Department for Human Perception, Cognition & Action
Journal Article (37)
Journal Article
29 (4), pp. 227 - 242 (1998)
On robots and flies: Modeling the visual orientation behavior of flies. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2.
Journal Article
37 (2), pp. 191 - 198 (1998)
Phosphenes and transient scotomas induced by magnetic stimulation of the occipital lobe: their topographic relationship. Neuropsychologia 3.
Journal Article
36 (11), pp. 1161 - 1166 (1998)
Are recognition deficits following occipital lobe TMS explained by raised detection thresholds? Neuropsychologia 4.
Journal Article
27 (10), pp. 1233 - 1243 (1998)
Facial aging, attractiveness, and distinctiveness. Perception 5.
Journal Article
79 (3), pp. 191 - 202 (1998)
Where did I take that snapshot? Scene-based homing by image matching. Biological Cybernetics 6.
Journal Article
22 (1-2), pp. 211 - 231 (1998)
On a Kernel-Based Method for Pattern Recognition, Regression, Approximation, and Operator Inversion. Algorithmica 7.
Journal Article
6 (3), pp. 299 - 313 (1998)
Temporal order in human object recognition learning. Journal of Biological Systems 8.
Journal Article
53 (7-8), pp. 610 - 621 (1998)
An introduction to object recognition. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, C: Journal of Biosciences 9.
Journal Article
38 (15-16), pp. 2351 - 2363 (1998)
Stimulus-specific effects in face recognition over changes in viewpoint. Vision Research 10.
Journal Article
27 (10), pp. 1229 - 1232 (1998)
The moon tilt illusion. Perception 11.
Journal Article
38 (15-16), pp. 2335 - 2350 (1998)
The viewpoint complexity of an object-recognition task. Vision Research 12.
Journal Article
14 (3-4), pp. 231 - 242 (1998)
Navigating through a virtual city: Using virtual reality technology to study human action and perception. Future Generation Computer Systems 13.
Journal Article
1 (3), pp. 254 - 257 (1998)
Top-down influences on stereoscopic depth-perception. Nature Neuroscience 14.
Journal Article
10 (4), pp. 445 - 463 (1998)
Navigation and acquisition of spatial knowledge in a virtual maze. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 15.
Journal Article
13 (4), pp. 18 - 28 (1998)
Support vector machines. IEEE Intelligent Systems and their Applications 16.
Journal Article
248 (3), pp. 136 - 140 (1998)
Repetition blindness in schizophrenic patients. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 17.
Journal Article
163 (4), pp. 421 - 423 (1998)
Evidence for a sensitizing pigment in the ocellar photoreceptors of the fly (Musca, Calliphora). Journal of Comparative Physiology A 18.
Journal Article
53 (7-8), pp. 765 - 769 (1998)
Group report: The behavior of natural and artificial systems: Solutions to functional demands. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, C: Journal of Biosciences 19.
Journal Article
53 (7-8), pp. 770 - 774 (1998)
Emergent properties of natural and artificial systems. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, C: Journal of Biosciences 20.
Journal Article
10 (5), pp. 1299 - 1319 (1998)
Nonlinear Component Analysis as a Kernel Eigenvalue Problem. Neural computation 21.
Journal Article
67 (1-2), pp. 1 - 20 (1998)
Image-based object recognition in man, monkey and machine. Cognition 22.
Journal Article
1 (2), pp. 96 - 98 (1998)
Visual psychophysics: synchrony in motion. Nature Neuroscience 23.
Journal Article
66, pp. 241 - 258 (1998)
Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie in der psychopathologischen Forschung: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Psychopathological Research. Fortschritte der Neurologie/Psychiatrie 24.
Journal Article
27 (6), pp. 671 - 680 (1998)
Illumination-induced apparent shift in orientation of human heads. Perception 25.
Journal Article
28 (2), pp. 102 - 116 (1998)
Synthesis of Novel Views from a Single Face Image. International Journal of Computer Vision 26.
Journal Article
9 (2), pp. 265 - 278 (1998)
Spatio-temporal influences at the neural level of object recognition. Network: Computation in Neural Systems 27.
Journal Article
38 (7), pp. 1041 - 1045 (1998)
The contribution of color to visual memory in X-chromosome-linked dichromats. Vision Research 28.
Journal Article
392 (6678), pp. 757 - 758 (1998)
Biological sensors: Controlling the fly's gyroscopes. Nature 29.
Journal Article
79 (4), pp. 1902 - 1917 (1998)
Dendritic structure and receptive-field organization of optic flow processing interneurons in the fly. Journal of Neurophysiology 30.
Journal Article
38 (8), pp. 1105 - 1117 (1998)
Effects of contrast and temporal frequency on orientation discrimination for luminance and isoluminant stimuli. Vision Research 31.
Journal Article
6 (4), pp. 309 - 319 (1998)
Functional magnetic resonance imaging of category-specific cortical activation: Evidence for semantic maps. Cognitive Brain Research 32.
Journal Article
5 (1), pp. 111 - 125 (1998)
Learning view graphs for robot navigation. Autonomous Robots 33.
Journal Article
38 (6), pp. 881 - 888 (1998)
Thresholds for the identification of the direction of motion of plaid patterns defined by luminance or chromatic contrast. Vision Research 34.
Journal Article
392 (6673), pp. 231 - 232 (1998)
Visual processing: How to know where to go. Nature 35.
Journal Article
1998, pp. 222 - 228 (1998)
Wahrnehmen und Handeln in realen und virtuellen Umgebungen. Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 36.
Journal Article
1996/97, pp. 77 - 86 (1998)
Wieso und wie bewahren Insekten einen ruhigen Blick auf die Welt? Jahrbuch / Wissenschaftskolleg 37.
Journal Article
38 (1), pp. 79 - 89 (1998)
How is bilateral symmetry of human faces used for recognition of novel views? Vision Research Book (1)
Sehen und die Verarbeitung visueller Information: eine Einführung. Vieweg, Braunschweig, Germany (1998), 258 pp.
Book Chapter (3)
Book Chapter
Untersuchung komplexer Wahrnehmungs- und Verhaltensleistungen des Menschen in virtuellen Welten. In: Arbeiten und begreifen: neue Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen, pp. 158 - 172 (Eds. Rügge, I.; Robben, B.; Hornecker, E.; Bruns, F.). Lit Verlag, Münster, Germany (1998)
Book Chapter
Behavioral experiments in spatial cognition using virtual reality. In: Spatial Cognition: An interdisciplinary approach to representing and processing spatial knowledge, pp. 447 - 467 (Eds. Freksa, C.; Habel, C.; Wender, K.). Springer, Berlin, Germany (1998)
Book Chapter
Support-Vektor-Lernen. In: Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 1997, pp. 135 - 150 (Eds. Hotz, G.; Fiedler, H.; Gorny, P.; Grass, W.; Hölldobler, S. et al.). Teubner, Stuttgart, Germany (1998)
Proceedings (1)
Visuelle Wahrnehmung: Beiträge zur 1. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz. 1. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz (TWK 1998), Tübingen, Germany, February 27, 1998 - March 01, 1998. Knirsch, Kirchentellinsfurt, Germany (1998), 170 pp.
Conference Paper (13)
Conference Paper
Navigation mit Schnappschüssen. In: Mustererkennung 1998: 20. DAGM-Symposium Stuttgart, 29. September – 1. Oktober 1998, pp. 421 - 428 (Eds. Levi, P.; Ahlers, R.-J.; May, F.; Schanz, M.). 20th DAGM-Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 29, 1998 - October 01, 1998. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1998)
Conference Paper
Simulation and robot implementation of visual orientation behaviors of flies. In: From Animals to Animats 5: 5th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, pp. 77 - 85 (Eds. Pfeifer, R.; Blumberg, B.; Meyer, J.-A.; Wilson, S.). 5th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior: From Animals to Animats 5, Zürich, Switzerland, August 17, 1998 - August 21, 1998. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (1998)
Conference Paper
Prime-orientation dependence in detection of camouflaged biological motion. In: Fechner Day 98, pp. 314 - 319 (Eds. Grondin, S.; Lacouture, Y.). Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics, Quebec, Canada. International Society for Psychology, Quebec, Canada (1998)
Conference Paper
Recovery of a priori known structure from biological motion. In: Advances in Perception-Action Coupling, pp. 64 - 68 (Eds. Bril, B.; Ledebt, A.; Dietrich, G.; Roby-Brami, A.). Fifth European Workshop on Ecological Psychology (EWEP 5), Pont-à-Mousson, France, July 07, 1998 - July 10, 1998. Editions EDK, Paris, France (1998)
Conference Paper
Navigation in real and virtual environments: Judging orientation and distance in a large-scale landscape. In: Virtual Environments ’98: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Stuttgart, Germany, June 16–18, 1998, pp. 124 - 133 (Eds. Göbel, M.; Lang, U.; Landauer, J.; Walper, M.). Eurographics Workshop 1998, Stuttgart, Germany, June 16, 1998 - June 18, 1998. Springer, Wien, Austria (1998)
Conference Paper
Prior knowledge in support vector kernels. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 10, pp. 640 - 646 (Eds. Jordan, M.; Kearns, M.; Solla, S.). Eleventh Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing (NIPS 1997), Denver, CO, USA, December 01, 1997 - December 06, 1997. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (1998)
Conference Paper
From regularization operators to support vector kernels. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 10, pp. 343 - 349 (Eds. Jordan, M.; Kearns, M.; Solla, S.). Eleventh Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing (NIPS 1997), Denver, CO, USA, December 01, 1997 - December 06, 1997. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (1998)
Conference Paper
Estimating coloured 3D face models from single images: An example based approach. In: Computer Vision - ECCV’98: 5th European Conference on Computer Vision Freiburg, Germany, June 2–6, 1998, pp. 499 - 513 (Eds. Burkhardt, H.; Neumann, B.). 5th European Conference on Computer Vision, Freiburg, Germany, June 02, 1998 - June 06, 1998. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1998)
Conference Paper
Mechanisms of Cognition (Introductory remarks). In: New Neuroethology on the Move: 26th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, pp. 278 - 283 (Eds. Elsner, N.; Wehner, R.). 26th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference: New Neuroethology on the Move, Göttingen, Germany. Thieme, Stuttgart, Germany (1998)
Conference Paper
Tele-Experiments: Experiments on spatial cognition using VRML-based multimedia. In: Third Symposium on the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML 1998), pp. 101 - 105 (Ed. Spencer, S.). Third Symposium on the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML 1998), Monterey, CA, USA, February 16, 1998 - February 20, 1998. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA (1998)
Conference Paper
Analysis of vision and gaze control in insects. In: Biophysics of photoreception: molecular and phototransductive events, 20, pp. 20 - 22 (Ed. Taddei-Ferretti, C.). International School of Biophysics 1994, Napoli, Italy, October 10, 1994 - October 16, 1994. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (1998)
Conference Paper
Visual sensation of self-motion in the blowfly Calliphora. In: Biophysics of photoreception: molecular and phototransductive events, 53, pp. 53 - 70 (Ed. Taddei-Ferretti, C.). International School of Biophysics 1994, Napoli, Italy, October 10, 1994 - October 16, 1994. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (1998)
Conference Paper
Generalization to Novel Views from a Single Face Image. In: Face Recognition: From Theory to Applications, pp. 310 - 326 (Eds. Wechsler, J.; Phillips, J.; Bruce, V.; Fogelman Soulié, F.; Huang, T.). NATO Advanced Study Institute on Face Recognition: From Theory to Applications 1997, Stirling, UK, June 23, 1997 - July 04, 1997. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1998)
Meeting Abstract (9)
Meeting Abstract
Influences of spatial context on novel object recognition. In Sixth Annual Workshop on Object Perception and Memory (OPAM 1998), 6. Sixth Annual Workshop on Object Perception and Memory (OPAM 1998), Dallas, TX, USA, November 19, 1998. (1998)
Meeting Abstract
27 (ECVP Abstract Supplement), p. 18. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK, August 24, 1998 - August 28, 1998. Pion Ltd., London (1998)
Vision in a Natural Environment. In Perception, 58.
Meeting Abstract
27 (ECVP Abstract Supplement), p. 59. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK, August 24, 1998 - August 28, 1998. Pion Ltd., London (1998)
Lane changing without visual feedback? In Perception, 59.
Meeting Abstract
27 (ECVP Abstract Supplement), pp. 12 - 13. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK, August 24, 1998 - August 28, 1998. Pion Ltd., London (1998)
Size Discrimination of seen and grasped objects and the effect of presentation time. In Perception, 60.
Meeting Abstract
27 (ECVP Abstract Supplement), p. 25. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK, August 24, 1998 - August 28, 1998. Pion Ltd., London (1998)
Colour mechanisms: from retina to cortex. In Perception, 61.
Meeting Abstract
27 (ECVP Abstract Supplement), p. 47. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK, August 24, 1998 - August 28, 1998. Pion Ltd., London (1998)
Shape-from-shading under diffuse lighting: does dark mean deep? In Perception, 62.
Meeting Abstract
27 (ECVP Abstract Supplement), p. 9. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK, August 24, 1998 - August 28, 1998. Pion Ltd., London (1998)
Near-bilateral symmetry impedes symmetry discrimination. In Perception, 63.
Meeting Abstract
27 (ECVP Abstract Supplement), p. 19. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK, August 24, 1998 - August 28, 1998. Pion Ltd., London (1998)
Using a "virtual illusion" to put parallax in its place. In Perception, 64.
Meeting Abstract
Bülthoff, H.; Fahle, M.; Gegenfurtner, K.; Mallot, H.). 1. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz (TWK 1998), Tübingen, Germany, February 27, 1998 - March 01, 1998. Knirsch, Kirchentellinsfurt, Germany (1998)
Route Memory and Cognitive Maps: Evidence from Behavioral Experiments in Virtual Environments. In Visuelle Wahrnehmung: Beiträge zur 1. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz, p. 33 (Eds. Talk (9)
Sixth Kanizsa Lecture: Perception and Action: Controlling the loop using Virtual Realities. University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy (1998)
View-based Recognition and Navigation in Natural Environments. 1998 Stockholm Workshop on Computational Vision, Rosenön, Sweden (1998)
View-based Strategies for Recognition and Navigation. ENA Workshop on Neuroinformatics, Potsdam, Germany (1998)
Wahrnehmen und Agieren im Raum. Universität Zürich. Psychologisches Institut, Zürich, Switzerland (1998)
Gehirn und Wahrnehmung: Neueste Erkenntnisse aus der Hirnforschung. Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum, Paderborn, Germany (1998)
Vision in the Perception Action Framework. Symposium "The Neurology of Vision: New Vistas", Tübingen, Germany (1998)
Die Welt in unseren Köpfen: Sehen und Erkennen in Natur und Technik. Deutsches Museum, München, Germany (1998)
Sehen und Erkennen in Technik und Biologie. Naturforschende Gesellschaft Graubünden, Chur, Switzerland (1998)
Bild-basierte Objekterkennung. Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany (1998)
Poster (48)
The face typicality-recognizability relationship: encoding or retrieval locus. 39th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Dallas, TX, USA (1998)
Playing a game can tell a lot about face recognition. Sixth Annual Workshop on Object Perception and Memory (OPAM 1998), Dallas, TX, USA (1998)
Pointing to hidden landmarks is similar in real and virtual environments. Sixth Annual Workshop on Object Perception and Memory (OPAM 1998), Dallas, TX, USA (1998)
Gender perception of 3-D head laser scans. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK (1998)
Why we placed the paper clip in the living room. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK (1998)
Colour and lightness of a surface seen behind a transparent filter. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK (1998)
The perception of absolute speed during self-motion. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK (1998)
Size-contrast illusions deceive grasping as well as perception. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK (1998)
Selective colour constancy deficits after unilateral brain lesion. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK (1998)
Kernel Hebbian Algorithm for single-frame super-resolution. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 1998), Notre Dame, IN, USA (1998)
Visual and haptic recognition of unfamiliar three-dimensional objects: effects of transfer. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK (1998)
Perception of a camouflaged point-light walker: a differential priming effect. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK (1998)
The relationship between perceived brightness and contrast threshold in illusory figures. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK (1998)
Transfer of spatial knowledge from real to virtual environments. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK (1998)
Timing accuracy in motion extrapolation: Reversed effects of spatial properties at low and high velocities. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK (1998)
The influence of non-visual signals of walking on the perceived speed of optic flow. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK (1998)
Early use of configural information in rapid scene perception. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK (1998)
Psychophysics tests on the internet: an evaluation. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK (1998)
VS-neurons as matched filters for self-motion-induced optic flow fields. 26th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany (1998)
Contrast thresholds and perceived brightness in contour gaps. 26th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany (1998)
An object recognition model based on statistical image information. 26th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany (1998)
Accuracy of pointing to invisible landmarks in real and virtual environments. 26th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany (1998)
The color-coding system of the photopic receptors R 7+8 in Drosophila supports object fixation. 26th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany (1998)
Täuschen Größenillusionen sowohl die Hand wie das Auge? 40. Tagung Experimentell Arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP 1998), Marburg, Germany (1998)
Selektive Ausfälle der Farbkonstanz nach unilateralen Läsionen im visuellen Kortex. 40. Tagung Experimentell Arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP 1998), Marburg, Germany (1998)
Die Entdeckung eines biologischen Bewegungsnusters als Funktion der Bildorientierung. 40. Tagung Experimentell Arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP 1998), Marburg, Germany (1998)