Talk (1658)

Bülthoff, H.: Integration of Depth Information. Conference on Computational Models in Vision, Trieste, Italy (1990)
Bülthoff, H.: Does the Seeing Brain know Physics? Department of Applied Mathematics: Brown University, Providence, RI, USA (1990)
Koch, C.; Reichardt, W.; Albright, T.; Nakayama, K.; Andersen, R.: Computing motion in flies, monkeys and man: Linking physiology with psychophysics and computational theory. 19th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1989), Phoenix, AZ, USA (1989)
Schüz, A.: Quantitative anatomy of cortical connectivity. Congress Physics, Mathematics and Cognitive Neurosciences, Paris, France (1989)
Schüz, A.: Quantitative aspects of cortical structure. Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen: Workshop Neurodynamics , Nijmegen, The Netherlands (1985)
Palm, G.: Entropy for Markov Operators. Semesterbericht Funktionalanalysis: Sommersemester, Tübingen, Germany (1983)
Kirschfeld, K.; Franceschini, N.: Microspectrophotometry of fly rhabdomeres. Conference on Visual Physiology 1975, Günzburg, Germany (1975)
Chuang, L. L.: Beyond Steering in Human-Centered Closed-Loop Control. Institute for Neural Computation: INC Chalk Talk Series, San Diego, CA, USA
Mohler, B. J.: Perception research using immersive virtual reality technology. CrossWorlds 2014: Theory, Development & Evaluation of Social Technology, Chemnitz, Germany

Poster (4133)

Basgol, H.; Raab, F.; Dayan, P.; Franz, V.: Violations of spatiotemporal visual regularities lead to pupil dilation responsess. 67th Conference of Experimental Psychologists: TeaP 2025: Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog:innen, Frankfurt/Main, Germany (2025)
Baumann, T.; Eschenko, O.: Synchronization between the hippocampus and the thalamic nucleus reuniens accompanies spatial decision making. 16th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society (NWG 2025) , Göttingen, Germany (2025)
Bernard, R.; Scheffler, K.; Pohmann, R.: Characterization of fMRI sequences using concurrent optical imaging and fMRI. 20th European Molecular Imaging Meeting (EMIM 2025), Bilbao, Spain (2025)
Ghaderian, M.; Jörke, V.; Hune, T.; Mamone, S.; Korchak, S.; Zimmermann, M.; Choffart, A.; Hoffmann, S.; Fries, L.; Hihn, O. et al.; Zizmare, L.; Gonzalez-Menendez, I.; Schmid, A.; Kempf, N.; Heikenwälder, M.; Buckenmaier, K.; Trautwein, C.; Pichler, B.; Kneilling, M.; Glöggler, S.; Schwenk, J.; Ferreira Martins, A.: Longitudinal Metabolic Imaging-Guided Modulation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Development via NASH. 20th European Molecular Imaging Meeting (EMIM 2025), Bilbao, Spain (2025)
Näher, T.; Bastian, L.; Kroemer, N.; Mednick, S.; Born, J.; Fries, P.: tVNS affects and depends on autonomous and central nervous system states. 6th International Brain Stimulation Conference, Kobe, Japan (2025)
Näher, T.; Breuer, F.; Lueckel, M.; Zhang, Y.; Bastian, L.; Bergmann, T.; Fries, P.: Frontal Eye Field inhibition causes enhanced saccade rhythmicity. 6th International Brain Stimulation Conference, Kobe, Japan (2025)
Kastner, D.; Williams, G.; Holobetz, C.; Romano, J.; Dayan, P.: The choice-wide behavioral association study: data-driven identification of interpretable behavioral components. 63rd Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP 2024), Phoenix, AZ, USA (2024)
Bucher, S.; Yan, Z.-Y.; Shen, B.; Dayan, P.; Glimcher, P.: Reward Prediction Updates: Tracking Changes in Reward Expectations. Annual Meeting of the Society of NeuroEconomics (SNE 2024), Cascais, Portugal (2024)
Buergi, N.; Konovalov, A.; Biegel, C.; De Araujo, T.; Aydogan, G.; Ruff, C.: Neurocomputational signatures of altered adaptive mentalization in autism. Annual Meeting of the Society of NeuroEconomics (SNE 2024), Cascais, Portugal (2024)
Calap, H.; Mueller, P.; Eltokhi, A.; Ott, T.; Lerche, H.; Wuttke, T.; Hedrich, U.: Characterization of a Kcna2 loss-of-function mouse model. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2024), San Diego, CA, USA (2024)
Chebolu, S.; Dayan, P.: Optimal and sub-optimal intertemporal decisions explain procrastination in a real-world task. Annual Meeting of the Society of NeuroEconomics (SNE 2024), Cascais, Portugal (2024)
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