Publikationen von J Li
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Vortrag (14)
Ancestral origins of cognitive maps in the vertebrate brain. MPNeuro Retreat 2022, Jupiter, FL, USA (2022)
Rethinking REM: The Neural and Behavioral Organization of Sleep Related Eye Movements in Zebrafish. Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt a.M., Germany (2022)
A nested dynamical system organizes quiescent brain states in the vertebrate brain. Seminars in Neuroscience: University of Cologne, Köln, Germany (2022)
A day in the life (and mind) of the larval zebrafish: organization of motivational states in the vertebrate brain. Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, London, UK (2022)
A dynamical systems view of neuroethology: uncovering stateful computation during zebrafish foraging. Bernstein Conference 2021 (2021)
Internal state dynamics shape brain-wide activity and foraging behavior. Neurobiological Monday Colloquium: Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany (2020)
A nonlinear oscillator coordinates brain-wide motivational state during foraging. The Brain Conferences 2019: Dynamics of the brain: temporal aspects of computation , Rungstedgaard, Denmark (2019)
A Non-Linear Oscillator Coordinates Brain-Wide Motivational State During Foraging. Modulation of Neural Circuits and Behavior Gordon Research Conference: Neuromodulatory Mechanisms Underlying Flexible Brain Functions and Behavior, Les Diablerets, Switzerland (2019)
Searching for primitives of learning and memory using small animals and big tools. Conference on Learning & Memory 2019, Austin, TX, USA (2019)
Pan-Neuronal Imaging of Feeding and Reward Circuitry in Freely Swimming Larval Zebrafish with a High-Speed Tracking Microscope. Modulation of Neural Circuits and Behavior Gordon Research Conference: Origins and Diversity of Neuromodulatory Mechanisms that Serve Basic Biological Needs
, Newry, ME, USA (2017)
Brain on the Run: Whole Brain Calcium Imaging in Freely Swimming Larval Zebrafish. 4th European Zebrafish Principle Investigator Meeting (EZPM 2016), Lisboa, Portugal (2016)
Poster (5)
A population code for spatial representation in the larval zebrafish telencephalon. Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (COSYNE 2023), Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2023)
Integration of Internal Brain Dynamics and Changing Environmental Resources during Zebrafish Foraging. FENS Forum 2022, Paris, France (2022)
Find partners: Transgenic tools for trans-synaptic tracing. 50th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2021) (2021)
Zebrafish exhibit visual attentional pop-out effects in their behavior. 11th European Zebrafish Meeting (2020)
Internal state dynamics shape brain-wide activity and foraging behavior. 20th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists (NeNa 2019), Schramberg, Germany (2019)
Preprint (1)
Neural and behavioral organization of rapid eye movement sleep in zebrafish. (eingereicht)