, 6, pp. 93 - 105 (Ed. Gerlai, R.). Academic Press, London, UK (2020)
Book Chapter
Giapitzakis, I.; Henning, A.: MRS Sequences and Protocols. In: Clinical MR Spectroscopy (Eds. McNulty, J.; Mullins, P.). Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland (2019)
Book Chapter
de la Rosa, S.: Wie real sind virtuelle Realitäten? Über Chancen und potenzielle Risiken von virtuellen Realitäten. In: Gehirne unter Spannung: Kognition, Emotion und Identität im digitalen Zeitalter, pp. 99 - 126 (Eds. Gorr, C.; Bauer, M.). Springer, Berlin, Germany (2019)
Book Chapter
Flad, N.; Bülthoff, H.; Chuang, L.: When Does the Brain Respond to Information During Visual Scanning? In: Neuroergonomics: the brain at work and in everyday life, 68, pp. 267 - 268 (Eds. Ayaz, H.; Dehais, F.). Elsevier, Academic Press, London, UK (2019)
Book Chapter
Glatz, C.; Bülthoff, H.; Chuang, L.: Why Do Auditory Warnings During Steering Allow for Faster Visual Target Recognition? In: Neuroergonomics: The Brain at Work and in Everyday Life, 59, pp. 249 - 250 (Eds. Ajaz, H.; Dehais, F.). Elsevier, Academic Press, London, UK (2019)
Book Chapter
Scheer, M.; Bülthoff, H.; Chuang, L.: Attending to the Auditory Scene Improves Situational Awareness. In: Neuroergonomics: the brain at work and in everyday life, 60, pp. 251 - 252 (Eds. Ayaz, H.; Dehais, F.). Elsevier, Academic Press, London, UK (2019)
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