Conference Paper (17)
Conference Paper
Exploration der Umwelt: Suchstrategien einer Taufliege. In: Technische Biologie und Bionik 1: 1. Bionik-Kongress, Wiesbaden 1992, pp. 27 - 38 (Ed. Nachtigall, W.). 1. Bionik-Kongress, Wiesbaden, Germany, June 11, 1992 - June 13, 1992. Fischer, Stuttgart, Germany (1992)
Conference Paper
Wie wird im Verlaufe der Evolution optimiert? "Erfindungen" im Komplexauge der Stubenfliege. In: Technische Biologie und Bionik 1: 1. Bionik-Kongress, Wiesbaden 1992, pp. 39 - 52 (Ed. Nachtigall, W.). 1. Bionik-Kongress, Wiesbaden, Germany, June 11, 1992 - June 13, 1992. Fischer, Stuttgart, Germany (1992)
Conference Paper
3D Object Recognition Using Unsupervised Feature Extraction. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 4, pp. 368 - 377 (Eds. Moody, J.; Hanson, S.; Lippmann, R.). Fifth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems: Natural and Synthetic (NIPS 1991), Denver, CO, USA, December 02, 1991 - December 05, 1991. Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, USA (1992)
Conference Paper
Correlation-based development of disparity sensitivity. 1990 Conference on Analysis and Modeling of Neural Systems, Berkeley, CA, USA, July 25, 1990 - July 27, 1990. Analysis and modeling of neural systems, (1992)
Conference Paper
Aertsen, A.; Braitenberg, V.). Meeting on Theoretical Brain Science, Schloss Ringberg, Germany, April 18, 1990 - April 20, 1990. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1992)
Manifesto of brain science. In: Information Processing in the Cortex: Experiments and Theory, pp. 473 - 477 (Eds.
Conference Paper
Aertsen, A.; Braitenberg, V.). Meeting on Theoretical Brain Science, Schloss Ringberg, Germany, April 18, 1990 - April 20, 1990. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1992)
How Ideas Survive Evidence to the Contrary: A Comment on Data Display and Modelling. In: Information Processing in the Cortex: Experiments and Theory, pp. 447 - 450 (Eds.
Conference Paper
Basic Features of Cortical Connectivity and Some Consideration on Language. In: Language Origin: a Multidisciplinary Approach, pp. 89 - 102 (Eds. Wind, J.; Chiarelli, B.; Bichakjian, B.; Nocentini, A.; Jonker, A.). NATO Advanced Study Institute on Language Origin: a Multidisciplinary Approach 1988, Cortona, Italy, July 08, 1988 - July 22, 1988. Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands (1992)
Conference Paper
Perturbing Hebbian Rules. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 4, pp. 19 - 26 (Eds. Moody, J.; Hanson, S.; Lippmann, R.). 4th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 1991), Denver, CO, USA, December 02, 1991 - December 05, 1991. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, USA (1992)
Conference Paper
Aertsen, A.; Braitenberg, V.). Meeting on Theoretical Brain Science, Schloss Ringberg, Germany, April 18, 1990 - April 20, 1990. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1992)
Dynamics of Activity in Biology-Oriented Neural Network Models: Stability at Low Firing Rates. In: Information Processing in the Cortex: Experiments and Theory (Eds.
Conference Paper
The cornea as an optical element in the cetacean eye. In: Marine Mammal Sensory Systems, pp. 97 - 106 (Eds. Thomas, J.; Kastelein, R.; Supin, A.). Symposium on Sensory Systems of Aquatic Mammals 1991, Moskva, Russian Federation, October 16, 1991 - October 19, 1991. Plenum Press, New York, NY, USA (1992)
Conference Paper
Volume learning: Signalling covariance through neural tissue. 1990 Conference on Analysis and Modeling of Neural Systems, Berkeley, CA, USA, July 25, 1990 - July 27, 1990. Analysis and modeling of neural systems, (1992)
Conference Paper
Aertsen, A.; Braitenberg, V.). Meeting on Theoretical Brain Science, Schloss Ringberg, Germany, April 18, 1990 - April 20, 1990. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1992)
Current Source Density Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Fluorescence Maps in Organotypical Slice Cultures. In: Information Processing in the Cortex: Experiments and Theory, pp. 253 - 269 (Eds.
Conference Paper
Aertsen, A.; Braitenberg, V.). Meeting on Theoretical Brain Science, Schloss Ringberg, Germany, April 18, 1990 - April 20, 1990. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1992)
Reconstruction and Characterisation of Neuronal Dynamics: How Attractive is Chaos? In: Information Processing in the Cortex: Experiments and Theory, pp. 285 - 297 (Eds.
Conference Paper
Aertsen, A.; Braitenberg, V.). Meeting on Theoretical Brain Science, Schloss Ringberg, Germany, April 18, 1990 - April 20, 1990. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1992)
Randomness and constraints in the cortical neuropil. In: Information Processing in the Cortex: Experiments and Theory, pp. 3 - 21 (Eds.
Conference Paper
Aertsen, A.; Braitenberg, V.). Meeting on Theoretical Brain Science, Schloss Ringberg, Germany, April 18, 1990 - April 20, 1990. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1992)
Coding and Computation in the Cortex: Single-Neuron Activity and Cooperative Phenomena. In: Information Processing in the Cortex: Experiments and Theory, pp. 81 - 121 (Eds.
Conference Paper
Aertsen, A.; Braitenberg, V.). Meeting on Theoretical Brain Science, Schloss Ringberg, Germany, April 18, 1990 - April 20, 1990. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1992)
Some Quantitative Remarks about the Retina, the Primary Visual Cortex, and Visual Perception in Humans. In: Information processing in the cortex: Experiments and theory, pp. 179 - 188 (Eds. Meeting Abstract (9)
Meeting Abstract
18, 551.10, p. 1306. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1992), Anaheim, CA, USA, October 25, 1992 - October 30, 1992. Society for Neuroscience, Bethesda, MD, USA (1992)
Development of disparity sensitivity in a correlational-based network model of the visual cortex requires two phases. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts,
Meeting Abstract
32 (5), p. 34A. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Zoologists with the
Animal Behavior Society American Microscopical Society, The Canadian Society of Zoologists, The Crustacean Society, The International Association of Astacology, Vancouver, BC, Canada, December 26, 1992 - December 30, 1992. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology(SI, McLean, VA (1992)
Unsteady Aerodynamic Performance of Model Fly Wing. In American Zoologist,
Meeting Abstract
18, 596.2, p. 1210. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1992), Anaheim, CA, USA, October 25, 1992 - October 30, 1992. Society for Neuroscience, Bethesda, MD, USA (1992)
Expectation learning in the brain using diffuse ascending projections. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts,
Meeting Abstract
18 (1), 257.1, p. 593. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1992), Anaheim, CA, USA, October 25, 1992 - October 30, 1992. Society for Neuroscience, Bethesda, MD, USA (1992)
Auditory compensation of early visual deprivation in the cats anterior ectosylvian cortex. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts,