Publications of the Institute

Journal Article (217)

Journal Article
Abidin, I.; Köhler, T.; Weiler, E.; Zoidl, G.; Eysel, U.; Lessmann, V.; Mittmann, T.: Reduced presynaptic efficiency of excitatory synaptic transmission impairs LTP in the visual cortex of BDNF-heterozygous mice. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 24 (12), pp. 3519 - 3531 (2006)
Journal Article
Cerasa, A.; Hagberg, G.; Peppe, A.; Bianciardi, M.; Gioia, M.; Costa, A.; Castriota-Scanderbeg, A.; Caltagirone, C.; Sabatini, U.: Functional changes in the activity of cerebellum and frontostriatal regions during externally and internally timed movement in Parkinson's disease. Brain Research Bulletin 71 (1-3), pp. 259 - 269 (2006)
Journal Article
Dayan, P.; Yu, A.: Phasic norepinephrine: A neural interrupt signal for unexpected events. Network: Computation in Neural Systems 17 (4), pp. 335 - 350 (2006)
Journal Article
Eschenko, O.; Mölle , M.; Born, J.; Sara, S.: Elevated sleep spindle density after learning or after retrieval in rats. The Journal of Neuroscience 26 (50), pp. 12914 - 12920 (2006)
Journal Article
Franz, M.; Schölkopf, B.: A Unifying View of Wiener and Volterra Theory and Polynomial Kernel Regression. Neural computation 18 (12), pp. 3097 - 3118 (2006)
Journal Article
Hölscher, C.; Meilinger, T.; Vrachliotis , G.; Brösamle, M.; Knauff, M.: Up the down staircase: next term Wayfinding strategies in multi-level buildings. Journal of Environmental Psychology 26 (4), pp. 284 - 299 (2006)
Journal Article
Menghini, D.; Hagberg, G.; Caltagirone, C.; Petrosini, L.; Vicari, S.: Implicit learning deficits in dyslexic adults: An fMRI study. NeuroImage 33 (4), pp. 1218 - 1226 (2006)
Journal Article
Munkwitz, S.; Foerster, M.; Heimann, H.: Nd:YAG-Laserung einer retrohyaloidalen Blutung nach Venenastverschluss [Nd:YAG Laser for Retrohyaloidal Haemorrhage after Retinal Branch Vein Occlusion]. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 223 (12), pp. 984 - 986 (2006)
Journal Article
Ng, J.; Bharath, A.; Zhaoping, L.: A Survey of Architecture and Function of the Primary Visual Cortex (V1). EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2007, 97961, pp. 1 - 17 (2006)
Journal Article
Nicastro, G.; Habeck, M.; Masino, L.; Svergun, D.; Pastore, A.: Structure validation of the Josephin domain of ataxin-3: Conclusive evidence for an open conformation. Journal of Biomolecular NMR 36 (4), pp. 267 - 277 (2006)
Journal Article
Balduzzi, D.: Donagi-Markman cubic for Hitchin systems. Mathematical Research Letters 13 (6), pp. 923 - 933 (2006)
Journal Article
Bieri, O.; Scheffler, K.: On the origin of apparent low tissue signals in balanced SSFP. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 56 (5), pp. 1067 - 1074 (2006)
Journal Article
Eippert, F.; Veit, R.; Weiskopf , N.; Erb, M.; Birbaumer, N.; Anders, S.: Regulation of emotional responses elicited by threat-related stimuli. Human Brain Mapping 28 (5), pp. 409 - 423 (2006)
Journal Article
Fischer, M.; Dahl, C.: The time course of visuo-motor affordances. Experimental Brain Research 176 (3), pp. 519 - 524 (2006)
Journal Article
Graf, M.: Coordinate Transformations in Object Recognition. Psychological Bulletin 132 (6), pp. 920 - 945 (2006)
Journal Article
Jäkel, F.; Wichmann, F.: Spatial four-alternative forced-choice method is the preferred psychophysical method for naive observers. Journal of Vision 6 (11), pp. 1307 - 1322 (2006)
Journal Article
Kirschfeld, K.: Leserbrief zu "Chronische Prostatitis: Finden wir einen Ausweg aus dem Dilemma?". (submitted)
Journal Article
Ledermann, H.; Heidecker, H.-G.; Schulte, A.-C.; Thalhammer, C.; Anschwanden , M.; Jaeger, K.; Scheffler, K.; Bilecen, D.: Calf Muscles Imaged at BOLD MR: Correlation with TcPo2 and Flowmetry Measurements during Ischemia and Reactive Hyperemia-initial Experience. Radiology 241 (2), pp. 477 - 484 (2006)
Journal Article
Leupold, J.; Wieben, O.; Mansson, S.; Speck, O.; Scheffler, K.; Petersson, J.; Hennig, J.: Fast chemical shift mapping with multiecho balanced SSFP. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 19 (5), pp. 267 - 273 (2006)
Journal Article
Lindner, A.; Haarmeier, T.; Erb, M.; Grodd, W.; Thier, P.: Cerebrocerebellar Circuits for the Perceptual Cancellation of Eye-movement-induced Retinal Image Motion. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 18 (11), pp. 1899 - 1912 (2006)
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