High-Field Magnetic Resonance

Publications of A von Raven

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
von Raven, A.; Oeltermann, A.; Engelmann, J.; Pohmann, R.; Scheffler, K.: Tissue-susceptibility matched electrodes for simultaneous magnetic resonance imaging. In 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2023), NANO30.08, pp. 277 - 279. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2023), Washington, DC, USA, November 11, 2023 - November 15, 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Burgos-Villaseca, J.; Klink, A.; Klagges-Troncoso, J.; Castro-Castillo, V.; Barra, R.; Burgos, H.; Hernández, A.; Sáez- Briones, P.: TMA-6 (2,4,6-Trimetoxianfetamina) inhibe a la potenciacion de largo plazo (LTP) evocada in vivo en corteza prefrontal de ratas Sprague Dawley. In Revista de Farmacología de Chile, 9 (2), 71, p. 95. XXXVIII Congreso Anual de la Sociedad de Farmacología de Chile, Castro, Chile, November 26, 2016 - November 29, 2016. (2016)

Poster (4)

von Raven, A.; Oeltermann, A.; Engelmann, J.; Pohmann, R.; Scheffler, K.: Tissue-susceptibility matched electrodes for simultaneous magnetic resonance imaging. 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB 2024), Barcelona, Spain (2024)
von Raven, A.: Tissue-Susceptibility Matched Electrodes for Simultaneous Microcoil & Line Scanning Measurements. ISMRM Workshop on Current Issues in Brain Function, Padova, Italy (2023)
von Raven, A.; Oeltermann, A.; Pohmann, R.; Scheffler, K.: Tissue-susceptibility matched electrodes for simultaneous magnetic resonance imaging. 51st Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2022), San Diego, Ca, USA (2022)
von Raven, A.; Oeltermann, A.; Beyerlein, M.; Scheffler, K.: Electrophysiological setup for simultaneous microscale BOLD response and multi-unit activity recording at 14.1 Tesla. 50th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2021) (2021)
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