Publications of M Parto-Dezfouli

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Mönke, G.; Schäfer, T.; Parto-Dezfouli, M.; Kajal, D.; Fürtinger, S.; Schmiedt, J.; Fries, P.: Systems Neuroscience Computing in Python (SyNCoPy): A Python Package for Large-scale Analysis of Electrophysiological Data. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 18, 1448161 (2024)
Journal Article
Parto-Dezfouli, M.; Vezoli, J.; Bosman, C.; Fries, P.: Enhanced behavioral performance through interareal gamma and beta synchronization. Cell Reports 42 (10), 113249 (2023)

Preprint (1)

Parto-Dezfouli, M.; Vanegas, I.; Zarei, M.; Nesse, W.; Clark, K.; Noudoost, B.: Prefrontal working memory signal controls phase-coded information within extrastriate cortex. (submitted)
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