Publications of L Schulz
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
8 (1), pp. 159 - 177 (2024)
(Mal)adaptive Mentalizing in the Cognitive Hierarchy, and Its Link to Paranoia. Computational Psychiatry 2.
Journal Article
28 (3), pp. 210 - 222 (2024)
Political reinforcement learners. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3.
Journal Article
7, pp. 608 - 624 (2023)
A (dis-)information Theory of Revealed and Unrevealed Preferences: Emerging Deception and Skepticism via Theory of Mind. Open mind: discoveries in cognitive science 4.
Journal Article
130 (3), pp. 604 - 639 (2023)
Metacognitive Computations for Information Search: Confidence in Control. Psychological Review 5.
Journal Article
117 (49), pp. 31527 - 31534 (2020)
Dogmatism manifests in lowered information search under uncertainty. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Conference Paper (3)
Conference Paper
Between prudence and paranoia: Theory of Mind gone right, and wrong. In: ICML 2023: First Workshop on Theory of Mind in Communicating Agents (ToM 2023). ICML 2023: First Workshop on Theory of Mind in Communicating Agents (ToM 2023), Honolulu, HI,USA, July 28, 2023. (2023)
Conference Paper
Emergent deception and skepticism via theory of mind. In: ICML 2023: First Workshop on Theory of Mind in Communicating Agents (ToM 2023). ICML 2023: First Workshop on Theory of Mind in Communicating Agents (ToM 2023), Honolulu, HI,USA, July 28, 2023. (submitted)
Conference Paper
A (dis-)information theory of revealed and unrevealed preferences. In: Information-Theoretic Principles in Cognitive Systems: Workshop at the 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022). NeurIPS 2022 Workshop on Information-Theoretic Principles in Cognitive Systems, New Orleans, LA, USA, December 03, 2022. (2022)
Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
Towards a computational cognitive perspective of misinformation. In NeNa Conference 2021: Neurowissenschaftliche Nachwuchskonferenz (Conference of Junior Neuroscientists), T10, p. 11. 22nd Conference of Junior Neuroscientists (NeNa 2021), Tübingen, Germany, October 07, 2021. (2021)
Poster (2)
Mechanisms of Mistrust: A Bayesian Account of Misinformation Learning. 48. Jahrestagung Psychologie & Gehirn (PuG 2023), Tübingen, Germany (2023)
Metacognitive Computations for Information Search: Confidence in Control. 43rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2021), Wien, Austria (2021)
Preprint (4)
Detecting and Deterring Manipulation in a Cognitive Hierarchy. (submitted)
Overly deep hierarchical mentalizing produces paranoia: a new formal theory. (submitted)
Mechanisms of Mistrust: A Bayesian Account of Misinformation Learning. (submitted)
Playing repeated games with Large Language Models. (submitted)