Journal Article (618)

Journal Article
Heikkila, A.; Echenko, O.; Uusi-Oukari M, Sinkkonen, S.; Korpi, E.: Morphine withdrawal increases expression of GABA(A) receptor epsilon subunit mRNA in locus coeruleus neurons. Neuroreport 12 (13), p. 2981 (2001)
Journal Article
Leopold, D.; O'Toole, A.; Vetter, T.; Blanz, V.: Prototype-referenced shape encoding revealed by high-level aftereffects. Nature Neuroscience 4 (1), pp. 89 - 94 (2001)
Journal Article
Holcombe, A.; Intriligator, J.; Tse, P.: The spoke brightness illusion originates at an early motion processing stage. Perception and Psychophysics 62 (8), pp. 1619 - 1624 (2000)
Journal Article
Hudspeth, A.; Logothetis, N.: Sensory Systems. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 10 (5), pp. 631 - 641 (2000)
Journal Article
Tse, P.: The sawtooth illusion. Perception 29 (7), pp. 874 - 876 (2000)
Journal Article
Logothetis, N.: Object recognition: Holistic representations in the monkey brain. Spatial Vision 13 (2-3), pp. 165 - 178 (2000)
Journal Article
Teufel, H.; Wehrhahn, C.: Evidence for the contribution of S cones to the detection of flicker brightness and red–green. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 17 (6), pp. 994 - 1006 (2000)
Journal Article
Logothetis, N.: Can current fMRI techniques reveal the micro-architecture of cortex? Nature Neuroscience 3 (5), p. 413 - 413 (2000)
Journal Article
Gauthier, I.; Logothetis, N.: Is face recognition not so unique, after all? Cognitive Neuropsychology 17 (1-3), pp. 125 - 142 (2000)
Journal Article
Li, W.; Thier, P.; Wehrhahn, C.: Contextual influence on orientation discrimination of humans and responses of neurons in V1 of alert monkeys. Journal of Neurophysiology 83 (2), pp. 941 - 954 (2000)
Journal Article
Sheinberg, D.; Logothetis, N.: Noticing Familiar Objects in Real World Scenes: The Role of Temporal Cortical Neurons in Natural Vision. The Journal of Neuroscience 21 (4), pp. 1340 - 1350 (2000)
Journal Article
Logothetis, N.: Das Sehen - ein Fenster zum Bewusstsein. Spektrum der Wissenschaft 2000 (1), pp. 36 - 43 (2000)
Journal Article
Logothetis, N.: Das Sehen: ein Fenster zum Bewußtsein. Spektrum der Wissenschaft 2000 (1), pp. 36 - 43 (2000)
Journal Article
Logothetis, N.: Vision: A window on consciousness. Scientific American 281 (5), pp. 68 - 75 (1999)
Journal Article
Holcombe, A.; Macknik , S.; Intriligator, J.; Seiffert, A.; Tse, P.: Wakes and spokes: New motion-induced brightness illusions. Perception 28 (10), pp. 1231 - 1242 (1999)
Journal Article
Tse, P.: Complete mergeability and amodal completion. Acta Psychologica 102 (2-3), pp. 165 - 201 (1999)
Journal Article
Leopold, D.; Logothetis, N.: Multistable phenomena: changing views in perception. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3 (7), pp. 254 - 264 (1999)
Journal Article
Logothetis, N.; Guggenberger, H.; Peled, S.; Pauls, J.: Functional imaging of the monkey brain. Nature Neuroscience 2 (6), pp. 555 - 562 (1999)
Journal Article
Westheimer, G.; Brincat, S.; Wehrhahn, C.: Contrast dependency of foveal spatial functions: orientation, vernier, separation, blur and displacement discrimination and the tilt and Poggendorff illusions. Vision Research 39 (9), pp. 1631 - 1639 (1999)
Journal Article
Leopold, D.; Logothetis, N.: Microsaccades differentially modulate neural activity in the striate and extrastriate visual cortex. Experimental Brain Research 123 (3), pp. 341 - 345 (1998)
Journal Article
Logothetis, N.: Single units and conscious vision. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 353 (1377), pp. 1801 - 1818 (1998)
Journal Article
Logothetis, N.: See and grasp. Nature 395 (6701), pp. 444 - 445 (1998)
Journal Article
Logothetis, N.: Object vision and visual awareness. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 8 (4), pp. 536 - 544 (1998)
Journal Article
Wehrhahn, C.: Detection facilitation by collinear stimuli in humans: Dependence on strength and sign of contrast. Vision Research 38 (3), pp. 423 - 428 (1998)

Book (10)

Watanabe, M.: From Biological to Artificial Consciousness: Neuroscientific Insights and Progress. Springer, Cham, Switzerland (2022), 172 pp.
Saleem, K.; Logothetis, N.: A Combined MRI and Histology Atlas of the Rhesus Monkey Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates. Elsevier, Academic Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2012), 389 pp.
Fischer, E.: Visual motion and self-motion processing in the human brain. Logos Verlag, Berlin, Germany (2011), 126 pp.
Hosp, I.; Schüz, A.; Braitenberg, Z. (Eds.): Tentakel des Geistes: Begegnungen mit Valentin Braitenberg. Raetia, Bolzano, Italy (2011), 324 pp.
Sigala, R.: Investigating the neural representation of face categories. Logos Verlag, Berlin, Germany (2011), 144 pp.
Hölscher, C.; Munk, M.: Information Processing by Neuronal Populations. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2008), 471 pp.
Saleem, K.; Logothetis, N.: A combined MRI and histology atlas of the rhesus monkey brain in stereotaxic coordinates. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Elsever Academic Press (2007), 326 pp.
Ghazanfar, A.: Primate Audition: Ethology and Neurobiology. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA (2003), 312 pp.
Schüz, A.; Miller, R. (Eds.): Cortical Areas: Unity and Diversity. Taylor & Francis, London, UK (2002), 520 pp.
Braitenberg, V.; Schüz, A.: Cortex: Statistics and Geometry of Neuronal Connectivity. (1998), 249 pp.

Book Chapter (63)

Book Chapter
Eschenko, O.: The Role of the Locus Coeruleus in Cellular and Systems Memory Consolidation. In: Handbook of in vivo neural plasticity techniques: a systems neuroscience approach to the neural basis of memory and cognition, 18, pp. 327 - 347 (Ed. Manahan-Vaughan, D.). Academic Press, London, UK (2018)
Book Chapter
Zaldivar, D.; Logothetis, N.; Rauch, A.; Goense, J.: Pharmaco-Based fMRI and Neurophysiology in Non-human Primates. In: In Vivo Neuropharmacology and Neurophysiology, pp. 37 - 66 (Ed. Philippu, A.). Springer, New York, NY, USA (2017)
Book Chapter
Totah, N.; Akil, H.; Huys, Q.; Krystal, J.; MacDonald, A.; Maia, T.; Malenka, R.; Pauli, W.: Complexity and Heterogeneity in Psychiatric Disorders: Opportunities for Computational Psychiatry. In: Computational Psychiatry: New Perspectives on Mental Illness, 3, pp. 33 - 59 (Eds. Redish, A.; Gordon, J.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2016)
Book Chapter
Marreiros, A.; Pinotsis, D.; Brown, P.; Friston, K.: DCM, Conductance Based Models and Clinical Applications. In: Validating Neuro-Computational Models of Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders, pp. 43 - 70 (Eds. Bhattacharya, B.S.; Chowdhury, F.N.). Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland (2015)
Book Chapter
Evrard, H.; (Bud) Craig, A.: Insular Cortex. In: Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference, Vol. 2: Anatomy and Physiology, Systems, pp. 387 - 393 (Ed. Toga, A.). Academic Press, London, UK (2015)
Book Chapter
Logothetis, N.; Panzeri, S.: Local Field Potential, Relationship to BOLD Signal. In: Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, pp. 1560 - 1568 (Eds. Jaeger , D.; Jung, R.). Springer, New York, NY, USA (2015)
Book Chapter
Papageorgiou, D.; Papanikolaou, A.; Smirnakis, S.: A Systematic Approach to Visual System Rehabilitation: Population Receptive Field Analysis and Real-time Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Neurofeedback Methods. In: Advanced Topics in Brain Neuroimaging: Methods and Applications in Health and Disease, pp. 359 - 390 (Eds. Papageorgiou, T.; Christopoulos, G.; Smirnakis, S.). InTech, Rijeka, Croatia (2014)
Book Chapter
Logothetis, N.; Panzeri, S.: Local Field Potential, Relationship to BOLD Signal. In: Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, pp. 1 - 11 (Ed. Jaeger R. Jung, D.). Springer, New York, NY, USA (2014)
Book Chapter
Ince, R.: Open-Source Software for Studying Neural Codes. In: Principles of Neural Coding, pp. 597 - 606 (Eds. Quian Quiroga, R.; Panzeri, S.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA (2013)
Book Chapter
Mazzoni, A.; Logothetis, N.; Panzeri, S.: Information Content of Local Field Potentials. In: Principles of neural coding, pp. 411 - 430 (Eds. Quian Quiroga, R.; Panzeri, S.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA (2013)
Book Chapter
Mazzoni, A.; Logothetis, N.; Panzeri, S.: Information Content of Local Field Potentials: Experiments and Models. In: Principles of neural coding, 21, pp. 411 - 430 (Eds. Quian Quiroga, R.; Panzeri, S.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA (2013)
Book Chapter
Whittingstall, K.; Logothetis, N.: Physiological Foundations of Neural Signals. In: Principles of Neural Coding, pp. 3 - 14 (Eds. Quian Quiroga, R.; Panzeri, S.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA (2013)
Book Chapter
Bartels, A.; Goense, J.; Logothetis, N.: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. In: Handbook for Neural Activity Measurement, 11, pp. 410 - 469 (Eds. Brette, R.; Destexhe, A.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2012)
Book Chapter
Kayser, C.; Lakatos, P.; Meredith, M.: Cellular Physiology of Cortical Multisensory Processing. In: The New Handbook of Multisensory Processing, pp. 115 - 134 (Ed. Stein, B.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2012)
Book Chapter
Lakatos, P.; Kayser, C.; Schroeder, C.: Multisensory Processing of Unisensory Information in Primary Cortical Areas. In: The New Handbook of Multisensory Processing, pp. 135 - 152 (Ed. Stein, B.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2012)
Book Chapter
Sitaram, R.; Lee, S.; Birbaumer, N.: BCIs That Use Brain Metabolic Signals. In: Brain–Computer Interfaces: Principles and Practice, 018, pp. 301 - 314 (Eds. Wolpaw , J.; Winter Wolpaw , E.). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2012)
Book Chapter
Mishra, A.; Mishra, R.; Canals, S.; Logothetis, N.; Beyerlein, M.; Engelmann, J.; Schüz, A.; Dhingra, K.: Biocytin-based contrast agents for molecular imaging: an approach to developing new in vivo neuroanatomical tracers for MRI. In: Neuroimaging - Methods, Vol. 1, 9, pp. 181 - 204 (Ed. Bright, P.). InTech, Rijeka, Croatia (2012)
Book Chapter
Berens, P.; Logothetis, N.; Tolias, A.: Local Field Potentials, BOLD, and Spiking Activity: Relationsships and Physiological Mechanisms. In: Visual population codes: toward a common multivariate framework for cell recording and functional imaging, 22, pp. 599 - 624 (Eds. Kriegeskorte, N.; Kreiman, G.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2012)
Book Chapter
Kayser, C.; Petkov, C.; Remedios, R.; Logothetis, N.: Multisensory Influences on Auditory Processing: Perspectives from fMRI and Electrophysiology. In: The neural bases of multisensory processes, 6, pp. 99 - 114 (Eds. Murray, M.; Wallace, M.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA (2012)
Book Chapter
Schüz, A.: Die Macht der Fasern: Hirnforschung von und mit Valentin Braitenberg. In: Tentakel des Geistes: Begegnungen mit Valentin Braitenberg, pp. 90 - 101 (Eds. Hosp, I.; Schüz, A.; Braitenberg, Z.). Raetia, Bolzano, Italy (2011)
Book Chapter
Goense, J.; Logothetis, N.: Physiological basis of the BOLD signal. In: Simultaneous EEG and fMRI: recording, analysis, and application, 2, pp. 21 - 46 (Eds. Ullsperger, M.; Debene, S.). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2010)
Book Chapter
Kayser, C.; Petkov, C.; Logothetis, N.: Imaging Cross-Modal Influences in Auditory Cortex. In: Multisensory Object Perception in the Primate Brain, Vol. 2, pp. 123 - 137 (Eds. Kaiser, J.; Naumer, M.). Springer, New York, NY, USA (2010)
Book Chapter
Bartels, A.: Die Liebe im Kopf: Über Partnerwahl, Bindung und Blindheit. In: Hirnforschung für Neu(ro)gierige: Braintertainment 2.0, pp. 76 - 106 (Ed. Spitzer, M.). Schattauer, Stuttgart, Germany (2010)
Book Chapter
Kayser, C.; Logothetis, N.: The Electrophysiological Background of the fMRI Signal. In: fMRI:Basics and Clinical Applications, pp. 23 - 33 (Eds. Ulmer, S.; Jansen, O.). Springer, Berlin, Germany (2010)
Book Chapter
Logothetis, N.: Perception and the Brain. In: Towards a theory of thinking: building blocks for a conceptual framework, pp. 161 - 175 (Eds. Glatzeder, G.; Goel, V.; Müller, A.). Springer, Berlin, Germany (2010)
Book Chapter
Petkov, C.; Kayser, C.; Logothetis, N.: Cortical processing of vocal sounds in primates. In: Handbook of mammalian vocalization: an integrative neuroscience approach, 4.4, pp. 135 - 147 (Ed. Brudzynski, S.). Academic Press, London, UK (2010)
Book Chapter
Schüz, A.; Sultan, F.: Brain Connectivity and Brain Size. In: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Vol. 2, pp. 317 - 326 (Eds. Squire, L.; Albright, T.; Bloom, F.; Gage, F.; Spitzer, N.). Academic Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2009)
Book Chapter
Hoffman, K.: A face in the crowd: which groups of neurons process face stimuli, and how do they interact? In: Information Processing by Neuronal Populations, 13, pp. 326 - 349 (Eds. Hölscher, C.; Munk, M.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2008)
Book Chapter
Hölscher, C.; Munk, M.: Summary of chapters, conclusion, and future targets. In: Information processing by neuronal populations, 18, pp. 433 - 469 (Eds. Hölscher, C.; Munk, M.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2008)
Book Chapter
Munk, M.: Distributed population codes in sensory and memory representations of the neocortex. In: Information processing by neuronal populations, 9, pp. 192 - 223 (Eds. Hölscher, C.; Munk, M.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2008)
Book Chapter
Nielsen, K.; Rainer, G.: Using spikes and local field potentials to reveal computational networks in monkey cortex. In: Information processing by neuronal populations, 14, pp. 350 - 362 (Eds. Hölscher, C.; Munk, M.). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2008)
Book Chapter
Petkov, C.; Kayser, C.; Logothetis, N.: Lost without a map: Pursuing primate homologies with functional imaging. In: Research topics on brain mapping, VIII, pp. 175 - 194 (Ed. Liáng, Y.). Nova Science Publ., New York, NY, USA (2008)
Book Chapter
Hoffman, K.; Gauthier, I.: Evolutionary Specializations for Processing Faces and Objects. In: Evolution of Nervous Systems, Vol. 4, pp. 437 - 445 (Ed. Kaas, J.). Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2007)
Book Chapter
Braitenberg, V.; Schüz, A.: Allgemeine Neuroanatomie. In: Neuro- und Sinnesphysiologie, pp. 2 - 13 (Eds. Schmidt, F.; Schaible, H.-G.). Springer, Berlin, Germany (2006)
Book Chapter
Jouvent, R.; Zeki, S.; Bartels, A.: L'origine des sentiments. In: Les Emotions, pp. 63 - 80 (Eds. Jouvent, R.; Lyon-Caen, O.). Editions Pil, Paris, France (2006)
Book Chapter
Logothetis, N.: Neuronale Implementierung der Objekt- und Gesichtserkennung. In: Neuropsychologie, 2. Ed., pp. 117 - 127 (Eds. Karnath, H.-O.; Thier, P.). Springer, Berlin, Germany (2006)
Book Chapter
Grinvald, A.; Omer, D.; Sharon, D.; Vanzetta, I.; Hildesheim, R.: Voltage-sensitive dyes imaging of neocortical activity. In: Imaging in neuroscience and development: a laboratory manual, pp. 673 - 688 (Ed. Yuste, R.). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA (2005)
Book Chapter
Kourtzi, Z.: fMRI Adaptation: A Technique for Studying Visual Representations in the Primate Brain. In: Fitting the mind to the world: adaptation and after-effects in high-level vision, pp. 173 - 187. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2005)
Book Chapter
Leopold, D.; Bondar, I.: Adaptation to complex visual patterns in humans and monkeys. In: Fitting the mind to the world: adaptation and after-effects in high-level vision, 8, pp. 189 - 212 (Eds. Clifford, C.; Rhodes, G.). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2005)
Book Chapter
Bartels, A.: The chronoarchitecture of the human brain: functional anatomy based on natural brain dynamics and on the principle of functional independence. In: Human Brain Function, 13, 2. Ed., pp. 201 - 229 (Eds. Frackowiak, R.; Friston, K.; Frith, C.; Dolan, R.). Elsevier Academic Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2004)
Book Chapter
Ghazanfar, A.: Acoustic communication. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, pp. 334 - 343 (Ed. Bekoff, M.). Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, USA (2004)
Book Chapter
Leopold, D.; Wilke, M.; Maier, A.; Logothetis, N.: Binocular rivalry and the illusion of monocular vision. In: Binocular Rivalry, 13, pp. 231 - 259 (Eds. Alais, D.; Blake, R.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2004)
Book Chapter
Logothetis, N.: Functional MRI in Monkeys: A Bridge between Human and Animal Brain Research. In: The Cognitive Neurosciences, 3. Ed., pp. 957 - 970 (Ed. Gazzaniga, M.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2004)
Book Chapter
Logothetis, N.: Higher Cognitive Functions: Introduction. In: The Cognitive Neurosciences, Vol. 3., pp. 849 - 852 (Ed. Gazzaniga, M.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2004)
Book Chapter
Smirnakis, S.; Tolias, A.; Logothetis, N.: Motion Perception. In: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 3. Ed., pp. 100 - 115 (Eds. Adelman, G.; Smith, B.). Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2004)
Book Chapter
Rainer, G.; Logothetis, N.: Vision, Behavior and the Single Neuron. In: The neuropsychology of vision, pp. 3 - 22. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2003)
Book Chapter
Logothetis, N.: Neuronale Implementierung der Objekt- und Gesichtserkennung. In: Neuropsychologie, pp. 107 - 118 (Eds. Karnath, H.-O.; Thier, P.). Springer, Berlin, Germany (2003)
Book Chapter
Logothetis, N.; Leopold, D.; Sheinberg, D.: Neural mechanisms of perceptual organization. In: Neural Basis of Consciousness, 6, pp. 87 - 103 (Ed. Osaka, N.). Benjamins, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2003)
Book Chapter
Rainer, G.; Logothetis, N.: Vision, behaviour, and the single neuron. In: Neuropsychology of vision, 1, pp. 3 - 22 (Eds. Fahle, M.; Greenlee, M.). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2003)
Book Chapter
Schüz, A.: Neuroanatomy in a Computational Perspective. In: The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, 2. Ed., pp. 733 - 736 (Ed. Arbib, M.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2003)
Book Chapter
Tolias, A.; Kourtzi, Z.; Logothetis, N.: Functional magnetic resonance imaging adaptation: a technique for studying the properties of neuronal networks. In: Exploratory analysis and data modeling in functional neuroimaging, pp. 109 - 125 (Eds. Sommer, F.; Wichert, A.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2002)
Book Chapter
Ghazanfar, A.; Santos, L.: Primates as auditory specialists. In: Primate Audition: Ethology and Neurobiology, pp. 1 - 12 (Ed. Ghazanfar, A.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA (2002)
Book Chapter
Miller, R.; Schüz, A.: Discussion Section. In: Cortical areas: unity and diversity, pp. 459 - 495 (Eds. Schüz, A.; Miller, R.). Taylor & Francis, London, UK (2002)
Book Chapter
Schüz, A.: Homogeneity and Heterogeneity of Cortical Structure: A Theme and its Variations. In: Cortical areas: unity and diversity, pp. 1 - 11 (Eds. Schüz, A.; Miller, R.). Taylor & Francis, London, UK (2002)
Book Chapter
Schüz, A.; Braitenberg, V.: The Human Cortical White Matter: Quantitative Aspects of Cortico-Cortical Long-Range Connectivity. In: Cortical areas: unity and diversity, pp. 377 - 385. Taylor & Francis, London, UK (2002)
Book Chapter
Miller, C.; Ghazanfar, A.: Meaningful acoustic units in nonhuman primate vocal behavior. In: The cognitive animal: empirical and theoretical perspectives on animal cognition, pp. 265 - 273 (Eds. Bekoff, M.; Allen, C.; Burghardt, G.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2002)
Book Chapter
Sheinberg, D.; Logothetis, N.: Perceptual Learning and the Development of Complex Visual Representation in Temporal Cortical Neurons. In: Perceptual learning, pp. 95 - 124 (Eds. Fahle, M.; Poggio, T.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2002)
Book Chapter
Hoffmann, K.-P.; Wehrhahn, C.: Zentrale Sehsysteme. In: Neurowissenschaft: vom Molekül zur Kognition, pp. 407 - 428 (Eds. Dudel, J.; Menzel, R.; Schmidt, R.). Springer, Berlin, Germany (2001)
Book Chapter
Schüz, A.: What can the cerebral cortex do better than other parts of the brain? In: Brain evolution and cognition, pp. 491 - 500 (Eds. Roth, G.; Wullimann, M.). Wiley, New York, NY, USA (2001)
Book Chapter
Schüz, A.; Braitenberg, V.: Cerebral cortex: Organization and Function. In: International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 3, pp. 1634 - 1640 (Eds. Smelser, N.; Baltes, P.). Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2001)
Book Chapter
Wehrhahn, C.: Evidence for perceptual learning in vision. In: Prerational Intelligence: Adaptive Behavior and Intelligent Systems Without Symbols and Logic, Vol. 2, pp. 1140 - 1150 (Eds. Ritter, H.; Cruse, H.; Dean, J.). Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands (2000)
Book Chapter
Wehrhahn, C.: Retinal coding for vernier acuity and motion. In: Prerational Intelligence: Adaptive Behavior and Intelligent Systems Without Symbols and Logic, Vol. 1, pp. 151 - 162 (Eds. Cruse, H.; Dean, J.; Ritter, H.). Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands (2000)
Book Chapter
Bonnet, C.; Wehrhahn, C.: What has the psychology of human perception learned from animal studies? In: Animal models of human emotion and cognition, pp. 143 - 156 (Eds. Haug, M.; Whalen, R.). American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, USA (1999)

Conference Paper (46)

Conference Paper
Besserve, M.; Shajarisales, N.; Janzing, D.; Schölkopf, B.: Cause-effect inference through spectral independence in linear dynamical systems: theoretical foundations. In: Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR), Vol. 177, pp. 110 - 143. 1st Conference on Causal Learning and Reasoning (CLeaR 2022), Eureka, CA, USA, April 11, 2022 - April 13, 2022. Curran, Red Hook, NY, USA (2022)
Conference Paper
Besserve, M.; Sun, R.; Janzing, D.; Schölkopf, B.: A theory of independent mechanisms for extrapolation in generative models. In: Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 35, pp. 6741 - 6749. 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence: A Virtual Conference, February 02, 2021 - February 09, 2021. (2021)
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