Dr. Tristan Baumann

Research Scientist
Department Body-Brain-Cybernetics
Department Computational Neuroscience
+49 7071 601 920
+49 7071 601 616

Main Focus

I am interested in spatial cognition or how space is represented in the brain. To that end, I have worked on various theoretical models of animal and human navigation, as well as the brain regions involved. I am currently working with rodent electrophysiology to probe the involvement of various brain regions in the storage and recall of complex routes.

Curriculum Vitae


2019-2023 PhD Cognitive Science | University of Tübingen

2016-2019 MSc Cognitive Science | University of Tübingen

2013-2016 BSc Cognitive Science | University of Tübingen

2012-2013 Communications Design | IN.D Institute of Design, Berlin

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