Book Review (17)

Book Review
Noori, H.: on "Understanding Molecular Simulation". ACM Computing Reviews 2012 (2012)
Book Review
Bülthoff, H.; Chuang, L.: Seeing: The Computational Approach to Biological Vision. Second Edition. By John P. Frisby and James V. Stone. Cambridge (Massachusetts): MIT Press. $55.00 (paper). xiv + 562 p.; ill.; index. ISBN: 978-0-262-51427-9. 2010. The Quarterly Review of Biology 86 (3), p. 227 (2011)
Book Review
Noori, H.: on "Computational nanosciences: applications for molecules, clusters, and solids". ACM Computing Reviews (2011)
Book Review
Noori, H.: on "Deriving a digraph isomorphism for digraph compliance measurement". ACM Computing Reviews (2011)
Book Review
Noori, H.: on "Dynamic local remeshing for elastoplastic simulation". ACM Computing Reviews (2011)
Book Review
Noori, H.: on "Fast multidimension multichoice knapsack heuristic for MP-SoC runtime management". ACM Computing Reviews (2011)
Book Review
Noori, H.: on "Model composition for macromolecular regulatory networks". ACM Computing Reviews (2011)
Book Review
Noori, H.: on "Nonclassical mathematical model in geoinformatics to solve dynamic problems for nonequilibrium nonisothermal seepage fields". ACM Computing Reviews (2011)
Book Review
Noori, H.: on "Numerical relativity: solving Einstein’s equations on the computer". ACM Computing Reviews (2011)
Book Review
Noori, H.: on "Permutation patterns". ACM Computing Reviews (2011)
Book Review
Peters, J.: Computational Intelligence: Principles, Techniques and Applications by Amit Konar. The Computer Journal 50 (6), p. 758 (2007)
Book Review
Wehrhahn, C.: Neural Darwinism: The Theory of Neuronal Group Selection by Gerald M. Edelman. American Scientist 77 (6), pp. 582 - 583 (1989)

Patent (46)

Zaiss, M.; Glang, F.; Prokudin, S.; Scheffler, K.: Machine learning based processing of magnetic resonance data, including an uncertainty quantification. US 2022/0179026 A1 (2022)
Zaiss, M.; Deshmane, A.; Scheffler, K.: Method And Apparatus For Processing Magnetic Resonance Data. (accepted)
Totah, N.; Vasilev, D.; Boldt, J.: Liquid Supply Device for Animals. EP3375280 (2018)
Yu, X.; Jiang, Y.; Russel, P.; Frosz, M.; Schlüsener, J.: In vivo imaging device with fiber optic. EP3375367 (2018)
Chen, Y.; Yu, X.; Yu, S.: Positioning system for an imaging device. EP3315064 (2018)
Avdievitch, N.; Hetherington, H.; Pan, J.: Magnetic-Resonance Transceiver-Phased Array that Compensates for Reactive and Resistive Components of Mutual Impedance between Array Elements and Circuit and Method Thereof. US20130271144A1 (2018)
Heule, R.; Bieri, O.: Magnetic resonance imaging method for the quantification of the T1 and/or T2 relaxation times in a sample. US9625547B2 (2017)
Bülthoff, H.; Miermeister, P.; Teufel, H.: Seilrobotersystem zur Bewegungssimulation. DE102015002297B4 (2016)
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