Christian Henssler
Alumni Group Virtual Reality
Alumni of the Department Human Perception, Cognition and Action
Alumni of the Research Group Body and Space perception
Alumni of the Department Human Perception, Cognition and Action
Alumni of the Research Group Body and Space perception
Main Focus
Research Group: Space and Body Perception.
Supervisior: Dr. Betty Mohler.
Research Topic: Automated Fullbody Rigging
My main task is to find a way to autorig a wide variety of different sized and shaped bodys. Additionally I started working on my Masterthesis.
Scientific Deepening: Workflow for effecient Rigging
Master-Thesis: The impact of selfavatars on player behaviour
Curriculum Vitae
Current Position:
- Internship at the MPI starting 09. of October 2014
- Bc.S. in Computer Science with Media at Reutlingen University