Publications of R Pohmann
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Meeting Abstract (59)
Meeting Abstract
Travelling Wave MR. In IVth European Conference of Medical Physics on Advances in High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2010, p. 19. IVth European Conference of Medical Physics on Advances in High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2010, Udine, Italy, September 23, 2010 - September 25, 2010. (2010)
Meeting Abstract
Towards in vivo Visualization of Pancreatic Beta-Cells in the Mouse: Molecular Imaging at 16.4 T. In ISMRM-ESMRMB Joint Annual Meeting 2010, 1879. ISMRM-ESMRMB Joint Annual Meeting 2010, Stockholm, Sweden, May 01, 2010 - May 07, 2010. (2010)
Meeting Abstract
22 (Supplement 1), pp. 94 - 95. 26th Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB 2009 , Antalya, Turkey, October 01, 2009 - October 03, 2009. No longer published by Elsevier, Amsterdam (2009)
Accurate, localized quantification of white matter perfusion with ASL. In Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 144.
Meeting Abstract
Susceptibility Weighted Imaging of the Human Brain at 9.4T. In 17th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2009), 43. 17th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2009), Honolulu, HI, USA, April 18, 2009 - April 24, 2009. (2009)
Meeting Abstract
17 O T1/T2* tissue-relaxation rates with anatomical contrast in the rat brain at 16.4 T. In 17th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2009), 354. 17th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2009), Honolulu, HI, USA, April 18, 2009 - April 24, 2009. (2009)
Meeting Abstract
21 (Supplement 1), 50, pp. 36 - 37. ESMRMB 2008 Congress: 25th Annual Meeting, Valencia, Spain, October 02, 2008 - October 04, 2008. No longer published by Elsevier, Amsterdam (2008)
Strong BOLD-effect with TurboCRAZED MRI following hyperoxia in the rat brain at 16.4 T. In Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 147.
Meeting Abstract
21 (Supplement 1), 315, p. 205. ESMRMB 2008 Congress: 25th Annual Meeting, Valencia, Spain, October 02, 2008 - October 04, 2008. No longer published by Elsevier, Amsterdam (2008)
Theoretical and experimental comparison of different techniques for continuous arterial spin labelling. In Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 148.
Meeting Abstract
21 (Supplement 1), 168, p. 109. ESMRMB 2008 Congress: 25th Annual Meeting, Valencia, Spain, October 02, 2008 - October 04, 2008. No longer published by Elsevier, Amsterdam (2008)
Shark Imaging. In Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, Talk (9)
Concurrent fMRI and intrinsic optical imaging spectroscopy with high resolution at ultra high field. 1st Small Animal MRI Symposium (SAMS 2018), Münster, Germany (2018)
Optical imaging with fMRI. Satellite Symposium "Multi-modal fMRI from photons to protons", 5th Biennial Conference on Resting State and Brain Connectivity, Wien, Austria (2016)
Ultra-High Resolution Imaging of the Human Brain at 9.4 T Using Prospective Motion Correction. ISMRM Workshop on Ultra High Field MRI: Technological Advances Clinical Applications, Heidelberg, Germany (2016)
Combination of Multimode Traveling-Wave Excitation and TIAMO for Human Brain Imaging at 9.4 T. 30th Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB 2013, Toulouse, France (2013)
Multi-rigid motion correction of MR images. 30th Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB 2013, Toulouse, France (2013)
MR sequence development for perfusion and structural imaging at 3T and 9.4T. Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR), Hvidovre, Denmark (2013)
Technical Challenges of Ultra-High Field Imaging. First International Workshop on MRI Phase Contrast and Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM Workshop 2011), Dornburg, Germany (2011)
MR-Bildgebung bei 9,4 T. Arbeitskreis Magnetresonanzverfahren der DGMP: 45. Arbeitskreissitzung, Ettlingen, Germany (2010)
Bayesian Experimental Design of MRI Sequences. Workshop on Machine Learning: Approaches to Representational Learning and Recognition in Vision, Frankfurt a.M., Germany (2008)
Poster (112)
Characterization of fMRI sequences using concurrent optical imaging and fMRI. 20th European Molecular Imaging Meeting (EMIM 2025), Bilbao, Spain (2025)
Open-source tool to create models of vasculature for fMRI simulations. 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB 2024), Barcelona, Spain (2024)
Tissue-susceptibility matched electrodes for simultaneous magnetic resonance imaging. 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB 2024), Barcelona, Spain (2024)