Publications of O Solopchuk
All genres
Journal Article (9)
Journal Article
20 (1), e0304923 (2025)
Multifaceted confidence in exploratory choice. PLOS ONE 2.
Journal Article
143, pp. 751 - 758 (2021)
Active sensing with artificial neural networks. Neural networks 3.
Journal Article
123, pp. 30 - 40 (2019)
Cognitive task avoidance correlates with fatigue-induced performance decrement but not with subjective fatigue. Neuropsychologia 4.
Journal Article
123, pp. 5 - 18 (2019)
An information-theoretic perspective on the costs of cognition. Neuropsychologia 5.
Journal Article
8 (1), 12381, pp. 1 - 7 (2018)
Locus Coeruleus atrophy doesn’t relate to fatigue in Parkinson’s disease. Scientific Reports 6.
Journal Article
163, pp. 34 - 40 (2017)
cTBS disruption of the supplementary motor area perturbs cortical sequence representation but not behavioural performance. NeuroImage 7.
Journal Article
36 (25), pp. 6599 - 6601 (2016)
The Role of the Dorsal Premotor Cortex in Skilled Action Sequences. The Journal of Neuroscience 8.
Journal Article
28 (3), pp. 402 - 417 (2016)
Disruption of Broca's Area Alters Higher-order Chunking Processing during Perceptual Sequence Learning. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 9.
Journal Article
23 (3), pp. 108 - 112 (2016)
Chunking improves symbolic sequence processing and relies on working memory gating mechanisms. Learning & memory Talk (1)
Active sensing with artificial neural networks. Freie Universität, Department of Education and Psychology,
Center for Cognitive Neuroscience Berlin, Berlin, Germany (2022)
Poster (4)
Multifaceted confidence in exploratory choice. Bernstein Conference 2023, Berlin, Germany (2023)
Predictive coding through the lens of the pupil. 12th National Congress of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience (BSN 2017), Ghent, Belgium (2019)
The cost of cognitive activity in a predictive coding framework. 12th National Congress of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience (BSN 2015), Gent, Belgium (2019)
Kinematics of motor sequence performance in the presence of implicit and explicit structure. NEURONUS 2015: IBRO & IRUN Neuroscience Forum, Krakow, Poland (2015)
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Information theoretic approach to decision making in continuous domains. Dissertation, Université Catholique de Louvain, Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (2021)