Publications of M Zaiss

Meeting Abstract (69)

Meeting Abstract
Mueller, S.; Pohmann, R.; Scheffler, K.; Zaiss, M.: CEST effect of agar: It’s not a neutral baseline for realistic CEST-MRI parameter optimization. In Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 32 (Supplement 1), S10.04, pp. S125 - S126. 36th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB 2019), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, October 03, 2019 - October 05, 2019. No longer published by Elsevier, Amsterdam (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Herz, K.; Lindig, T.; Deshmane, A.; Bender, B.; Golay, X.; Ernemann, U.; Scheffler, K.; Zaiss, M.: GLINT: GlucoCEST in neoplastic tumors at 3 T – preliminary application in glioma patients using optimized preparation, imaging, and post-processing. In ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 0857. 27th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2019), Montréal, QC, Canada, May 11, 2019 - May 16, 2019. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Lindig, T.; Zaiss, M.; Herz, K.; Deshmane, A.; Bender, B.; Golay, X.; Scheffler, K.: GLINT: GlucoCEST in neoplastic tumours at 3T - first-in-man studies of GlucoCEST in glioma patients. In Insights into Imaging, 10 (Supplement 1), B-0095, p. S206. 25th European Congress of Radiology (ECR 2019): The Bigger Picture, Wien, Austria, February 27, 2019 - March 04, 2019. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Breitling, J.; Goerke, S.; Zaiss, M.; Soehngen, Y.; Deshmane, A.; Herz, K.; Boyd, P.; Ladd, M.; Bachert, P.: Optimized dualCEST-MRI for imaging of endogenous bulk mobile proteins in the human brain. In 7th International Workshop on Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST 2018), p. 12. 7th International Workshop on Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST 2018) , Beijing, China, November 12, 2018 - November 15, 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Khlebnikov, V.; Bhogal, A.; Schuppert, M.; Zaiss, M.; Lindig, T.; Bender, B.; Ernemann, U.; Scheffler, K.; Luijten, P.; Hoogduin, H. et al.; Klomp, D.; Prompers, J.: Multicolor metabolic quantitative CEST (mmqCEST): high resolution imaging of brain metabolites. In 7th International Workshop on Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST 2018), p. 19. 7th International Workshop on Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST 2018) , Beijing, China, November 12, 2018 - November 15, 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Meissner, J.-E.; Breitling, J.; Zimmerman, F.; Goerke, S.; Korzowski, A.; Zaiss, M.; Ladd, M.; Bachert, P.: FullHD CEST imaging in the human brain at 7T. In 7th International Workshop on Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST 2018), p. 14. 7th International Workshop on Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST 2018) , Beijing, China, November 12, 2018 - November 15, 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Zaiss, M.: Clinical CEST MRI studies at ultra-high B0 field (7T and 9.4T). In 7th International Workshop on Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST 2018), p. 69. 7th International Workshop on Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST 2018), Beijing, China, November 12, 2018 - November 15, 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Zaiss, M.; Herz, K.; Deshmane, A.; Kim, M.; Golay, X.; Lindig, T.; Bender, B.; Ernemann, U.; Scheffler, K.: Artifacts in dynamic CEST MRI due to motion and field shifts. In 7th International Workshop on Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST 2018), p. 54. 7th International Workshop on Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST 2018), Beijing, China, November 12, 2018 - November 15, 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Zimmermann, F.; Korzowski, A.; Schuenke, P.; Breitling, J.; Zaiss, M.; Paech, D.; Ladd, M.; Bachert, P.; Goerke, S.: Fat corrected APT-CEST in the human breast. In 7th International Workshop on Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST 2018), p. 73. 7th International Workshop on Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST 2018) , Beijing, China, November 12, 2018 - November 15, 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Deshmane, A.; Herz, K.; Schuppert, M.; Lindig, T.; Gandhi, C.; Reimold, M.; Tabatabai, G.; Scheffler, K.; Ernemann, U.; Zaiss, M. et al.; Bender, B.: Selective Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer effects in brain tumors compared to PET contrast at 3T. In Clinical Neuroradiology, 28 (Supplement 1), 285, p. S55. 53. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neuroradiologie e.V. (DGNR 2018), Frankfurt a.M., Germany, October 03, 2018 - October 06, 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Krikken, E.; Khlebnikov, V.; Zaiss, M.; Jibodh, R.; van Diest, P.; Luijten, P.; Klomp, D.; van Laarhoven, H.; Wijnen, J.: Amide chemical exchange saturation transfer at 7T: A possible biomarker for detecting early response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients. In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, 0808. Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, Paris, France. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Rega, M.; Torrealdea, F.; Hearle, J.; Zaiss, M.; Carvalho, A.; Asaf, A.; Punwani, S.; Golay, X.; Dickson, J.; Shankar, A. et al.; Hyare, H.: Correlation between APT-CEST and 18F-Choline PET in glioma at 3T. In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, 1258. Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, Paris, France. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Zaiss, M.; Deshmane, A.; Herz, K.; Braun, M.; Bender, B.; Lindig, T.; Scheffler, K.: Deep CEST MRI: 9.4T spectral super-resolution from 3T CEST MRI data. In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, 0414. Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, Paris, France. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Dreher, C.; Windschuh, J.; Sahm, F.; Bachert, P.; Ladd, M.; Zaiss, M.; Schlemmer, H.-P.; Radbruch, A.; Paech, D.: Relaxation-compensated multi-pool CEST signal at 7T MRI of glioblastomas is dependent on the anatomic localisation. In Insights into Imaging, 9 (Supplement 1), B-0933, p. S381. 24th European Congress of Radiology (ECR 2018): Diverse & United, Wien, Austria, February 28, 2018 - March 04, 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Paech, D.; Schuenke, P.; Köhler, C.; Bachert, P.; Ladd, M.; Bendszus, M.; Schlemmer, H.-P.; Zaiss, M.; Radbruch, A.: Dynamic glucose-enhanced MRI: clinical perspectives and challenges. In Insights into Imaging, 9 (Supplement 1), B-0363, p. S265. 24th European Congress of Radiology (ECR 2018): Diverse & United, Wien, Austria, February 28, 2018 - March 04, 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Zaiss, M.: Basics of AREX and Inverse Correction Methods. In Music City CEST 2017: Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Symposium. Music City CEST 2017: Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Symposium, Nashville, TN, USA. (2017)
Meeting Abstract
Schuenke, P.; Paech, D.; Koehler, C.; Windschuh, J.; Bachert, P.; Ladd, M.; Schlemmer, H.-P.; Radbruch, A.; Zaiss, M.: T1ρ-weighted Dynamic Glucose Enhanced MRI. In 25th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2017), 0859, p. 517 - 517. 25th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2017), Honolulu, HI, USA. (2017)
Meeting Abstract
Goerke, S.; Zaiss, M.; Longo, D.; Garello, F.; Di Gregorio, E.; Breitling, J.; Ladd, M.; Bachert, P.: CEST Signals of Lipids. In 25th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2017), 0201, p. 165 - 165. 25th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2017), Honolulu, HI, USA. (2017)
Meeting Abstract
Scheunke, P.; Paech, D.; Koehler, C.; Windschuh, J.; Bachert, P.; Ladd, M.; Schlemmer, H.-P.; Radbruch, A.; Zaiss, M.: T1ρ-weighted Dynamic Glucose Enhanced MRI. In 58th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC 2017), p. 33. 58th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC 2017), Pacific Grove, CA, USA, March 26, 2017 - March 31, 2017. (2017)
Meeting Abstract
Breitling, J.; Goerke, S.; Zaiss, M.; Windschuh, J.; Klika, K.; Bachert, P.: Inhomogeneous magnetization transfer detection by dual frequency CEST spectroscopy. In Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 29 (Supplement 1), pp. S265 - S266. 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB 2016), Wien, Austria. (2016)
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