Publications of Z Li

Journal Article (87)

Journal Article
Li, Z.; Atick, J.: Toward a Theory of the Striate Cortex. Neural computation 6 (1), pp. 127 - 146 (1994)
Journal Article
Atick, J.; Li, Z.; Redlich, A.: What does post-adaptation color appearance reveal about cortical color representation? Vision Research 33 (1), pp. 123 - 129 (1993)
Journal Article
Atick, J.; Li, Z.; Redlich, A.: Understanding Retinal Color Coding from First Principles. Neural computation 4 (4), pp. 559 - 572 (1992)
Journal Article
Li, Z.: Different retinal ganglion cells have different functional goals. International Journal of Neural Systems 3 (3), pp. 237 - 248 (1992)
Journal Article
Herz, A.; Li, Z.; van Hemmen, J.: Statistical mechanics of temporal association in neural networks with transmission delays. Physical Review Letters 66 (10), pp. 1370 - 1373 (1991)
Journal Article
Li, Z.: A model of olfactory adaptation and sensitivity enhancement in the olfactory bulb. Biological Cybernetics 62 (4), pp. 349 - 361 (1990)
Journal Article
Li, Z.; Hopfield, J.: Modeling the olfactory bulb and its neural oscillatory processings. Biological Cybernetics 61 (5), pp. 379 - 392 (1989)

Book (1)

Zhaoping, L.: Understanding Vision: Theory, Models, and Data. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2014), 383 pp.

Book Chapter (3)

Book Chapter
Zhaoping, L.: The Primary Visual Cortex Creates a Bottom-up Saliency Map. In: Neurobiology of Attention, 93, pp. 570 - 575 (Eds. Itti, L.; Rees, G.; Tsotsos, J.). Academic Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2005)
Book Chapter
Zhaoping, L.: Optimal Sensory Encoding. In: The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, 2. Ed., pp. 815 - 819 (Ed. Arbib, M.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2003)
Book Chapter
Li, Z.: Modeling the Sensory Computations of the Olfactory Bulb. In: Models of Neural Networks: Temporal Aspects of Coding and Information Processing in Biological Systems, pp. 221 - 251 (Eds. Domany, E.; van Hemmen, J.; Schulten, K.). Springer, New York, NY, USA (1995)

Conference Paper (11)

Conference Paper
Kim, K.; Khodyakov, D.; Marie, K.; Booth, M.; Heidenreich, P.; Li, Z.; Ong, M.; Burns, J.; Meeker, D.; Ohno-Machado, L.: An Online Delphi Consensus Panel for Prioritizing Person-Centered Outcomes Research Topics. In: 40th Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA 2016). 40th Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA 2016), Chicago, IL, USA, November 12, 2016 - November 16, 2016. (2016)
Conference Paper
Zhaoping, L.; May, K.; Koene, A.: Some fingerprints of V1 mechanisms in the bottom up saliency for visual selection. Third Behavioural Brain Sciences Symposium, Birmingham, UK, 2007-05 - 2007-06. Computational modelling in behavioural neuroscience: closing the gap between neurophysiology and behaviour, pp. 137 - 164 (2009)
Conference Paper
Li, Z.; Dayan, P.: Position Variance, Recurrence and Perceptual Learning. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13, pp. 31 - 37 (Eds. Leen, T.; Dietterich, T.; Tresp, V.). Fourteenth Annual Neural Information Processing Systems Conference (NIPS 2000), Denver, CO, USA, November 27, 2000 - December 02, 2000. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2001)
Conference Paper
Li, Z.: Can VI Mechanisms Account for Figure-Ground and Medial Axis Effects? In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12, pp. 136 - 142 (Eds. Solla, S.; Leen , T.; Müller, K.). Thirteenth Annual Neural Information Processing Systems Conference (NIPS 1999), Denver, CO, USA, November 29, 1999 - December 04, 1999. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2000)
Conference Paper
Li, Z.: A V1 Model of Pop Out and Asymmetty in Visual Search. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 11, pp. 796 - 802 (Eds. Kearns, M.; Solla, S.; Cohn, D.). Twelfth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 1998), Denver, CO, USA, November 30, 1998 - December 05, 1998. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (1999)
Conference Paper
Li, Z.; Dayan, P.: Computational Differences between Asymmetrical and Symmetrical Networks. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 11, pp. 274 - 280 (Eds. Kearns, M.; Solla, S.; Cohn, D.). Twelfth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 1998), Denver, CO, USA, November 30, 1998 - December 05, 1998. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (1999)
Conference Paper
Chen, D.; Li, Z.: A Psychophysical Experiment to Test the Efficient Stereo Coding Theory. In: International Workshop TANC'97, pp. 225 - 236 (Eds. Wong, K.-Y.; King, I.; Yeung, D.-Y.). Theoretical aspects of neural computation: a multidisciplinary perspective, Hongkong, May 26, 1997 - May 28, 1997. Springer, Singapore (1998)
Conference Paper
Li, Z.: Primary cortical dynamics for visual grouping. In: Theoretical aspects of neural computation: a multidisciplinary perspective, pp. 155 - 164 (Eds. Wong, K.-Y.; King, I.; Yeung, D.-Y.). International Workshop TANC'97 , Hongkong, May 26, 1997 - May 28, 1997. Springer, Singapore (1998)
Conference Paper
Li, Z.: A Neural Model of Visual Contour Integration. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 9, pp. 69 - 75 (Eds. Mozer, M.; Jordan, M.; Petsche, T.). Tenth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 1996), Denver, CO, USA, December 02, 1996 - December 05, 1996. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (1997)
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