Daan Pool

Alumni of the Department Human Perception, Cognition and Action
Alumni of the Group Motion Perception and Simulation

Main Focus

I am a research scientist at the Human Perception, Cognition, and Action group of the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen. I mainly work on the Research project.

Wahrnehmungsbasierte Bewegungssimulation (WABS)

The WABS project aims at establishing a new approach to motion simulation. Our focus is on reproducing the perception of motion, rather than the physical motion. This allows to make better use of the simulators' operational space to increase the impression of realism.

Current generation motion drive algorithms (MDAs) focus on the fidelity of physical motion rendering, within the limited physical operating space of the simulators. However, in many cases the generated motion can result in unrealistic sensation and in extreme cases can lead to motion sickness. Current motion simulators have attained very high motion fidelity, but still, this does not always result in a highly realistic motion sensation: sometimes it does not "feel right"!

One of the main activities of our group is to develop an alternative, human-centered, approach to motion cueing. This approach aims to bring the impression of generated motion as close as possible to reality by implementing psychophysical laws of perception into the control framework of the simulators. The goal is to design generic motion drive algorithms which can be applied to different simulator types and vehicle models. The motion drive algorithms will be experimentally compared to the traditional algorithms in driving and flying scenarios.

Curriculum Vitae

Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (May 2007–February 2012)
PhD Student

  • Dissertation title: “Objective Evaluation of Flight Simulator Motion Cueing Fidelity Through a Cybernetic Approach”
  • Promotor: Prof. dr. ir. M. Mulder
  • Defense date: September 24, 2012
  • Educational work:
    ? Supervised 12 MSc. students during their final MSc. thesis projects (11 at TU Delft, 1 at Erasmus University Rotterdam).
    ? Supervised TU Delft Aerospace Engineering BSc. and MSc. practicals: Instrumentation & Signals (AE2-105), Aerospace Systems & Control Theory (AE3-359), Flight Simulation (AE4-361), Aerospace Human-Machine Systems (AE4-360P), and Atmospheric Flight Dynamics (AE4-304).
    ? Gave the lecture “The Vestibular System”, part of the MSc. course Aerospace Human-Machine Systems (AE4-360) in the 2010-2011 academic year.
  • Courses followed:
    ? Dutch Institute of Systems and Control (DISC): Stability and Control of Time-Delay Systems, November 2007–January 2008.
    ? TU Delft: PROM-4, Scientific Writing in English, September–December 2008.
    ? TU Delft: PROM-3, Writing a Dissertation, November 2009–January 2010.

Elektronik System GmbH (ESG),Munich, Germany (September–December 2005)
Intern at Helicopter Systems and Simulation Group

  • Implemented X-Plane flight model in ESG’s fixed-base CH-53 helicopter simulator.

Delft University of Technology Delft, The Netherlands - Aerospace Engineering
September 2001–April 2007

  • Obtained MSc. degree Cum Laude.
  • MSc. track: Control & Simulation
  • Title MSc. thesis: “Pilot Control in Compensatory Roll Axis Tracking Tasks”
  • Completed the Delft University of Technology “Honours Track” program (additional 30 ECTS curriculum for promising students) during the academic year 2006-2007.

Atlas College, Openbare Scholengemeenschap (OSG)West-Friesland Hoorn, The Netherlands - Gymnasium
September 1995–July 2001

  • Graduated Summa Cum Laude.
  • Performed final exams for the following courses: Dutch, English, ancient Greek, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and History.
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