Publications of H Chen
All genres
Journal Article (1)
Journal Article
40 (30), pp. 5797 - 5806 (2020)
Structural Correlates of CA2 and CA3 Pyramidal Cell Activity in Freely-Moving Mice. The Journal of Neuroscience Conference Paper (1)
Conference Paper
Real-Time Driver Fatigue Detection Based on ELM. In: Proceedings of ELM-2015 Volume 2: Theory, Algorithms and Applications (II), pp. 423 - 435 (Eds. Cao, J.; Mao, K.; Wu, J.; Lendasse, A.). International Conference on Extreme Learning Machines (ELM 2015), Hangzhou, China , December 15, 2015 - December 17, 2015. Springer, Cham, Switzerland (2016)
Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
Causality in neuroscience. In 20th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists (NeNa 2019), W1, p. 50. 20th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists (NeNa 2019), Schramberg, Germany, November 04, 2019 - November 06, 2019. (2019)