Publications of PR Grassi
All genres
Journal Article (9)
Journal Article
11 (6) (2024)
The causal involvement of the visual cortex in visual working memory remains uncertain. Royal Society Open Science 2.
Journal Article
2024 (1), niae009 (2024)
Parietal theta burst TMS does not modulate bistable perception. Neuroscience of Consciousness 3.
Journal Article
How can we be moved by magic? The British Journal of Aesthetics, ayad026 (2023)
Journal Article
126, pp. 515 - 527 (2021)
Magic, Bayes and wows: a Bayesian account of magic tricks. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 5.
Journal Article
220, 117078 (2020)
Eye-selective fMRI activity in human primary visual cortex: Comparison between 3 T and 9.4 T, and effects across cortical depth. NeuroImage 6.
Journal Article
38 (32), pp. 7158 - 7169 (2018)
A generic mechanism for perceptual organization in the parietal cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience 7.
Journal Article
146, pp. 71 - 80 (2017)
Scene segmentation in early visual cortex during suppression of ventral stream regions. NeuroImage 8.
Journal Article
36 (41), pp. 10508 - 10509 (2016)
The Role of the Occipital Cortex in Resolving Perceptual Ambiguity. Journal of Neuroscience 9.
Journal Article
133, pp. 367 - 377 (2016)
Parietal cortex mediates perceptual Gestalt grouping independent of stimulus size. NeuroImage Meeting Abstract (6)
Meeting Abstract
Naturalistic violation of expectations reveal hierarchical surprise responses in the human brain. In CIN-NIPS-Asia Pacific Systems Neuroscience Symposium 2023. CIN-NIPS-Asia Pacific Systems Neuroscience Symposium 2023, Tübingen, Germany, March 10, 2023 - March 11, 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
The experience of magic in a predictive mind. In Science of Magic Association Meeting (SoMA 2022), p. 17. Science of Magic Association Meeting (SoMA 2022), London, UK, July 21, 2022 - July 22, 2022. (2022)
Meeting Abstract
Turning magic into research. In NeNa Conference 2021: Neurowissenschaftliche Nachwuchskonferenz (Conference of Junior Neuroscientists), T15, p. 16. 22nd Conference of Junior Neuroscientists (NeNa 2021), Tübingen, Germany, October 07, 2021. (2021)
Meeting Abstract
48 (Supplement 2), p. 83. 42nd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2019) , Leuven, Belgium, August 25, 2019 - August 29, 2019. Pion Ltd., London (2019)
fMRI investigation of the central-peripheral difference along the human cortical visual pathway for depth perception of correlated and anti-correlated random-dot stereograms. In Perception, 14.
Meeting Abstract
Differential modulation of foreground and background in early visual cortex by feedback during bistable Gestalt perception. In Neurizons 2016: Speak your mind, 17, pp. 76 - 77. 7th Biennial Neuroscience Conference Neurizons 2016, Göttingen, Germany, May 31, 2016 - June 03, 2016. (2016)
Meeting Abstract
Neural bases of bistable perception in the human brain. In TeaP 2016: Abstracts of the 58th Conference of Experimental Psychologists, p. 383 - 383 (Eds. Funke, J.; Rommel, J.; Voss, A.). 58th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP 2016), Heidelberg, Germany, March 21, 2016 - March 23, 2016. Pabst, Lengerich, Germany (2016)
Talk (1)
Scene Segmentation in the Parietal and Early Visual Cortex. 8th Joint CIN-NIPS Symposium, Tübingen, Germany (2018)
Poster (12)
Visual cortex TMS causally affects working memory in a topographic and task-specific manner. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2024), San Diego, CA, USA (2024)
Magic in the brain: Neural codes for prior knowledge, surprise, and perception. Science of Magic Association Meeting (SoMA 2022), London, UK (2022)
Neural representation of illusory reversed depth in anti-correlated random-dot stereograms across visual cortical areas in central and peripheral visual fields: An fMRI study. Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS 2020), St. Pete Beach, FL, USA (2020)
Revealing the effects of magic on our brain. 9th Biennial Neuroscience Conference Neurizons 2020, Göttingen, Germany (2020)