Publikationen von R Lorenz

Vortrag (4)

Lorenz, R.: Layer-specific processing in the prefrontal cortex during working memory. Systems Neuroscience Symposium (SNS 2024), Tübingen, Germany (2024)
Lorenz, R.: Introducing the “Cognitive Neuroscience & Neurotechnology” group: Advancing insights into human high-level cognition. Internal Cybernetic Seminar, Tübingen, Germany (2024)
Lorenz, R.: Neuroadaptive technology for cognitive neuroscientists. Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging Summer School 2020 (PRNI), Wien, Austria (2020)
Lorenz, R.: Fractionating the human frontoparietal cortex: Combining meta-analytic and real-time optimization approaches. University of Cambridge: Chaucer Club Series, Cambridge, UK (2018)

Poster (2)

Demody, N.; Lorenz, R.; Duncan, J.; Woolgar, A.: Spatial and feature-selective attention interact to driveselective coding in frontoparietal cortex: data from healthy controls and focal lesion patients. 30th Anniversary Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS 2023), San Francisco, CA, USA (2023)
Dermody, N.; Lorenz, R.; Woolgar, A.: Spatial and feature-selective attention interact multiplicatively in multiple-demand networ. 27th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM 2021) (2021)

Preprint (2)

Chaimow, D.; Degutis, J.; Haenelt, D.; Trampel, R.; Weiskopf, N.; Lorenz, R.: Challenges in replicating layer-specificity of working memory processes in human dlPFC. (eingereicht)
Dermody, N.; Lorenz, R.; Goddard, E.; Villringer, A.; Woolgar, A.: Spatial and feature-selective attention interact to drive selective coding in frontoparietal cortex. (eingereicht)
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