Publications of F Bröker

Journal Article (10)

Journal Article
Bröker, F.; Holt, L.; Roads, B.; Dayan, P.; Love, B.: Demystifying unsupervised learning: how it helps and hurts. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 28 (11), pp. 974 - 986 (2024)
Journal Article
Bröker, F.; Ramscar, M.: Representing absence of evidence: why algorithms and representations matter in models of language and cognition. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 38 (4), pp. 597 - 620 (2023)
Journal Article
Archer, K.; Catenacci Volpi, N.; Bröker, F.; Polani, D.: A space of goals: the cognitive geometry of informationally bounded agents. Royal Society Open Science 9 (12), 211800 (2022)
Journal Article
Bröker, F.; Love, B.; Dayan, P.: When unsupervised training benefits category learning. Cognition 221, 104984 (2022)
Journal Article
Azizi, A.; Pusch, R.; Koenen, C.; Klatt, S.; Bröker, F.; Thiele, S.; Kellermann, J.; Güntürkün, O.; Chen, S.: Emerging category representation in the visual forebrain hierarchy of pigeons (Columba livia). Behavioural Brain Research 356, pp. 423 - 434 (2019)
Journal Article
Bröker, F.; Marshall, L.; Bestmann, S.; Dayan, P.: Forget-me-some: General versus special purpose models in a hierarchical probabilistic task. PLoS One 13 (10), e0205974 (2018)
Journal Article
Tomaschek, F.; Arnold, D.; Bröker, F.; Baayen, R.: Lexical frequency co-determines the speed-curvature relation in articulation. Journal of Phonetics 68, pp. 103 - 116 (2018)
Journal Article
Linke, M.; Bröker, F.; Ramscar, M.; Baayen, H.: Are baboons learning "orthographic" representations? Probably not. PLoS One 12 (8), e0183876 , pp. 1 - 22 (2017)
Journal Article
Wieling, M.; Tomaschek, F.; Arnold, D.; Tiede, M.; Bröker, F.; Thiele, S.; Wood, S.; Baayen, R.: Investigating dialectal differences using articulography. Journal of Phonetics 59, pp. 122 - 143 (2016)
Journal Article
Koenen, C.; Pusch, R.; Bröker, F.; Thiele, S.; Güntürkün, O.: Categories in the pigeon brain: A reverse engineering approach. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 105 (1), pp. 111 - 122 (2016)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Bröker, F.; Roads, B.; Dayan, P.; Love, B.: Teaching categories to human semi-supervised learners. In: 5th Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (RLDM 2022), 2.8, pp. 122 - 125. 5th Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (RLDM 2022), Providence, RI, USA, June 08, 2022 - June 11, 2022. (2022)

Poster (2)

Bröker, F.; Love, B.; Dayan, P.: The varied effect of unsupervised information on human category learning. Bernstein Conference 2020 (2020)
Bröker, F.; Love, B.; Dayan, P.: Semi-Supervised Categorisation: Input Representations Determine Necessity of Feedback. 20th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists (NeNa 2019) , Schramberg, Germany (2019)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Broeker, F.: Semi-supervised categorisation: the role of feedback in human learning. Dissertation, 191 pp., Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London, London, UK (2022)
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