Publications of GE Hagberg

Journal Article (89)

Journal Article
Hagberg, G.; Golay, X.; Tosetti, M.: Towards quantitative MRI for the clinic. Physica Medica 124, 103418 (2024)
Journal Article
Capuani, S.; Maiura, A.; Giampà, E.; Montuori, M.; Varrucciu, V.; Hagberg, G.; Vinicola, V.; Colonna, S.: Assessment of Calcaneal Spongy Bone Magnetic Resonance Characteristics in Women: A Comparison between Measures Obtained at 0.3 T, 1.5 T, and 3.0 T. Diagnostics 14 (10), 1050 (2024)
Journal Article
Kurian, D.; Hagberg, G.; Scheffler, K.; Paul, J.: A predictor-corrector phase unwrapping algorithm for temporally undersampled gradient-echo MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 91 (4), pp. 1707 - 1722 (2024)
Journal Article
Kronlage, C.; Heide, F.; Hagberg, G.; Bender, B.; Scheffler, K.; Martin, P.; Focke, N.: MP2RAGE vs. MPRAGE surface-based morphometry in focal epilepsy. PLOS ONE 19 (2), e0296843 (2024)
Journal Article
Lee, J.; Mack, A.; Mattheus, U.; Donato, S.; Longo, R.; Tromba, G.; Shiozawa, T.; Hagberg, G.; Scheffler, K.: Distribution of corpora amylacea in the human midbrain: using synchrotron radiation phase-contrast microtomography, high-field magnetic resonance imaging and histology. Frontiers in Neuroscience 17, 1236876 (2023)
Journal Article
Roeben, B.; Zeltner, L.; Hagberg, G.; Scheffler, K.; Schöls, L.; Bender, B.: Reply to: "Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging Reveals Subcortical Iron Deposition in PLAN: The 'Double Cortex Sign'". Movement Disorders 38 (10), pp. 1973 - 1974 (2023)
Journal Article
Zhou, J.; Hagberg, G.; Aghaeifar, A.; Bause, J.; Zaitsev, M.; Scheffler, K.: Prediction of motion induced magnetic fields for human brain MRI at 3 T. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 36 (5), pp. 797 - 813 (2023)
Journal Article
Amedick, L.; Martin, P.; Beschle, J.; Strölin, M.; Wilke, M.; Wolf, N.; Pouwels, P.; Hagberg, G.; Klose, W.; Naegele, T. et al.: Clinical significance of diffusion tensor imaging in metachromatic leukodystrophy. Neuropediatrics 54 (4), pp. 244 - 252 (2023)
Journal Article
Hagberg, G.; Engelmann, J.; Göring, E.; Cuña, E.; Scheffler, K.: Magnetic properties of iron-filled hydrogel clusters: a model system for quantitative susceptibility mapping with MRI. Frontiers in Physics 11, 1209505 (2023)
Journal Article
Cuña, E.; Schulz, H.; Tuzzi, E.; Biagi, L.; Bosco, P.; García-Fontes, M.; Mattos, J.; Tosetti, M.; Engelmann, J.; Scheffler, K. et al.: Simulated and experimental phantom data for multi-center quality assurance of quantitative susceptibility maps at 3 T, 7 T and 9.4 T. Physica Medica 110, 102590 (2023)
Journal Article
Roeben, B.; Zeltner, L.; Hagberg, G.; Scheffler, K.; Schöls, L.; Bender, B.: Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging Reveals Subcortical Iron Deposition in PLA2G6-associated Neurodegeneration: The "Double Cortex Sign". Movement Disorders 38 (5), pp. 904 - 906 (2023)
Journal Article
Hagberg, G.; Eckstein, K.; Tuzzi, E.; Zhou, J.; Robinson, S.; Scheffler, K.: Phase-based masking for quantitative susceptibility mapping of the human brain at 9.4T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 88 (5), pp. 2267 - 2276 (2022)
Journal Article
Kim, J.; Taylor, A.; Himmelbach, M.; Hagberg, G.; Scheffler, K.; Ress, D.: Characterization of the blood oxygen level dependent hemodynamic response function in human subcortical regions with high spatiotemporal resolution. Frontiers in Neuroscience 16, 1009295 (2022)
Journal Article
Lee, J.; Mack, A.; Shiozawa, T.; Longo, R.; Trombo, G.; Scheffler, K.; Hagberg, G.: Microvascular imaging of the unstained human superior colliculus using synchrotron-radiation phase-contrast microtomography. Scientific Reports 12, 9238 (2022)
Journal Article
Nazemorroaya, A.; Aghaeifar, A.; Shiozawa, T.; Hirt, B.; Schulz, H.; Scheffler, K.; Hagberg, G.: Developing formalin-based fixative agents for post mortem brain MRI at 9.4 T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 87 (5), pp. 2481 - 2494 (2022)
Journal Article
DiNuzzo, M.; Mangia, S.; Moraschi, M.; Mascali, D.; Hagberg, G.; Giove, F.: Perception is associated with the brain's metabolic response to sensory stimulation. eLife 11, e71016 (2022)
Journal Article
Knipper, M.; Singer, W.; Schwabe, K.; Hagberg, G.; Hegner, Y.; Rüttiger, L.; Braun, C.; land, R.: Disturbed Balance of Inhibitory Signaling Links Hearing Loss and Cognition. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 15, 785603 (2022)
Journal Article
Martin, P.; Hagberg, G.; Schultz, T.; Harzer, K.; Klose, U.; Bender, B.; Nägele, T.; Scheffler, K.; Krägeloh-Mann , I.; Groeschel, S.: T2-Pseudonormalization and Microstructural Characterization in Advanced Stages of Late-infantile Metachromatic Leukodystrophy. Clinical Neuroradiology 31 (4), pp. 969 - 980 (2021)
Journal Article
Madhusoodhanan, S.; Hagberg, G.; Scheffler, K.; Paul, J.: Multi-echo gradient-recalled-echo phase unwrapping using a Nyquist sampled virtual echo train in the presence of high-field gradients. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 86 (4), pp. 2220 - 2233 (2021)
Journal Article
Kumar, V.; Scheffler, K.; Hagberg, G.; Grodd, W.: Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of the Basal Ganglia and Thalamus at 9.4 Tesla. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 15, 725731, pp. 1 - 12 (2021)