Publications of E Volkova

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Volkova, E.; de la Rosa, S.; Bülthoff, H.; Mohler, B.: The MPI Emotional Body Expressions Database for Narrative Scenarios. PLoS One 9 (12), pp. 1 - 28 (2014)
Journal Article
Volkova, E.; Mohler, B.; Dodds, T.; Tesch, J.; Bülthoff, H.: Emotion categorization of body expressions in narrative scenarios. Frontiers in Psychology 5, 623, pp. 1 - 11 (2014)
Journal Article
Ruddle, R.; Volkova, E.; Bülthoff, H.: Learning to Walk in Virtual Reality. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 10 (2), 11, pp. 1 - 11 (2013)
Journal Article
Ruddle, R.; Volkova, E.; Bülthoff, H.: Walking improves your cognitive map in environments that are large-scale and large in extent. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 18 (2), 10, pp. 1 - 22 (2011)
Journal Article
Ruddle, R.; Volkova, E.; Mohler, B.; Bülthoff, H.: The effect of landmark and body-based sensory information on route knowledge. Memory & Cognition 39 (4), pp. 686 - 699 (2011)
Journal Article
Volkova, E.: Experiment for the color idioms project. Slovo i Tekst 9, pp. 157 - 164 (2009)
Journal Article
Volkova, E.: Idioms with basic color terms in the English and Russian languages. Vestnik Tverskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta 17 (13), pp. 202 - 213 (2008)

Conference Paper (4)

Conference Paper
Thaler, A.; Wellerdiek, A.; Leyrer, M.; Volkova-Volkmar, E.; Troje, N.; Mohler, B.: The Role of Avatar Fidelity and Sex on Self-Motion Recognition. In: ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP '18), 3 (Eds. Grimm, C.; Willemsen, P.; Kearney, J.; Riecke, B.). ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP '18), Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 10, 2018 - August 11, 2018. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA (2018)
Conference Paper
Volkova, E.; Mohler, B.: On-line Annotation System and New Corpora for Fine Grained Sentiment Analysis of Text. In: 5th International Workshop on Emotion, Social Signals, Sentiment & Linked Open Data (ES³LOD 2014), Satellite of LREC 2014 ELRA, pp. 74 - 81. 5th International Workshop on Emotion, Social Signals, Sentiment & Linked Open Data (ES³LOD 2014), Satellite of LREC 2014 ELRA, Reykjavik, Iceland , May 26, 2014 - May 27, 2014. (2014)
Conference Paper
Alexandrova, I.; Volkova, E.; Kloos, U.; Bülthoff, H.; Mohler, B.: Virtual Storyteller in Immersive Virtual Environments Using Fairy Tales Annotated for Emotion States. In: Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EGVE - EuroVR - VEC, pp. 65 - 68 (Eds. Kuhlen, T.; Coquillart, S.; Interrante, V.). Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EGVE - EuroVR - VEC (JVRC 2010), Stuttgart, Germany, September 27, 2010 - October 01, 2010. Eurographics Association, Goslar, Germany (2010)
Conference Paper
Volkova, E.; Mohler, B.; Meurers, D.; Gerdemann, D.; Bülthoff, H.: Emotional Perception of Fairy Tales: Achieving Agreement in Emotion Annotation of Text. In: CAAGET '10: Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text, pp. 98 - 106 (Eds. Inkpen, D.; Strapparava, C.). NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text, Los Angeles, CA, USA, June 05, 2010. Association for Computational Linguistics, Morristown, NJ, USA (2010)

Meeting Abstract (3)

Meeting Abstract
Volkova, E.; Mohler, B.; Bülthoff, H.: Motion Capture of Emotional Body Language in Narrative Scenarios. In 13th Conference of the Junior Neuroscientists of Tübingen (NeNA 2012): Science and Education as Social Transforming Agents, p. 9. 13th Conference of the Junior Neuroscientists of Tübingen (NeNA 2012): Science and Education as Social Transforming Agents, Schramberg, Germany. (2012)
Meeting Abstract
Volkova, E.; Mstislavski, A.: ePETaLS: Online Annotation Tool for Emotional Text Labelling. In . 22. Tagung der Computerlinguistik-Studierenden (TaCoS 2012), Trier, Germany. (2012)
Meeting Abstract
Ruddle, R.; Volkova, E.; Bülthoff, H.: Walking improves your cognitive map in environments that are large-scale and large in extent. In . 30th ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2012), Austin, TX, USA, May 05, 2011 - May 10, 2011. (2011)

Talk (2)

Volkova, E.: PETaLS: Perception of Emotions in Text: a Linguistic Simulation. 21. Tagung der Computerlinguistik Studierenden (TaCoS 2011), Giessen, Germany (2011)
Volkova, E.: Emotional Perception of Fairy Tales: Achieving Agreement in Emotion Annotation of Text. 20. Tagung der Computerlinguistik Studierenden (TaCoS 2010), Zürich, Switzerland (2010)

Poster (8)

Volkova, E.; Mohler, B.; Dodds, T.; Tesch, J.; Bülthoff, H.: Perception of emotional body expressions in narrative scenarios. ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP '13), Dublin, Ireland (2013)
Wellerdiek, A.; Leyrer, M.; Volkova, E.; Chang, D.-S.; Mohler, B.: Recognizing your own motions on virtual avatars: is it me or not? ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP '13), Dublin, Ireland (2013)
Volkova, E.; Mohler, B.; Bülthoff, H.: Display size of biological motion stimulus influences performance in a complex emotional categorisation task. 13th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS 2013), Naples, FL, USA (2013)
Volkova, E.; Mohler, B.; Linkenauger, S.; Alexandrova, I.; Bülthoff, H.: Contribution of Prosody in Audio-visual Integration to Emotional Perception of Virtual Characters. 12th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF 2011), Fukuoka, Japan (2011)