<span><span><span><span><span>Where past meets future: the Werner Reichardt Symposium</span></span></span></span></span>

Celebrating a founding father of biological cybernetics more

The University of Tübingen, Max Planck Campus, Cyber Valley, Leibniz Institute for Knowledge Media and Technology Park offer four days of discussion, lectures and guided tours. more

Researchers propose a dynamical systems view of internal brain states across species<br /> 

Max Planck scientists on the future of neuroethological research

The Max Planck Society in 75 seconds

Knowledge is everything more

The world in mind

The world in mind

April 15, 2021

Heinrich Bülthoff's work shaped modern psychophysics, the scientific discipline that studies the relationship between impulses and their perception. In this interview, the director emeritus of the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics takes us on a walk through many years of his research career, a virtual Tübingen and to the institute's motion simulators. more

<p>DFG grant for investigating aesthetic choices </p>

The German Research Foundation supports a new research project about aesthetic decision-making. more

<p>The astonishing self-organization skills of the brain</p>

Uncovering how neural circuits achieve a balance between excitation and inhibition more

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