Publications of MW von Grünau
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Journal Article (3)
Journal Article
67 (1), pp. 100 - 112 (1987)
Thalamo-cortical connections and their correlation with receptive field properties in the cat's lateral suprasylvian visual cortex. Experimental Brain Research 2.
Journal Article
7 (4), pp. 943 - 958 (1987)
Centrifugal organization of direction preferences in the cat's lateral suprasylvian visual cortex and its relation to flow field processing. The Journal of Neuroscience 3.
Journal Article
52 (2), pp. 307 - 310 (1983)
Natural strabismus in non-siamese cats: Lack of binocularity in the striate cortex. Experimental Brain Research Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
10 (2), 274.3 , p. 932. 14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1984), Anaheim, CA, USA, October 10, 1984 - October 15, 1984. (1984)
A thalamo-cortical subsystem in the cat for the detection of expanding visual flow fields of motion. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts,