Publications of BS Tjan
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Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
96 (3), pp. 1556 - 1568 (2006)
Uncertainty and Invariance in the Human Visual Cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology 2.
Journal Article
5 (10), pp. 888 - 900 (2005)
Symmetry impedes symmetry discrimination. Journal of Vision 3.
Journal Article
3 (3), 1, pp. 183 - 198 (2003)
Extrinsic cues aid shape recognition from novel viewpoints. Journal of Vision 4.
Journal Article
12 (1), pp. 37 - 42 (2001)
Viewpoint Dependence in Visual and Haptic Object Recognition. Psychological Science 5.
Journal Article
38 (15-16), pp. 2335 - 2350 (1998)
The viewpoint complexity of an object-recognition task. Vision Research 6.
Journal Article
89 (11), pp. 5063 - 5067 (1992)
Crossmodal changes in the somatosensory vibrissa/barrel system of visually deprived animals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Meeting Abstract (7)
Meeting Abstract
Local features bootstrap gist perception of scenes. In 4th AVA Natural Images Meeting 2003. 4th Meeting of the Applied Vision Association: Natural Images (AVA 2003), Bristol, UK, September 17, 2003. (2003)
Meeting Abstract
Human fMRI Studies of Visual Processing in Noise. In 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2002), 721.1. 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2002), Orlando, FL, USA, November 02, 2002 - November 07, 2002. (2002)
Meeting Abstract
25 (1), 46.1, p. 100. 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1999), Miami Beach, FL, USA, October 23, 1999 - October 28, 1999. (1999)
Crossmodal transfer between vision and touch. In Society of Neuroscience Abstracts, 10.
Meeting Abstract
Influences of spatial context on novel object recognition. In Sixth Annual Workshop on Object Perception and Memory (OPAM 1998), 6. Sixth Annual Workshop on Object Perception and Memory (OPAM 1998), Dallas, TX, USA, November 19, 1998. (1998)
Meeting Abstract
27 (ECVP Abstract Supplement), p. 9. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK, August 24, 1998 - August 28, 1998. Pion Ltd., London (1998)
Near-bilateral symmetry impedes symmetry discrimination. In Perception, 12.
Meeting Abstract
The viewpoint complexity of an object-recognition task. In Fifth Annual Workshop on Object Perception and Memory (OPAM 1997). Fifth Annual Workshop on Object Perception and Memory (OPAM 1997), Philadelphia, PA, USA, November 20, 1997. (1997)
Meeting Abstract
18 (1), 353.15, p. 843. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1992), Anaheim, CA, USA, October 25, 1992 - October 30, 1992. Society for Neuroscience, Bethesda, MD, USA (1992)
Neuronal responses to frequency modulated sounds in the anterior auditory field (AAF) of the cat's cortex. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Poster (9)
An fmri method for identifying the sequential stages of processing in the ventral visual pathway. Third Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS 2003), Sarasota, FL, USA (2003)
Local structure facilitates rapid scene perception. 23rd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2000), Groningen, The Netherlands (2000)
Visual and haptic recognition of objects: Effects of viewpoint. Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO 1999), Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA (1999)
Early use of color but not local structure in rapid scene perception. Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO 1999), Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA (1999)
Visual and haptic recognition of objects: effects of transfer and viewpoint. 2. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz (TWK 1999), Tübingen, Germany (1999)
Why we placed the paper clip in the living room. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK (1998)
Visual and haptic recognition of unfamiliar three-dimensional objects: effects of transfer. 21st European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 1998), Oxford, UK (1998)