Publications of AM Wright

Poster (13)

Borbath, T.; Murali-Manohar, S.; Dorst, J.; Wright, A.; Henning, A.: ProFit-v3: accuracy and precision evaluation of a new spectral fitting software. 2021 ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition (ISMRM 2021) (2021)
Wright, A.; Murali Manohar, S.; Ziegs, T.; Henning, A.: Relaxation corrected simulated MM model for improved fitting and quantification of 1H FID MRSI data. 2021 ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition (ISMRM 2021) (2021)
Ziegs, T.; Wright, A.; Henning, A.: Reproducibility and Coverage of Human Whole-brain 1H FID MRSI at 9.4 T after Processing Pipeline Optimization. 2021 ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition (ISMRM 2021) (2021)
Borbath, T.; Murali Manohar, S.; Wright, A.; Henning, A.: T2 Relaxation Times of Macromolecules in Human Brain Spectra at 9.4 T. 27th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2019), Montréal, QC, Canada (2019)
Geldschläger, O.; Manohar, S.; Wright, A.; Avdievitch, N.; Henning, A.: First MRI of the human spinal cord at 9.4T. 27th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2019), Montréal, QC, Canada (2019)
Murali-Manohar, S.; Borbath, T.; Wright, A.; Henning, A.: Characterization of Downfield Resonances and their T2 Relaxation times in Human Brain at 9.4 T. 27th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2019), Montréal, QC, Canada (2019)
Murali-Manohar, S.; Wright, A.; Borbath, T.; Henning, A.: Longitudinal Relaxation times of Macromolecular Resonances at 9.4 T in Human Brain. 27th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2019), Montréal, QC, Canada (2019)
Ruhm, L.; Dorst, J.; Avdievich, N.; Wright, A.; Mirkes, C.; Bause, J.; Scheffler, K.; Henning, A.: 31P MRSI of the human brain at 9.4 T: Metabolic imaging applying low-rank denoising. 27th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2019), Montréal, QC, Canada (2019)
Wright, A.; Murali Manohar, S.; Henning, A.: Relaxation corrected and Sequence-dependent Macromolecule Baseline Model. 27th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2019), Montréal, QC, Canada (2019)
Murali-Manohar, S.; Wright, A.; Henning, A.: Challenges in estimating T1 Relaxation Times of Macromolecules in the Human Brain at 9.4T. MRS Workshop 2018 Metabolic Imaging, Utrecht, The Netherlands (2018)
Wright, A.; Murali Manohar, S.; Henning, A.: Longitudinal Relaxation Times of 5 Metabolites in vivo at 9.4T: preliminary results. MRS Workshop 2018 Metabolic Imaging, Utrecht, The Netherlands (2018)
Wright, A.; Nassirpour, S.; Chang, P.; Henning, A.: Toward Absolute Quantification Using External Reference Standards at 3T and 9.4T. Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, Paris, France (2018)

Preprint (3)

Murali-Manohar, S.; Borbath, T.; Wright, A.; Avdievich, N.; Henning, A.: Quantitative 2D J-resolved metabolite-cycled semiLASER spectroscopy of metabolites and macromolecules in the human brain at 9.4 T. (submitted)
Wright, A.; Ziegs, T.; Henning, A.: Quantitative metabolic reference for healthy human cerebrum derived from group averaged 9.4T 1H MRSI data. (submitted)
Ruhm, L.; Ziegs, T.; Wright, A.; Mathy, C.; Murali-Manohar, S.; Dorst, J.; Avdievich, N.; Henning, A.: Dynamic observation of 2H labeled compounds in the human brain with 1H versus 2H magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 9.4T. (submitted)
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