Publikationen von W Grodd

Zeitschriftenartikel (121)

Eblen, F.; Poremba, M.; Grodd, W.; Opitz, H.; Roggendorf, W.; Dichgans, J.: Myelinoclastic diffuse sclerosis (Schilder's disease): Cliniconeuroradiologic correlations. Neurology 41 (4), S. 589 (1991)

Buchkapitel (5)

Charyasz, E.; Heule, R.; Molla, F.; Erb, M.; Kumar, V.; Grodd, W.; Scheffler, K.; Bause, J.: Functional mapping of sensorimotor activation in the human thalamus at 9.4 Tesla. In: New challenges and future perspectives in brain imaging methods, 2. Aufl., S. 78 - 90 (Hg. Sollmann, M.; Yu, D.; Chuang, K.-H.) (2024)
Grodd, W.; Beckmann, C.: Resting-State-fMRT. In: Funktionelle MRT in Psychiatrie und Neurologie, S. 229 - 256 (Hg. Schneider, F.). Springer, Berlin, Germany (2013)
Grodd, W.; Krägeloh-Mann, I.: Stoffwechselstörungen im Kindesalter. In: Fehlbildungen und frühkindliche Schädigungen des ZNS, S. 114 - 181 (Hg. Jansen, O.; Ebinger, F.). Thieme, Stuttgart, Germany (2007)
Dogil, G.; Ackermann, H.; Grodd, W.; Haider, H.; Kamp, H.; Mayer, J.; Riecker, A.; Roehm, D.; Wildgruber, D.; Wokurek, W.: Brain dynamics induced by language production. In: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Language Production, S. 397 - 429 (Hg. Pechmann, T.; Habel, C.). Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, Germany (2004)
von Kummer, R.; Müller, A.; Staudt, M.; Grodd, W.; Mader, I.; Brückmann, H.; Reith, W.; Rodiek, S.; Yousry, T.; Seelos, K. et al.; Steinborn, M.; Schubiger, O.; Hosten, N.; Zwicker, C.; Langer, M.; Fürst, G.; Berg, J.; Vogl, T.; Gademann, G.: Gehirn, Gesichtsschädel und Hals. In: Magnetresonanztomographie, S. 122 - 451 (Hg. Reiser, M.; Semmler, W.). Springer, Berlin, Germany (2002)

Konferenzbeitrag (2)

Strik, C.; Klose, U.; Kiefer, C.; Grodd, W.: Darstellung niederfrequenter Wellen des Liquor cerebrospinalis mit Echo-Planarer-Bildgebung. In: 2. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der ISMRM (DS ISMRM 1999), V3, S. 18 - 20. 2. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der ISMRM (DS ISMRM 1999), München, Germany, 25. Oktober 1999 - 26. Oktober 1999. (1999)
Mayer, J.; Dogil, G.; Wildgruber, D.; Riecker, A.; Ackermann, H.; Grodd, W.: Prosody in speech production: A fMRI study. In: 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 1999), S. 635 - 638. 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 1999), san Francisco, CA, USA, 01. August 1999 - 07. August 1999. (1999)

Meeting Abstract (10)

Meeting Abstract
Kumar, V.; Bause, J.; Beckmann, C.; Scheffler, K.; Grodd, W.: Mesoscopic functional mapping of the globus pallidus nuclei at 9.4T. In 26th Annual Meeting of the German-speaking section of ISMRM: DACH-ISMRM 2024, 404, S. 111 - 112. DACH-ISMRM Annual Meeting 2024, Tübingen, Germany, 04. September 2024 - 05. September 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Kumar, V.; Scheffler, K.; Hagberg, G.; Grodd, W.: Mapping of Thalamic Matrix and Core Nuclei using QSM at 9.4 Tesla. In 2021 ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition (ISMRM 2021), 0093. 2021 ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition (ISMRM 2021), 15. Mai 2021 - 20. Mai 2021. (2021)
Meeting Abstract
Grodd, W.: Functional Parcellation of the Human Thalamus at 7T & 9.4T. In ISMRM Workshop on Ultrahigh Field Magnetic Resonance: Technological Advances, Translational Research Promises & Clinical Applications. ISMRM Workshop on Ultrahigh Field Magnetic Resonance: Technological Advances, Translational Research Promises & Clinical Applications, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 31. März 2019 - 03. April 2019. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Grodd, W.: Entwicklung der funktionellen Bildgebung in den Neurowissenschaften. In Psychiatrie: Biologie, Psyche, Verantwortung "Die spannendste Disziplin": Symposium für Prof. Dr. Dr. Frank Schneider. Psychiatrie: Biologie, Psyche, Verantwortung "Die spannendste Disziplin": Symposium für Prof. Dr. Dr. Frank Schneider, Aachen, Germany, 23. Februar 2018 - 24. Februar 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Loureiro, J.; Hagberg, G.; Tuzzi, E.; Himmelbach, M.; Ethofer, T.; Grodd, W.; Martin, P.; Valverde, M.; Pohmann, R.; Scheffler, K.: In-vivo ultra-high resolution structural imaging of the human superior colliculus at 9.4T: validation with ex vivo measurements at 9.4T and 14T. In Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 29 (Supplement 1), S. S376 - S377. 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB 2016), Wien, Austria. No longer published by Elsevier, Amsterdam (2016)
Meeting Abstract
Sokolov, A.; Erb, M.; Pollick, F.; Grodd, W.; Scheffler, K.; Frackowiak, R.; Friston, K.; Pavlova, M.: Cerebro-cerebellar circuitry for body language reading. In 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2015), 653.12. 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2015), Chicago, IL, USA. (2015)
Meeting Abstract
Bilalić, M.; Erb, M.; Turella, L.; Langner, W.; Grodd, W.: Where does chess reside? The collateral sulci host cognitive expertise. In 16th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP 2009), S. 75. 16th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP 2009), Krakow, Poland, 02. September 2009 - 05. September 2009. (2009)
Meeting Abstract
Ethofer, T.; Mader, I.; Seeger, U.; Ludolph, A.; Grodd, W.; Klose, U.: Comparison of Metabolite T1 Relaxation Times in Different Brain Regions at 1.5 and 3 Tesla. In 11th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2003), 434, S. 100. 11th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2003), Toronto, ON, Canada, 10. Juli 2003 - 16. Juli 2003. (2003)
Meeting Abstract
Grodd, W.; Erb, M.; Huelsmann, E.: Sequential Cerebro-Cerebellar fMRI Activation in a Delayed Response Task. In 11th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2003), 654, S. 147. 11th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2003), Toronto, ON, Canada, 10. Juli 2003 - 16. Juli 2003. (2003)
Meeting Abstract
Erb, M.; Klose, U.; Grodd, W.: Abhängigkeit des fMRI-Signals von der Echozeit in verschiedenen Gehirnregionen bei 1,5T und 3T. In 5. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der ISMRM (DS ISMRM 2002), S. 19. 5. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der ISMRM (DS ISMRM 2002), Hamburg, Germany, 02. Oktober 2002 - 03. Oktober 2002. (2002)

Poster (90)

Kumar, V.; Beckmann, C.; Bause, J.; Charyasz, E.; Scheffler, K.; Grodd, W.: Mesoscopic functional connectivity between cortex and globus pallidus nuclei. 30th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM 2024), Seoul, South Korea (2024)
Charyasz, E.; Heule, R.; Molla, F.; Erb, M.; Kumar, V.; Grodd, W.; Scheffler, K.; Bause, J.: Functional Mapping of Sensorimotor Activation in the Human Thalamus at 9.4 Tesla. 29th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM 2023), Montreal, Canada (2023)
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