Publications of M Spitschan

Journal Article (73)

Journal Article
Hainke, L.; Dowsett, J.; Spitschan, M.; Priller, J.: 40 Hz Visual Stimulation During Sleep Evokes Neuronal Gamma Activity in NREM and REM Stages. Sleep 48 (3), zsae299 (2025)
Journal Article
Trinkl, J.; Bickerstaff, L.; Munkwitz, S.; Spitschan, M.: Stimulus conditions eliciting sneezing in response to bright light. Experimental Brain Research 243 (2), 56 (2025)
Journal Article
Martinsons, C.; Behar-Cohen, F.; Bergen, T.; Blattner, P.; Herf, M.; Gronfier, C.; Houser, K.; Jost, S.; Nilsson Tengelin, M.; Obein, G. et al.; Schlangen, L.; Simonot, L.; Spitschan, M.; Torriglia, A.; Zeitzer, J.: Reconsidering the spectral distribution of light: Do people perceive watts or photons? Lighting Research & Technology 56 (8), pp. 886 - 899 (2024)
Journal Article
Zauner, J.; Udovicic, L.; Spitschan, M.: Power analysis for personal light exposure measurements and interventions. PLOS ONE 19 (12), e0308768 (2024)
Journal Article
Alwi Alkaff, Z.; Roobini Murukesu, R.; Del Villar, D.; Spitschan, M.: Protocol for a co-design study for the development of a chronotherapeutic mobile health behaviour change intervention targeting light exposure among older adults. F1000Research 13, 1356 (2024)
Journal Article
Biller, A.; Balakrishnan, P.; Spitschan, M.: Behavioural determinants of physiologically-relevant light exposure. Communications Psychology 2 (1), 114 (2024)
Journal Article
Guidolin, C.; Aerts, S.; Agbeshie, G.; Akuffo, K.; Aydin, S.; Baeza-Moyano, D.; Bolte, J.; Broszio, K.; Cantarero-García, G.; Didikoglu, A. et al.; González-Lezcano, R.; Joosten-Ma, H.; Melero-Tur, S.; Nilsson Tengelin, M.; Pérez Gutiérrez, M.; Stefani, O.; Svensson, I.; Udovičić, L.; Zauner, J.; Spitschan, M.: Protocol for a prospective, multicentre, cross-sectional cohort study to assess personal light exposure. BMC Public Health 24 (1), p. 3285 (2024)
Journal Article
Spitschan, M.; Kervezee, L.; Lok, R.; McGlashan, E.; Najjar, R.: How stepping out helped us tune in: finding space and time to think as an early career researcher. NPJ Biological Timing and Sleep 1 (1), 9 (2024)
Journal Article
Tir, S.; White, R.; Spitschan, M.: Inclusion, reporting and analysis of demographic variables in chronobiology and sleep research. Frontiers in Neuroscience 18, 1421026 (2024)
Journal Article
Hartmann, E.; Reichert, C.; Spitschan, M.: Effects of caffeine intake on pupillary parameters in humans: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Behavioral and Brain Functions 20, 19 (2024)
Journal Article
Spitschan, M.; Hammad, G.; Blume, C.; Schmidt, C.; Skene, D.; Wulff, K.; Santhi, N.; Zauner, J.; Münch, M.: Metadata recommendations for light logging and dosimetry datasets. BMC Digital Health 2 (1), 73 (2024)
Journal Article
Spitschan, M.; Zauner, J.; Nilsson Tengelin, M.; Bouroussis, C.; Caspar, P.; Eloi, F.: Illuminating the future of wearable light metrology: Overview of the MeLiDos Project. Measurement 235, 114909 (2024)
Journal Article
Biller, A.; Fatima, N.; Hamberger, C.; Hainke, L.; Plankl, V.; Nadeem, A.; Kramer, A.; Hecht, M.; Spitschan, M.: The Ecology of Human Sleep (EcoSleep) Cohort Study: Protocol for a longitudinal repeated measurement burst design study to assess the relationship between sleep determinants and outcomes under real-world conditions across time of year. Journal of sleep research Epub ahead, e14225 (2024)
Journal Article
Spitschan, M.; Kervezee, L.; Lok, R.; McGlashan, E.; Najjar, R.: Brighter future for light therapy: harmonising the reporting of light interventions in psychiatry. BMJ Mental Health 27 (1), pp. 1 - 2 (2024)
Journal Article
Lazar, R.; Degen, J.; Fiechter, A.-S.; Monticelli, A.; Spitschan, M.: Regulation of pupil size in natural vision across the human lifespan. Royal Society Open Science 11 (6), 191613 (2024)
Journal Article
Schöllhorn, I.; Stefani, O.; Lucas, R.; Spitschan, M.; Epple, C.; Cajochen, C.: The Impact of Pupil Constriction on the Relationship Between Melanopic EDI and Melatonin Suppression in Young Adult Males. Journal of Biological Rhythms 39 (3), pp. 282 - 294 (2024)
Journal Article
Patterson Gentile, C.; Spitschan, M.; Taskin, H.; Bock, A.; Aguirre, G.: Temporal sensitivity for achromatic and chromatic flicker across the visual cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience 44 (21), e1395232024 (2024)
Journal Article
Hammad, G.; Wulff, K.; Skene, D.; Münch, M.; Spitschan, M.: Open-source Python module for the analysis of personalized light exposure data from wearable light loggers and dosimeters. Leukos 20 (4), pp. 380 - 389 (2024)
Journal Article
Blume, C.; Cajochen, C.; Schöllhorn, I.; Slawik, H.; Spitschan, M.: Effects of calibrated blue–yellow (–S+[L+M], +S–[L+M]) changes in light on the human circadian clock. Nature Human Behaviour 8 (3), pp. 590 - 605 (2024)
Journal Article
Roguski, A.; Needham, N.; MacGillivray, T.; Martinovic, J.; Dhillon, B.; Riha, R.; Armstrong, L.; Campbell, I.; Ferguson, A.; Hilgen, G. et al.; Lako, M.; Ritter, P.; Santhi, N.; von Schantz, M.; Spitschan, M.: Investigating light sensitivity in bipolar disorder (HELIOS-BD). Wellcome Open Research 9, 64 (2024)
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