Publikationen von A Levina

Meeting Abstract (18)

Meeting Abstract
Levina, A.: Timescales of neural computation. In Workshop on Optimality, evolutionary trade-offs, Pareto theory and degeneracy in neuronal modeling (CNS*2023). Workshop on Multiscale Spatial and Temporal Neural Computation (CNS*2023), Leipzig, Germany, 19. Juli 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Levina, A.: Investigation of the neural encoding of dynamic faces based on highly-realistic dynamic avatars. In CIN-NIPS-Asia Pacific Systems Neuroscience Symposium 2023. CIN-NIPS-Asia Pacific Systems Neuroscience Symposium 2023, Tübingen, Germany, 10. März 2023 - 11. März 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Levina, A.: Timescales of ongoing cortical activity and their relationship to the local connectivity and attentional state [Echelles temporelles de l'activité corticale spontanée et leur rélation avec la connectivité locale et l'état attentionnel]. In NeuroFrance 2021, S26.4. NeuroFrance 2021, Strasbourg, France, 19. Mai 2021 - 21. Mai 2021. (2021)
Meeting Abstract
Vinogradov, O.; Sukenik, N.; Segal, M.; Moses, E.; Levina, A.: Neuronal cultures self-organize towards excitation/inhibition balance. In Bernstein Conference 2020, C 7. Bernstein Conference 2020 , 29. September 2020 - 01. Oktober 2020. (2020)
Meeting Abstract
Iwai, R.; Vinogradov, O.; Logothetis, N.; Levina, A.; Totah, N.: ACC single unit and neuronal population correlates of response conflict versus and error detection in a novel rodent near mistake paradigm. In AREADNE 2020: Research in Encoding and Decoding of Neural Ensembles, S. 20 (Hg. Pezaris, J.; Hatsopoulos, N.). AREADNE 2020: Research in Encoding and Decoding of Neural Ensembles, Santorini, Greece, 16. Juni 2020 - 20. Juni 2020. The AREADNE Foundation, Cambridge, MA, USA (2020)
Meeting Abstract
Sukenik, N.; Vinogradov, O.; Levina, A.; Segal, M.; Moses, E.: Impact of excitatory/inhibitory compositions on network dynamics and balance in neuronal cultures. In 28th Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Neuroscience (ISFN 2020), S. 175 - 176. 28th Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Neuroscience (ISFN 2020), Eilat, Israel, 05. Januar 2020 - 07. Januar 2020. (2020)
Meeting Abstract
Vinogradov, O.; Sukenik, N.; Moses, E.; Levina, A.: Effects of cellular excitatory-inhibitory composition on dynamics of cultured hippocampal neurons. In 20th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists (NeNa 2019), T9, S. 11. 20th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists (NeNa 2019) , Schramberg, Germany, 04. November 2019 - 06. November 2019. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Zeraati, R.; Steinmetz, N.; Moore, T.; Engel, T.; Levina, A.: Signatures of network structure in timescales of spontaneous activity. In BMC Neuroscience, 20 (Supplement 1), F2, S. 2. 28th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2019), Barcelona, Spain, 13. Juli 2019 - 17. Juli 2019. BioMed Central (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Levina, A.: Critical dynamics in models and experimental data. In DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2019, BP 15.9. DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2019, Regensburg, Germany, 31. März 2019 - 05. April 2019. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Vinogradov, O.; Sukenik, N.; Moses, E.; Levina, A.: Effects of cellular excitatory-inhibitory composition on neuronal dynamics. In DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2019, BP 15.4. DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2019, Regensburg, Germany, 31. März 2019 - 05. April 2019. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Zeraati, R.; Engel, T.; Levina, A.: Critical avalanches in a spatially structured model of cortical On-Off dynamics. In DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2019, BP 15.10. DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2019, Regensburg, Germany, 31. März 2019 - 05. April 2019. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Levina, A.; Priesemann, V.; Vinogradov, O.; Effenberger, F.: Self-organization of neuronal dynamics by plasticity and adaptation. In Neuroforum, 9 (Supplement 1), S14-3, S. 115. 13th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, 37th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany, 20. März 2019 - 23. März 2019. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Levina, A.; Herrmann, M.; Geisel, T.: Synchronized inputs induce switching to criticality in a neural network. In Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2009 (Conference Abstract: Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience). Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience (BCCN 2009), Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 30. September 2009 - 02. Oktober 2009. Frontiers Research Foundation, Lausanne (2009)
Meeting Abstract
Levina, A.; Herrmann, J.; Geisel, T.: Critical branching processes in neural networks. In Proceedings of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 7 (1), S. 1030701 - 1030702. Sixth International Congress on Industrial Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2007) and GAMM Annual Meeting, Zürich, Switzerland, 16. Juli 2007 - 20. Juli 2007. Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, Fed. Rep. of Germany (2008)

Vortrag (8)

Levina, A.: Intrinsic timescales in the cortex and how to find them. 11th CIN-NIPS-Asia Pacific Systems Neuroscience Symposium 2023, Tübingen, Germany (2023)
Levina, A.; Vinogradov, O.; Sukenik, N.; Moses, E.: Balance and adaptation in neuronal systems. NEST Conference 2022 (2022)
Levina, A.: Sub-sampled but self organized. Bernstein Conference 2021 Satellite Workshop: Brain Criticality: The Past, the Present and the Future (2021)
Levina, A.: Optimization of computational capabilities by poising neuronal systems close to criticality. Workshop W13: Integrative Theories of Cortical Function, 28th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2019), Barcelona, Spain (2019)
Levina, A.: Influence of spatial structure on data processing and phase transitions in neuronal networks. Workshop W20: Phase Transitions in Brain Networks, 28th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2019), Barcelona, Spain (2019)
Levina, A.: Assessing brain states and their impact on cortical computations. INC Day 2018: Collective Brains, Paris, France (2018)
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