Publications of M Egelhaaf

Conference Paper (4)

Conference Paper
Egelhaaf, M.: Motion detection and visual orientation: A combined behavioral, neuronal and theoretical analysis of the fly' visual system. In: Neural Mechanisms of Behavior, pp. 90 - 95 (Eds. Erber, J.; Menzel, R.; Pflüger, H.-J.; Todt, D.). 2nd International Congress of Neuroethology, West Berlin, Germany, September 10, 1989 - September 16, 1989. Thieme, Stuttgart, Germany (1989)
Conference Paper
Hausen, K.; Egelhaaf, M.: Neural Mechanisms of Visual Course Control in Insects. In: Facets of Vision, 18, pp. 391 - 424 (Eds. Stavenga, D.; Hardie, R.). Symposium Facets of Vision, Regensburg, Germany, 1987-04. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1989)
Conference Paper
Reichardt, W.; Schlögl, R.; Egelhaaf, M.: Movement detectors of the correlation type provide sufficient information for local computation of the 2-D velocity field. In: Neural and Synergetic Computers: Proceedings of the International Symposium at Schloß Elmau, Bavaria, June 13–17, 1988, pp. 170 - 179 (Ed. Haken, H.). International Symposium on Neural and Synergetic Computers, Elmau, Germany, June 13, 1988 - June 17, 1988. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1988)

Meeting Abstract (5)

Meeting Abstract
Egelhaaf, M.; Warzecha, A.-K.; Borst, A.: Synaptic interactions in a small neuronal of the fly visual system. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 19 (1), 142.7, p. 339. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1993), Washington, DC, USA, November 07, 1993 - November 12, 1993. Society for Neuroscience, Bethesda, MD, USA (1993)
Meeting Abstract
Warzecha, A.-K.; Borst, A.; Egelhaaf, M.: Reliability of neural coding and real-time-performance of Spiking and nonspiking in G motion sensitive cells in the Blowfly. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 19 (1), 141.9, p. 337. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1993), Washington, DC, USA, November 07, 1993 - November 12, 1993. Society for Neuroscience, Bethesda, MD, USA (1993)
Meeting Abstract
Egelhaaf, M.; Borst, A.: On the role of GABAergic inhibitory synapses in motion detection of the fly. In Dynamics and Plasticity in Neuronal Systems: Proceedings of the 17th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference: Dynamik und Plastizität neuronaler Systeme, p. 106 (Eds. Elsner, N.; Singer, W.). 17. Göttinger Neurobiologentagung, Göttingen, Germany, May 19, 1989 - May 21, 1989. Thieme, Stuttgart, Germany (1989)
Meeting Abstract
Egelhaaf, M.; Borst, A.: Transient responses of motion detectors in the visual system of the fly. In Sense organs: interfaces between environment and behaviour, p. 37 (Eds. Elsner, N.; Barth, F.). 16th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany, May 27, 1988 - May 29, 1988. Thieme, Stuttgart, Germany (1988)
Meeting Abstract
Egelhaaf, M.: Two functionally different control systems mediate visually induced turning in the house-fly. In New Frontiers in Brain Research: Proceedings of the 15th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference: Neue Wege in der Hirnforschung, p. 6 (Eds. Elsner, N.; Creutzfeldt, O.). 15. Göttinger Neurobiologentagung, Göttingen, Germany, June 12, 1987 - June 14, 1987. Thieme, Stuttgart, Germany (1987)

Poster (2)

Borst, A.; Egelhaaf, M.: Is Shunting Inhibition Resposible for Motion Detection in the Fly Visual System? 2nd International Congress of Neuroethology, Berlin, Germany (1989)
Egelhaaf, M.: Figur-Grund Diskrimination durch Relativbewegung bei der Fliege: Neuronale Grundlagen. 78. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Wien, Austria (1985)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Egelhaaf, M.: Towards the neuronal basis of figure-ground discrimination by relative motion in the visual system of the fly. Dissertation, Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany (1985)

Thesis - Habilitation (1)

Thesis - Habilitation
Egelhaaf, M.: Visuelle Orientierung und Verarbeitung von Bewegungsinformation durch das visuelle System der Fliege. Habilitation, Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany (1989)
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