Maria-Aradia Wilms (she/her)

Lab Rotation
Research Group (Lorenz)
+49 7071 601 702

Main Focus

My research interests lie at the intersection of network neuroscience and the intricate dynamics of brain function. I am particularly fascinated by how neural networks operate across multiple spatial and temporal scales. This entails exploring how local neural circuits interact with larger brain systems and how these interactions evolve over time.

Currently, my project at the MPI for Biological Cybernetics leverages advanced laminar fMRI techniques at 7T to probe brain networks at an individual level. By examining the distinct layers of the cortex, this approach allows us to capture connectivity patterns that are often obscured in lower resolution imaging studies at group levels. Through this work, I aim to help in a first step towards discovering how the frontoparietal control network operates across different layers of the brain, contributing to a deeper understanding of its function and variability among individuals.

Curriculum Vitae

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