Publications of GA Keliris

Journal Article (32)

Journal Article
Rina, A.; Papanikolaou, A.; Xiaopeng, Z.; Papageorgiou, D.; Keliris, G.; Smirnakis, S.: Visual Motion Coherence Responses in Human Visual Cortex. Frontiers in Neuroscience 16, 719250 (2022)
Journal Article
Keliris, G.; Shao, Y.; Schmid, M.; Augath, M.; Logothetis, N.; Smirnakis, S.: Macaque Area V2/V3 Reorganization Following Homonymous Retinal Lesions. Frontiers in Neuroscience 16, 757091 (2022)
Journal Article
Li, Q.; Meso, A.; Logothetis, N.; Keliris, G.: Scene regularity interacts with individual biases to modulate perceptual stability. Frontiers in Neuroscience 13, 523, pp. 1 - 11 (2019)
Journal Article
Papanikolaou, A.; Keliris, G.; Papageorgiou, T.; Schiefer, U.; Logothetis, N.; Smirnakis, S.: Organization of area hV5/MT+ in subjects with homonymous visual field defects. NeuroImage 190, pp. 254 - 268 (2019)
Journal Article
Bahmani, H.; Li, Q.; Logothetis, N.; Keliris, G.: Responses of neurons in lateral intraparietal area depend on stimulus-associated reward during binocular flash suppression. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 13, 9, pp. 1 - 12 (2019)
Journal Article
Keliris, G.; Li, Q.; Papanikolaou, A.; Logothetis, N.; Smirnakis, S.: Estimating average single-neuron visual receptive field sizes by fMRI. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (13), pp. 6425 - 6434 (2019)
Journal Article
Takemura, H.; Pestilli, F.; Weiner, K.; Keliris, G.; Landi, S.; Sliwa, J.; Ye, F.; Barnett, M.; Leopold, D.; Freiwald, W. et al.: Occipital White Matter Tracts in Human and Macaque. Cerebral Cortex 27 (6), pp. 3346 - 3359 (2017)
Journal Article
Ortiz-Rios, M.; Azevedo, F.; Kuśmierek, P.; Balla, D.; Munk, M.; Keliris, G.; Logothetis, N.; Rauschecker, J.: Widespread and Opponent fMRI Signals Represent Sound Location in Macaque Auditory Cortex. Neuron 93 (4), pp. 971 - 983 (2017)
Journal Article
Shah, D.; Blockx, I.; Keliris, G.; Kara, F.; Jonckers, E.; Verhoye, M.; Van der Linden, A.: Cholinergic and serotonergic modulations differentially affect large-scale functional networks in the mouse brain. Brain Structure and Function 221 (6), pp. 3067 - 3079 (2016)
Journal Article
Papanikolaou, A.; Keliris, G.; Lee, S.; Logothetis, N.; Smirnakis, S.: Nonlinear population receptive field changes in human area V5/MT + of healthy subjects with simulated visual field scotomas. NeuroImage 120, pp. 176 - 190 (2015)
Journal Article
Azevedo, F.; Ortiz-Rios, M.; Li, Q.; Logothetis, N.; Keliris, G.: A Potential Role of Auditory Induced Modulations in Primary Visual Cortex. Multisensory Research 28 (3-4), pp. 331 - 349 (2015)
Journal Article
Ortiz-Rios, M.; Kuśmierek, P.; DeWitt, I.; Archakov, I.; Azevedo, F.; Sams, M.; Jääskeläinen, I.; Keliris, G.; Rauschecker, J.: Functional MRI of the vocalization-processing network in the macaque brain. Frontiers in Neuroscience 9, 113, pp. 1 - 10 (2015)
Journal Article
Lee, S.; Papanikolaou, A.; Keliris, G.; Smirnakis, S.: Topographical estimation of visual population receptive fields by fMRI. Journal of Visualized Experiments 2015 (96), pp. 1 - 8 (2015)
Journal Article
Bahmani, H.; Murayama, Y.; Logothetis, N.; Keliris, G.: Binocular Flash Suppression in the Primary Visual Cortex of Anesthetized and Awake Macaques. PLoS ONE 9 (9), pp. 1 - 8 (2014)
Journal Article
Schmid, M.; Keliris, G.: Filling-in versus filling-out: patterns of cortical short-term plasticity. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 18 (7), pp. 342 - 344 (2014)
Journal Article
Papanikolaou, A.; Keliris, G.; Papageorgiou, T.; Shao, Y.; Krapp, E.; Papageorgiou, E.; Stingl, K.; Bruckmann, A.; Schiefer, U.; Logothetis, N. et al.: Population receptive field analysis of the primary visual cortex complements perimetry in patients with homonymous visual field defects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (16), pp. E1656 - E1665 (2014)
Journal Article
Lee, S.; Papanikolaou, A.; Logothetis, N.; Smirnakis, S.; Keliris, G.: A new method for estimating population receptive field topography in visual cortex. NeuroImage 81, pp. 144 - 157 (2013)
Journal Article
Shao, Y.; Keliris, G.; Papanikolaou, A.; Fischer, M.; Zobor, D.; Jägle, H.; Logothetis, N. K.; Smirnakis, S.: Visual cortex organisation in a macaque monkey with macular degeneration. European Journal of Neuroscience 38 (10), pp. 3456 - 3464 (2013)
Journal Article
Maier, A.; Panagiotaropoulos, T.; Tsuchiya, N.; Keliris, G.: Introduction to research topic – binocular rivalry: a gateway to studying consciousness. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6, 263 (2012)
Journal Article
Fischer, M.; Zobor, D.; Keliris, G.; Shao, Y.; Seeliger, M.; Haverkamp, S.; Jägle, H.; Logothetis, N.; Smirnakis, S.: Detailed functional and structural characterization of a macular lesion in a rhesus macaque. Documenta Ophthalmologica 125 (3), pp. 179 - 194 (2012)