Publications of NI Avdievich

Journal Article (92)

Journal Article
Avdievich, N.; Forbes, M.: Strong Modulation of the Exchange Interaction in a Spin-Polarized, Aryl Ether-Linked 1,14-Biradical. The Journal of Physical Chemistry 100 (6), pp. 1993 - 1995 (1996)
Journal Article
Jeevarajan, A.; Kispert, L.; Avdievich, N.; Forbes, M.: Role of Excited Singlet State in the Photooxidation of Carotenoids:  A Time-Resolved Q-Band EPR Study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry 100 (2), pp. 669 - 671 (1996)
Journal Article
Avdievich, N.; Forbes, M.: Dynamic Effects in Spin-Correlated Radical Pair Theory: J Modulation and a New Look at the Phenomenon of Alternating Line Widths in the EPR Spectra of Flexible Biradicals. The Journal of Physical Chemistry 99 (24), pp. 9660 - 9667 (1995)
Journal Article
Tarasov, V.; Bagranskaya , E.; Shkrob, I.; Avdievich, N.; Ghatlia, N.; Lukzen, N.; Turro, N.; Sagdeev, R.: Examination of the Exchange Interaction through Micellar Size 3: Stimulated Nuclear Polarization and Time Resolved Electron Spin Resonance Spectra from the Photolysis of Methyldeoxybenzoin in Alkyl Sulfate Micelles of Different Sizes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 117 (1), pp. 110 - 118 (1995)
Journal Article
Tarasov, V.; Ghatlia, N.; Avdievich, N.; Shkrob, I.; Buchachenko, A.; Turro, N.: Examination of the Exchange Interaction through Micelle Size. 2. Isotope Separation Efficiency as an Experimental Probe. Journal of the American Chemical Society 116 (6), pp. 2281 - 2291 (1994)
Journal Article
Polyakov, N.; Taraban, M.; Kruppa, A.; Avdievich, N.; Mokrushin, V.; Schastnev, P.; Leshina, T.; Lüsis, V.; Muceniece, T.; Duburs , G.: The mechanisms of oxidation of NADH analogues 3. Stimulated nuclear polarization (SNP) and chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (CIDNP) in low magnetic fields in photo-oxidation reactions of 1,4-dihydropyridines with quinones. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 74 (1), pp. 75 - 79 (1993)
Journal Article
Avdievich, N.; Bagryanskaya, E.; Tarasov, V.; Sagdeev, R.: Investigation of Micellized Radical Pairs in the Photolysis of Ketones by Time-Resolved Stimulated Nuclear Polarization. Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie 182 (1-2), pp. 107 - 117 (1993)
Journal Article
Tarasov, V.; Ghatlia , N.; Avdievich, N.; Turro, N.: Exchange Interaction in Micellized Radical Pairs. Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie 182 (1-2), pp. 227 - 244 (1993)
Journal Article
Bagryanskaya, E.; Tarasov, V.; Avdievich, N.; Shkrob, I.: Electron spin exchange in micellized radical pairs III: 13C low-field ratio frequency stimulated nuclear polarization spectroscopy (LF SNP). Chemical Physics 162 (1), pp. 213 - 223 (1992)
Journal Article
Bagryanskaya, E.; Avdievich, N.; Grishin, Y.; Sagdeev, R.: The study of microwave-induced nuclear polarization in the sensitized trans-cis isomerization of fumaronitrile. Chemical Physics 135 (1), pp. 123 - 129 (1989)
Journal Article
Avdievich, N.; Bagryanskaya, E.; Grishin, Y.; Sagdeev, R.: Time-resolved stimulated nuclear polarization. Chemical Physics Letters 155 (2), pp. 141 - 145 (1989)
Journal Article
Bagryanskaya, E.; Grishin, Y.; Avdievich, N.; Sagdeev, R.; Molin, Y.: Studies of various mechanisms of nuclear polarisation due to a resonant high-frequency field in radical reactions. Chemical Physics Letters 128 (2), pp. 162 - 167 (1986)

Book Chapter (2)

Book Chapter
Avdievich, N.: Quadrature Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) Surface Coils. In: eMagRes, Vol. 2011, pp. 51 - 61 (Eds. Vaughan, J.; Griffiths, J.). Wiley, Chichester, UK (2011)
Book Chapter
Avdievich, N.: Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) Surface Coils for Extremities. In: eMagRes, Vol. 2011, pp. 185 - 195 (Eds. Vaughan, J.; Griffiths, J.). Wiley, Chichester, UK (2011)

Conference Paper (4)

Conference Paper
Glang, F.; Nikulin, A.; Bause, J.; Heule, R.; Steffen, T.; Avdievich, N.; Scheffler, K.: Accelerated MRI at 9.4 T with electronically modulated time-varying receive sensitivities. In: 24. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der ISMRM (DS-ISMRM 2022), V023, pp. 23 - 29. 24. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der ISMRM (DS-ISMRM 2022), Aachen, Germany, September 21, 2022 - September 24, 2022. (2022)
Conference Paper
Solomakha, G.; Glybovski, S.; Melchakova, I.; Henning, A.; Scheffler, K.; Avdievich, N.: Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of Short Folded Recieve-Only Dipoles for 9.4T Human Head Arrays. In: 2019 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), pp. 0489 - 0491. Twenty-first International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA 2019), Ninth IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (APWC 2019) , Granada, Spain, September 09, 2019 - September 13, 2019. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA (2019)
Conference Paper
Chang, Y.-C.; Avdievich, N.; Henning, A.: System Identification and Signal Processing for PID Control of B0 Shim Systems in Ultra-High Field Magnetic Resonance Applications. 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC 2014), Cape Town, South Africa. IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), pp. 7517 - 7522 (2014)
Conference Paper
Kozlov, M.; Turner, R.; Avdievich, N.: Investigation of decoupling between MRI array elements. In: 43rd European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2013), pp. 1223 - 1226. 43rd European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2013), Nürnberg, Germany. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA (2013)

Meeting Abstract (50)

Meeting Abstract
Haigis, T.; Solomakha, G.; Avdievich, N.; Scheffler, K.; Bosch, D.: Quantitative Comparison of pTx Coils at 9.4T. In 26th Annual Meeting of the German-speaking section of ISMRM: DACH-ISMRM 2024, 205, pp. 59 - 60. DACH-ISMRM Annual Meeting 2024, Tübingen, Germany, September 04, 2024 - September 05, 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Bause, J.; Valsala, P.; Bosch, D.; Ehses, P.; Avdievich, N.; Scheffler, K.: Design and application of a 16-channel field-probe insert for a 16Tx/32 Rx coil at 9.4 Tesla. In ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition 2024, 4084. ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition 2024, Singapore, May 04, 2024 - May 09, 2024. (2024)
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