Publications of O Echenko

Journal Article (49)

Journal Article
Vekovischeva, O.; Zamanillo, D.; Echenko, O.; Seppala, T.; Uusi-Oukari, M.; Honkanen, A.; Seeburg, P.; Sprengel, R.; Korpi, E.: Morphine-induced dependence and sensitization are altered in mice deficient in AMPA-type glutamate receptor-A subunits. The Journal of Neuroscience 21 (12), pp. 4451 - 4459 (2001)
Journal Article
Heikkila, A.; Echenko, O.; Uusi-Oukari M, Sinkkonen, S.; Korpi, E.: Morphine withdrawal increases expression of GABA(A) receptor epsilon subunit mRNA in locus coeruleus neurons. Neuroreport 12 (13), p. 2981 (2001)
Journal Article
Nikolskaia, K.; Eshchenko, O.; Shpinkova, V.: [Magnetic field and alcohol addiction]. Biofizika 45 (5), pp. 941 - 946 (2000)
Journal Article
Nikolskaya, K.; Yeshchenko, O.; Pratusevich, V.: The opioid system and magnetic field perception. Electro- and Magnetobiology 18 (3), pp. 277 - 290 (1999)
Journal Article
Eshchenko, O.; Nikolskaia, K.; Deigin, V.; Iarova, E.: Psychostimulant effect of synthetic dermorphin analog. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 126 (3), pp. 866 - 868 (1998)
Journal Article
Nikolskaia, K.; Eshchenko, O.; Shpinkova, V.: [The characteristics of exploratory behavior in Wistar rats in a permanent inhomogeneous magnetic field]. Žurnal vysšej nervnoj dejatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova 47 (4), pp. 684 - 692 (1997)
Journal Article
Eschenko, O.; Nikolskaja, K.; Deigin, V.; Jarova, E.: [Psychostimulant effect of the synthetic analog of dermorphin]. Bulleten' eksperimental'noj biologii i mediciny 126 (9), pp. 252 - 255 (1996)
Journal Article
Nikolskaya, K.; Shtemler, V.; Yeshenko, O.; Savonenko, A.; Osipov, A.; Nickolsky, S.: The Sensitivity of Cognitive Processes to the Inhomogeneity of Natural Magnetic Fields. Electro- and Magnetobiology 15 (3), pp. 163 - 174 (1996)
Journal Article
Savonenko, A.; Adrianov, O.; Nikolskaia, K.; Osipov, A.; Eshchenko, O.: [The psychophysiological markers of a predisposition to the development of alcohol dependence in rats]. Žurnal vysšej nervnoj dejatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova 45 (2), pp. 416 - 419 (1995)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Eschenko, O.: The Role of the Locus Coeruleus in Cellular and Systems Memory Consolidation. In: Handbook of in vivo neural plasticity techniques: a systems neuroscience approach to the neural basis of memory and cognition, 18, pp. 327 - 347 (Ed. Manahan-Vaughan, D.). Academic Press, London, UK (2018)

Meeting Abstract (4)

Meeting Abstract
Eschenko, O.: The role of noradrenergic transmission for saliency signaling and perception. In CIN-NIPS-Asia Pacific Systems Neuroscience Symposium 2023. CIN-NIPS-Asia Pacific Systems Neuroscience Symposium 2023, Tübingen, Germany, March 10, 2023 - March 11, 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Eschenko, O.: Local and global effects of phasic LC activation: Implications for saliency signaling. In 48th Meeting of the European Brain and Behavior Society (EBBS 2019). 48th Meeting of the European Brain and Behavior Society (EBBS 2019), Praha, Czech Republic, September 21, 2019 - September 24, 2019. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Yang, M.; Logothetis, N.; Eschenko, O.: A gating role of mediodorsal thalamus for ripple-associated hippocampal-cortical information transfer. In Federation of European Neuroscience Society Featured Regional Meeting (FFRM 2015). Federation of European Neuroscience Society Featured Regional Meeting (FFRM 2015), Thessaloniki, Greece. (2015)
Meeting Abstract
Eschenko, O.; Sara, S.: Locus coeruleus activity during sleep for off-line memory consolidation. In Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2009 (Conference Abstract: 41st European Brain and Behaviour Society Meeting). 41st European Brain and Behaviour Society Meeting, Rhodos, Greece, September 13, 2009 - September 18, 2009. Frontiers Research Foundation, Lausanne, Switzerland (2009)

Talk (15)

Eschenko, O.: The role of noradrenergic transmission for saliency signaling and perception. 11th CIN-NIPS-Asia Pacific Systems Neuroscience Symposium 2023, Tübingen, Germany (2023)
Eschenko, O.: The locus coeruleus saliency signaling affects sensory perception by increasing arousal. IGSN / SFB 874 Conference: Sensory Encoding And The Emergence Of Memory , Bochum, Germany (2022)
Eschenko, O.: Locus coeruleus activity after learning: implication for off-line memory consolidation. ISGN Symposium: The catecholaminergic regulation of cognition and memory, Bochum, Germany (2020)
Eschenko, O.: Phasic Activation of the Locus Coeruleus: From Local and Distal Effects to Whole-Brain Mapping and Implications for Behavior. Gordon Research Conference: Complexity and Diversity in Catecholamine Neurobiology: From Molecule to Circuits to Behavior , Newry, ME, USA (2019)
Eschenko, O.: Phasic activation of the Locus Coeruleus: from local and distal effects to the whole-brain mapping and implications for behavior. DZNE Colloquium: Phasic activation of the Locus, Magdeburg, Germany (2018)
Logothetis, N.; Eschenko, O.; Besserve, M.; Murayama, Y.; Evrard, H.; Ramirez-Villegas, J.: Concurrent multisite recordings and brain imaging: a study of events related system and synaptic memory consolidation. AREADNE 2018: Research in Encoding And Decoding of Neural Ensembles, Santorini, Greece (2018)