Publications of A Aghaeifar

Journal Article (11)

Journal Article
Aghaeifar, A.; Bosch, D.; Heule, R.; Williams, S.; Ehses, P.; Mauconduit, F.; Scheffler, K.: Intra-scan RF power amplifier drift correction. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 92 (2), pp. 645 - 659 (2024)
Journal Article
Zhou, J.; Hagberg, G.; Aghaeifar, A.; Bause, J.; Zaitsev, M.; Scheffler, K.: Prediction of motion induced magnetic fields for human brain MRI at 3 T. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 36 (5), pp. 797 - 813 (2023)
Journal Article
Nazemorroaya, A.; Aghaeifar, A.; Shiozawa, T.; Hirt, B.; Schulz, H.; Scheffler, K.; Hagberg, G.: Developing formalin-based fixative agents for post mortem brain MRI at 9.4 T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 87 (5), pp. 2481 - 2494 (2022)
Journal Article
Aghaeifar, A.; Bause, J.; Leks, E.; Grodd, W.; Scheffler, K.: Dynamic B0 shimming of the motor cortex and cerebellum with a multicoil shim setup for BOLD fMRI at 9.4T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 83 (5), pp. 1730 - 1740 (2020)
Journal Article
Jia, F.; Elshatlawy, H.; Aghaeifar, A.; Chu, Y.; Hsu, Y.; Littin, S.; Kroboth, S.; Yu, H.; Amrein, P.; Gao, X. et al.; Yang, W.; LeVan, P.; Scheffler, K.; Zaitsev, M.: Design of a shim coil array matched to the human brain anatomy. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 83 (4), pp. 1442 - 1457 (2020)
Journal Article
Bause, J.; Polimeni, J.; Stelzer, J.; In, M.-H.; Ehses, P.; Kraemer-Fernandez, P.; Aghaeifar, A.; Lacosse, E.; Pohmann, R.; Scheffler, K.: Impact of prospective motion correction, distortion correction methods and large vein bias on the spatial accuracy of cortical laminar fMRI at 9.4 Tesla. NeuroImage 208, 116434, pp. 1 - 16 (2020)
Journal Article
Aghaeifar, A.; Zhou, J.; Heule, R.; Tabibian, B.; Schölkopf, B.; Jia, F.; Zaitsev, M.; Scheffler, K.: A 32‐channel multi‐coil setup optimized for human brain shimming at 9.4T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 83 (2), pp. 749 - 764 (2020)
Journal Article
Scheffler, K.; Loktyushin, A.; Bause, J.; Aghaeifar, A.; Steffen, T.; Schölkopf, B.: Spread‐spectrum magnetic resonance imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 82 (3), pp. 877 - 885 (2019)
Journal Article
Eschelbach, M.; Aghaeifar, A.; Bause, J.; Handwerker, J.; Anders, J.; Engel, E.-M.; Thielscher, A.; Scheffler, K.: Comparison of prospective head motion correction with NMR field probes and an optical tracking system. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 81 (1), pp. 719 - 729 (2019)
Journal Article
Aghaeifar, A.; Mirkes, C.; Bause, J.; Steffen, T.; Avdievitch, N.; Henning, A.; Scheffler, K.: Dynamic B 0 shimming of the human brain at 9.4 T with a 16‐channel multi‐coil shim setup. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 80 (4), pp. 1714 - 1725 (2018)
Journal Article
Kühne, M.; Eschelbach, M.; Aghaeifar, A.; von Pflugk, L.; Thielscher, A.; Himmelbach, M.; Scheffler, K.; van der Smagt, P.; Peer, A.: An MR-Compatible Haptic Interface with Seven Degrees of Freedom. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 23 (2), pp. 624 - 635 (2018)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Aghaeifar, A.; Scheffler, K.: An optimized multi-coil shim setup to improve shimming of the human brain at 9.4T. In: 22. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM-DS 2019), G1, pp. 19 - 23. 22. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM-DS 2019), Kiel, Germany, September 12, 2019 - September 13, 2019. Deutsche Sektion der ISMRM, Köln, Germany (2019)

Meeting Abstract (15)

Meeting Abstract
Mueller, S.; Glang, F.; Aghaeifar, A.; Bause, J.; Scheffler, K.: Open-source tool to create models of vasculature for fMRI simulations. In Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 37 (Supplement 1), I75, pp. S295 - S297. 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB 2024), Barcelona, Spain, October 02, 2024 - October 05, 2024. No longer published by Elsevier, Amsterdam (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Aghaeifar, A.; Scheffler, K.: RF Power Amplifier Drift Compensation for Reliable B1 Mapping Using Bloch-Siegert Technique. In ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition 2024, 1252, p. 673. ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition 2024, Singapore, May 04, 2024 - May 09, 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Zhou, J.; Aghaeifar, A.; Hagberg, G.; Scheffler, K.: B0 field estimation using Ultrashort echo time/Dixon imaging with a 4-class tissue segmentation. In 2020 ISMRM & SMRT Virtual Conference & Exhibition, 0671, pp. 259 - 260. 2020 ISMRM & SMRT Virtual Conference & Exhibition, August 08, 2020 - August 14, 2020. (2020)
Meeting Abstract
Scheffler, K.; Bause, J.; Aghaeifar, A.; Steffen, T.; Schölkopf, B.; Loktyushin, A.: Spread-spectrum MRI: acceleration of image acquisition using locally modulated magnetic fields. In ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 0758. 27th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2019), Montréal, QC, Canada, May 11, 2019 - May 16, 2019. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Aghaeifar, A.: Impact of Dynamic Multi-Coil Shimming on BOLD fMRI Contrast at 9.4T. In ISMRM Workshop on Ultrahigh Field Magnetic Resonance: Technological Advances, Translational Research Promises & Clinical Applications. ISMRM Workshop on Ultrahigh Field Magnetic Resonance: Technological Advances, Translational Research Promises & Clinical Applications, Dubrovnik, Croatia, March 31, 2019 - April 03, 2019. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Aghaeifar, A.; Mirkes, C.; Scheffler, K.: Joint dynamic shimming using the scanner’s spherical harmonic shim combined with a local multi-coil shim array. In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, 0946. Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, Paris, France. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Chang, P.; Nassirpour, S.; Aghaeifar, A.; Scheffler, K.; Henning, A.: Dynamic B0 Shimming for Multi-Slice Metabolite Mapping at Ultra-High Field in the Human Brain: Very High Order Spherical Harmonics vs. Multi-Coil. In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, 0833. Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, Paris, France. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Aghaeifar, A.; Zivkovic, I.; Steffen, T.; Mirkes, C.; Scheffler, K.: Flexible gradient driver system for a multi-coil shim setup: design considerations and implementation. In Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 30 (Supplement 1), pp. S50 - S51. 34th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB 2017), Barcelona, Spain. (2017)
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