Publications of E Giannakakis
All genres
Journal Article (3)
Journal Article
Epub ahead (2024)
Network bottlenecks and task structure control the evolution of interpretable learning rules in a foraging agent. Artificial Life
Journal Article
20 (10), e1012510 (2024)
Structural influences on synaptic plasticity: the role of presynaptic connectivity in the emergence of E/I co-tuning. PLOS Computational Biology
Journal Article
28 (4), pp. 458 - 478 (2022)
When to Be Critical? Performance and Evolvability in Different Regimes of Neural Ising Agents. Artificial Life Conference Paper (5)
Conference Paper
Modular Growth of Hierarchical Networks: Efficient, General, and Robust Curriculum Learning. In: ALIFE 2024: Proceedings of the 2024 Artificial Life Conference. 2024 Conference on Artificial Life, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 22, 2024 - July 26, 2024. (2024)
Conference Paper
Environmental variability and network structure determine the optimal plasticity mechanisms in embodied agents. In: ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine: Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference, pp. 157 - 166 (Eds. Iizuka, H.; Suzuki, K.; Uno, R.; Damiano, L.; Spychala, N. et al.). ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life, Sapporo, Japan, July 24, 2023 - July 28, 2023. MIT Press (2023)
Conference Paper
Locally adaptive cellular automata for goal-oriented self-organization. In: ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine: Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference, pp. 410 - 419 (Eds. Iizuka, H.; Suzuki, K.; Uno, R.; Damiano, L.; Spychala, N. et al.). ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life, Sapporo, Japan, July 24, 2023 - July 28, 2023. MIT Press (2023)
Conference Paper
2021, 78. ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life, Praha, Czech Republic, July 19, 2021 - July 23, 2021. MIT Press (2021)
Reservoir computing with self-organizing neural oscillators. In: Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, Vol.
Conference Paper
2021, 79. ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life, Praha, Czech Republic, July 19, 2021 - July 23, 2021. MIT Press (2021)
The dynamical regime and its importance for evolvability, task performance and generalization. In: Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, Vol. Meeting Abstract (3)
Meeting Abstract
52 (Supplement 1), O5, pp. S8 - S9. 32nd Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2023), Leipzig, Germany, July 15, 2023 - July 19, 2023. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston (2024)
Local excitation and lateral inhibition enable the simultaneous processing of multiple signals in recurrent neural networks. In Journal of Computational Neuroscience,
Meeting Abstract
Long timescales needed for memory tasks arise from distinct mecha- nisms shaped by learning curricula. In Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (COSYNE 2024), T-35, pp. 47 - 48. Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (COSYNE 2024), Lisboa, Portugal, February 29, 2024 - March 05, 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Role of single-neuron and network-mediated timescales in recurrent neural networks solving long-memory tasks. In Bernstein Conference 2023, CT 4. Bernstein Conference 2023, Berlin, Germany, September 26, 2023 - September 29, 2023. (2023)
Poster (15)
Dendritic nonlinearities and synapse type-specific input clustering enable the development of input selectivity in a wide range of settings. Bernstein Conference 2024, Frankfurt/Main, Germany (2024)
Unsupervised clustering of burst shapes reveals the increasing complexity of developing networks in vitro. Bernstein Conference 2024, Frankfurt/Main, Germany (2024)
Effective excitability: a determinant of the network bursting dynamics revealed by parameter invariance. Bernstein Conference 2024, Frankfurt/Main, Germany (2024)
Overlapping E/I neuronal assemblies generate rich network dynamics and enable complex computations. Research in Encoding and Decoding of Neural Ensembles (AREADNE 2024), Milos, Greece (2024)
Distinct excitatory and inhibitory connectivity structures control the dynamics and computational capabilities of recurrent networks. Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (COSYNE 2024), Lisboa, Portugal (2024)
Inhomogeneous connectivity structures in E/I networks enable the processing of multiple chaotic time series. Bernstein Conference 2023, Berlin, Germany (2023)
Emergent E/I anti-tuning and balance during surrogate gradient learning. Bernstein Conference 2023, Berlin, Germany (2023)
Network excitability determines collective bursting dynamics of neuronal networks in vitro. Bernstein Conference 2023, Berlin, Germany (2023)
Synaptic-type-specific clustering optimizes the computational capabilities of balanced recurrent networks. Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (COSYNE 2023), Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2023)