Publikationen von R Bernard

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Bernard, R.; Valverde Salzmann, M.; Scheffler, K.; Pohmann, R.: Concurrent intrinsic optical imaging and fMRI at ultra high field using magnetic field proof optical components. NMR in Biomedicine 36 (7), e4909 (2023)
Buckenmaier, K.; Rudolph, M.; Fehling, P.; Steffen, T.; Back, C.; Bernard, R.; Pohmann, R.; Bernarding, J.; Kleiner, R.; Koelle, D. et al.; Plaumann, M.; Scheffler, K.: Mutual benefit achieved by combining ultralow-field magnetic resonance and hyperpolarizing techniques. Review of Scientific Instruments 89 (12), 125103, S. 1 - 12 (2018)
Zaidi, A.; Munk, M.; Schmidt, A.; Risueno-Segovia, C.; Bernard, R.; Fetz, E.; Logothetis, N.; Bierbaumer, N.; Sitaram, R.: Simultaneous epidural functional near-infrared spectroscopy and cortical electrophysiology as a tool for studying local neurovascular coupling in primates. NeuroImage 120, S. 394 - 399 (2015)
Fenske, S.; Krause, S.; Hassan, S.; Becirovic, E.; Auer, F.; Bernard, R.; Kupatt, C.; Lange, P.; Ziegler, T.; Wotjak, C. et al.; Zhang, H.; Hammelmann, V.; Paparizos, C.; Biel, M.; Wahl-Schott, C.: Sick Sinus Syndrome in HCN1-Deficient Mice. Circulation 128 (24), S. 2585 - 2594 (2013)

Meeting Abstract (4)

Meeting Abstract
Bernard, R.; Scheffler, K.; Pohmann, R.: fMRI with concurrent optical imaging of hemodynamic parameters and intracellular calcium. In 18th European Molecular Imaging Meeting (EMIM 2023), PS 29-03. 18th European Molecular Imaging Meeting (EMIM 2023), Salzburg, Austria, 14. März 2023 - 17. März 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Bernard, R.; Scheffler, K.; Pohmann, R.: Ultra high field BOLD measurements combined with simultaneous determination of blood oxygenation and blood volume by optical imaging. In ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 0205. 27th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2019), Montréal, QC, Canada, 11. Mai 2019 - 16. Mai 2019. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Fehling, P.; Bernard, R.; Pohmann, R.; Rudolph, M.; Kölle, D.; Kleiner, R.; Scheffler, K.; Buckenmaier, K.: Ex vivo continuous Overhauser nuclear dynamic polarization in a SQUID-based ultralow field magnetic resonance imaging system. In Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, 0949. Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, Paris, France, 16. Juni 2018 - 21. Juni 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Fehling, P.; Bernard, R.; Pohmann, R.; Rudolph, M.; Koelle, D.; Kleiner, R.; Scheffler, K.; Buckenmaier, K.: Ex vivo continuous Overhauser nuclear dynamic polarization in a SQUID-based ultralow-field magnetic resonance imaging system. In 82. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft und DPG-Frühjahrstagung, TT 49.4, S. 96. 82. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft und DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Berlin, Germany, 11. März 2018 - 16. März 2018. (2018)

Poster (4)

Bernard, R.; Scheffler, K.; Pohmann, R.: Characterization of fMRI sequences using concurrent optical imaging and fMRI. 20th European Molecular Imaging Meeting (EMIM 2025), Bilbao, Spain (2025)
Bernard, R.; Scheffler, K.; Pohmann, R.: Concurrent ultra-high field fMRI and optical imaging of hemodynamic parameters and intracellular calcium. ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition 2024, Singapore (2024)
Buckenmaier, K.; Rudolph, M.; Pravdivtsev, A.; Fehling, P.; Steffen, T.; Back, C.; Bernard, R.; Pohmann, R.; Bernarding, J.; Kleiner, R. et al.; Koelle, D.; Hövener, J.; Scheffler, K.; Plaumann, M.: Advantages of combining nuclear magnetic hyperpolarization and ultralow-field magnetic resonance. 21st ISMAR - 15th EUROMAR Joint Conference (EUROISMAR 2019), Berlin, Germany (2019)
Pohmann, R.; Bernard, R.; Scheffler, K.: Simultaneous measurement of BOLD-fMRI and optical imaging of intrinsic signals for determination of oxygenation and CBV at high spatial and temporal resolution. 4th Summer Conference of the European Society for Molecular Imaging: Hot Topics in Imaging Technology (TOPIM TECH 2019): Resolution Revolution, Chenia, Greece (2019)
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