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Dynamics of Activity in Neuronal Networks Give Rise to Fast Modulations of Functional Connectivity. In: Parallel Processing in Neural Systems and Computers, pp. 53 - 56 (Eds. Eckmiller, R.; Hartmann, G.; Hauske, G.). International Conference on Parallel Processing in Neural Systems and Computers (ICNC 1990), Düsseldorf, Germany, March 19, 1990 - March 21, 1990. North-Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1990)
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Synchronized Activity in the CA1-Region of the Rat Hippocampus Reveals Spatio-Temporal CSD-Patterns of Action Potentials. In: Parallel Processing in Neural Systems and Computers, pp. 75 - 78 (Eds. Eckmiller, R.; Hartmann, G.; Hauske, G.). International Conference on Parallel Processing in Neural Systems and Computers (ICNC 1990), Düsseldorf, Germany, March 19, 1990 - March 21, 1990. North-Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1990)
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Are Fractal Dimensions a Good Measure for Neuronal Activity? In: Parallel Processing in Neural Systems and Computers, pp. 83 - 86 (Eds. Eckmiller, R.; Hartmann, G.; Hauske, G.). International Conference on Parallel Processing in Neural Systems and Computers (ICNC 1990), Düsseldorf, Germany, March 19, 1990 - March 21, 1990. North-Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1990)
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Processing of figure and background motion in the visual system of the fly. In: Parallel Processing in Neural Systems and Computers, pp. 133 - 134 (Eds. Eckmiller, R.; Hartmann, G.; Hauske, G.). International Conference on Parallel Processing in Neural Systems and Computers (ICNC 1990), Düsseldorf, Germany, March 19, 1990 - March 21, 1990. North-Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1990)
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Time course of correlation in multi-neuron spike trains reveals rapid modulations of functional connectivity. In: Workshop on Temporal Correlations and Temporal Coding in the Brain, pp. 106 - 110 (Ed. Lestienne, R.). Workshop on Temporal Correlations and Temporal Coding in the Brain, Paris, France, April 25, 1990 - April 27, 1990. (1990)
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Natural and genetically engineered visual pigments of the fly. In: Sensory systems and communication in arthropods: including the first comprehensive collection of contributions by Soviet scientists, pp. 86 - 90 (Eds. Gribakin, F.; Wiese, K.; Popov, A.). Sensory systems and communication in arthropods 1989, Leningrad, Soviet Union. Birkhäuser, Basel, Switzerland (1990)
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Movement detection and figure-ground discrimination. In: From Neuron to Action: An Appraisal of Fundamental and Clinical Research, pp. 267 - 276 (Eds. Deecke, L.; Eccles, J.; Mountcastle, V.). International Symposium From Neuron to Action in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Prof. Hans Helmut Kornhuber, Wien, Austria, April 24, 1988 - April 27, 1988. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1990)
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Meeting Abstract (11)
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Dynamic convergence in neural assemblies. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts,