Publikationen von J Li

Vortrag (14)

Robson, D.; Li, J.: Ancestral origins of cognitive maps in the vertebrate brain. MPNeuro Retreat 2022, Jupiter, FL, USA (2022)
Li, J.; Robson, D.: Rethinking REM: The Neural and Behavioral Organization of Sleep Related Eye Movements in Zebrafish. Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt a.M., Germany (2022)
Li, J.; Robson, D.: A nested dynamical system organizes quiescent brain states in the vertebrate brain. Seminars in Neuroscience: University of Cologne, Köln, Germany (2022)
Li, J.; Robson, D.: A day in the life (and mind) of the larval zebrafish: organization of motivational states in the vertebrate brain. Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, London, UK (2022)
Li, J.; Robson, D.: A dynamical systems view of neuroethology: uncovering stateful computation during zebrafish foraging. Bernstein Conference 2021 (2021)
Robson, D.; Li, J.: Internal state dynamics shape brain-wide activity and foraging behavior. Neurobiological Monday Colloquium: Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany (2020)
Li, J.; Robson, D.: A nonlinear oscillator coordinates brain-wide motivational state during foraging. The Brain Conferences 2019: Dynamics of the brain: temporal aspects of computation , Rungstedgaard, Denmark (2019)
Li, J.: A Non-Linear Oscillator Coordinates Brain-Wide Motivational State During Foraging. Modulation of Neural Circuits and Behavior Gordon Research Conference: Neuromodulatory Mechanisms Underlying Flexible Brain Functions and Behavior, Les Diablerets, Switzerland (2019)
Li, J.: Searching for primitives of learning and memory using small animals and big tools. Conference on Learning & Memory 2019, Austin, TX, USA (2019)
Li, J.; Robson, D.: Pan-Neuronal Imaging of Feeding and Reward Circuitry in Freely Swimming Larval Zebrafish with a High-Speed Tracking Microscope. Modulation of Neural Circuits and Behavior Gordon Research Conference: Origins and Diversity of Neuromodulatory Mechanisms that Serve Basic Biological Needs , Newry, ME, USA (2017)
Robson, D.; Li, J.: Brain on the Run: Whole Brain Calcium Imaging in Freely Swimming Larval Zebrafish. 4th European Zebrafish Principle Investigator Meeting (EZPM 2016), Lisboa, Portugal (2016)

Poster (5)

Yang, C.; Mammen, L.; Kim, B.; Robson, D.; Li, J.: A population code for spatial representation in the larval zebrafish telencephalon. Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (COSYNE 2023), Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2023)
de Sardenberg Schmid, L.; Robson, D.; Li, J.: Integration of Internal Brain Dynamics and Changing Environmental Resources during Zebrafish Foraging. FENS Forum 2022, Paris, France (2022)
Coomer, C.; Sorkac, A.; Halpern, M.; Gilad, B.; Li, J.; Robson, D.; Talay, M.; Zolyomi, B.; Naumova, D.; Roman, I.: Find partners: Transgenic tools for trans-synaptic tracing. 50th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2021) (2021)
Stednitz, S.; Li, J.; Robson, D.; Zhaoping, L.: Zebrafish exhibit visual attentional pop-out effects in their behavior. 11th European Zebrafish Meeting (2020)
Li, M.; Marques, J.; Schaak, D.; Robson, D.; Li, J.: Internal state dynamics shape brain-wide activity and foraging behavior. 20th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists (NeNa 2019), Schramberg, Germany (2019)

Preprint (1)

Choudhary, V.; Heller, C.; Aimon, S.; de Sardenberg Schmid, L.; Robson, D.; Li, J.: Neural and behavioral organization of rapid eye movement sleep in zebrafish. (eingereicht)
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