Publications of P Dayan
All genres
Journal Article (304)
Journal Article
65 (4), pp. 253 - 265 (1991)
Optimising synaptic learning rules in linear associative memories. Biological Cybernetics 302.
Journal Article
2 (1), pp. 85 - 93 (1990)
Optimal Plasticity from Matrix Memories: What Goes Up Must Come Down. Neural computation 303.
Journal Article
2 (1), pp. 85 - 93 (1990)
Optimal plasticity in matrix memories: What goes up must come down. Neural computation 304.
Journal Article
132 (6), pp. 336 - 342 (1985)
Semiconductor waveguides: analysis of optical propagation in single rib structures and directional couplers. Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers Part J: Optoelectronics Book (1)
Theoretical Neuroscience: Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2001), 460 pp.
Book Chapter (15)
Book Chapter
Aesthetic boredom. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Boredom (Eds. Bieleke, M.; Wolff, W.; Martarelli, C.). Routledge, London, UK (2024)
Book Chapter
The first steps on long marches: The costs of active observation. In: Psychiatry Reborn: Biopsychosocial psychiatry in modern medicine, 14, pp. 213 - 228 (Eds. Davies, W.; Savulescu, J.; Roache, R.; Loebel, J.). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2020)
Book Chapter
5: Methodology, 4. Ed., pp. 507 - 546 (Eds. Wixted, J.; Wagenmakers, E.-J.). Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, USA (2018)
Models and Methods for Reinforcement Learning. In: Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, Vol. 309.
Book Chapter
Exploration from Generalization Mediated by Multiple Controllers. In: Intrinsically Motivated Learning in Natural and Artificial Systems, pp. 73 - 91 (Eds. Baldassarre, G.; Mirolli, M.). Springer, Berlin, Germany (2013)
Book Chapter
Models of Value and Choice. In: Neuroscience of Preference and Choice: Cognitive and Neural Mechanisms, 2, pp. 33 - 52 (Eds. Dolan, R.; Sharot, T.). Elsevier/Academic Press, London, UK (2012)
Book Chapter
Semi-rational models of conditioning: The case of trial order. In: The Probabilistic Mind: Prospects for Bayesian cognitive science$, 19, pp. 427 - 448 (Eds. Chater, N.; Oaksford, M.). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2008)
Book Chapter
Neuronal Correlates of Decision Making. In: Better than conscious?: decision making, the human mind, and implications for institutions, 6 (Eds. Engel, C.; Singer, W.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2008)
Book Chapter
Actions, policies, values, and the basal ganglia. In: Recent Breakthroughs in Basal Ganglia Research, 8, pp. 91 - 106 (Ed. Bezard, E.). Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY, USA (2006)
Book Chapter
Levels of Analysis in Neural Modeling. In: Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, 2 Ed. (Ed. Nadel, L.). Wiley, Chichester, UK (2005)
Book Chapter
3 (Ed. Nadel, L.). Wiley, Chichester, UK (2005)
Reinforcement Learning. In: Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, Vol. 316.
Book Chapter
Helmholtz machines and wake-sleep learning. In: The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, 2. Ed., pp. 522 - 524 (Ed. Arbib, M.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2003)
Book Chapter
Learning to Evaluate Go Positions via Temporal Difference Methods. In: Computational Intelligence in Games, pp. 77 - 98 (Eds. Baba, N.; Jain, L.). Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2001)
Book Chapter
Unsupervised Learning. In: The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (Eds. Wilson, R.; Keil, F.). MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (1999)
Book Chapter
Neurobiological Modeling: Squeezing Top Down to Meet Bottom Up. In: A Companion to Cognitive Science, pp. 526 - 542 (Eds. Bechtel, W.; Graham, G.). Blackwell, Malden, MA, USA (1998)
Book Chapter
Altered states and virtual beliefs. In: Connectionism, Concepts and Folk Psychology: The Legacy of Alan Turing Vol. 2, pp. 101 - 114 (Eds. Millican, P.; Clark, A.). Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK (1996)