Publications of F Brändle

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Allen, K.; Brändle, F.; Botvinick, M.; Fan, J.; Gershman, S.; Gopnik, A.; Griffiths, T.; Hartshorne, J.; Hauser, T.; Ho, M. et al.; de Leeuw, J.; Ma, W.; Murayama, K.; Nelson, J.; van Opheusden, B.; Poundsy, T.; Rafner, J.; Rahwan, I.; Rutledge, R.; Sherson, J.; Şimşek, Ö.; Spiers, H.; Summerfield, C.; Thalmann, M.; Vélez, N.; Watrous, A.; Tenenbaum, J.; Schulz, E.: Using Games to Understand the Mind. Nature Human Behaviour 8 (6), pp. 1035 - 1043 (2024)
Journal Article
Nath, S.; Brändle, F.; Schulz, E.; Dayan, P.; Brielmann, A.: Relating Objective Complexity, Subjective Complexity and Beauty in Binary Pixel Patterns. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts Epub ahead (2024)
Journal Article
Brändle, F.; Stocks, L.; Tenenbaum, J.; Gershman, S.; Schulz, E.: Empowerment contributes to exploration behaviour in a creative video game. Nature Human Behaviour 7 (9), pp. 1481 - 1489 (2023)
Journal Article
Brändle, F.; Wu, C.; Schulz, E.: What are we curious about? Trends in Cognitive Sciences 24 (9), pp. 685 - 687 (2020)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Brändle, F.; Binz, M.; Schulz, E.: Exploration beyond bandits. In: The Drive for Knowledge: The Science of Human Information-Seeking, pp. 147 - 168 (Eds. Cogliati Dezza, I.; Wu, C.; Schulz, E.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2022)

Proceedings (1)

Modirshanechi, A.; Brändle, F. (Eds.): Surprise in the brain: Theory and Experiment. Bernstein 2022 Satellite Workshop: Surprise in the brain: Theory and Experiments, Berlin, Germany, September 13, 2022. (2022)

Conference Paper (2)

Conference Paper
Brändle, F.; Kessler, S.; Ruggeri, A.; Schulz, E.: Uncertainty-driven little alchemists: Differences in exploration strategies between adults and children in an online game. In: 46th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2024). 46th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2024), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, July 24, 2024 - July 27, 2024. (2024)
Conference Paper
Brändle, F.; Schulz, E.; Wu, C.: Learning progress and uncompensated rewards as motivational drivers of engagement. In: 2023 Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience, P-2.114, pp. 832 - 835. Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN 2023), Oxford, UK, August 24, 2023 - August 27, 2023. (2023)

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Nath, S.; Brändle, F.; Schulz, E.; Dayan, P.; Brielmann, A.: Relating Objective Complexity, Subjective Complexity and Beauty. In Abstracts of the 65th TeaP, pp. 262 - 263 (Eds. Merz, S.; Frings, C.; Leuchtenberg, B.; Moeller, B.; Neumann, R. et al.). 65th Conference of Experimental Psychologists: TeaP 2023: Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog:innen, Trier, Germany, March 26, 2023 - March 29, 2023. ZPID, Trier, Germany (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Brändle, F.; Wu, C.; Schulz, E.: Fun as maximizing learnability: Balancing difficulty and prior knowledge. In 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2022): Cognitive Diversity, p. 4001 (Eds. Culbertson, J.; Perfors, A.; Rabagliati, H.; Ramenzoni, V.). 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2022): Cognitive Diversity, Toronto, Canada, July 27, 2022 - July 30, 2022. (2022)

Talk (4)

Brändle, F.: Exploration beyond bandits. Bernstein 2022 Satellite Workshop: Surprise in the brain: Theory and Experiments, Berlin, Germany (2022)
Brändle, F.: Spaß für Mensch und Maschine: Von Belohnungen, die Entscheidungen beeinflussen. Kortizes: Live-Online-Vortragsreihe "Vom Reiz der Sinne: Wahrnehmung und Gehirn", Feucht, Germany (2022)
Brändle, F.; Allen, K.; Tenenbaum, J.; Schulz, E.: Using Games to Understand Intelligence. 43rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2021): Workshop 2 Using Games to Understand Intelligence, Wien, Austria (2021)
Brändle, F.: Using games to study exploration. 43rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2021): Workshop 2 Using Games to Understand Intelligence (2021)

Poster (1)

Nath, S.; Brändle, F.; Schulz, E.; Dayan, P.; Brielmann, A.: Spatial complexity and intricacy predict subjective complexity. The Visual Science of Art Conference (VSAC 2022), Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2022)

Preprint (2)

Binz, M.; Akata, E.; Bethge, M.; Brändle, F.; Callaway, F.; Coda-Forno, J.; Dayan, P.; Demircan, C.; Eckstein, M.; Éltetö, N. et al.; Griffiths, T.; Haridi, S.; Jagadish, A.; Ji-An; Kipnis, A.; Kumar, S.; Ludwig, T.; Mathony, M.; Mattar, M.; Modirshanechi, A.; Nath, S.; Peterson, J.; Rmus, M.; Russek, E.; Saanum, T.; Scharfenberg, N.; Schubert, J.; Schulze Buschoff, L.; Singhi, N.; Sui, X.; Thalmann, M.; Theis, F.; Truong, V.; Udandarao, V.; Voudouris, K.; Wilson, R.; Witte, K.; Wu, S.; Wulff, D.; Xiong, H.; Schulz, E.: Centaur: a foundation model of human cognition. (submitted)
Brändle, F.; Wu, C.; Schulz, E.: Leveling up fun: Learning progress, expectations, and success influence enjoyment in video games. (submitted)
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