Zeitschriftenartikel (518)

Perlman, O.; Ito, H.; Herz, K.; Shono, N.; Nakashima, H.; Zaiss, M.; Chiocca, E.; Cohen, O.; Rosen, M.; Farrar, C.: Quantitative imaging of apoptosis following oncolytic virotherapy by magnetic resonance fingerprinting aided by deep learning. Nature Biomedical Engineering 6 (5), S. 648 - 657 (2022)
Bender, B.; Herz, K.; Deshmane, A.; Richter, V.; Tabatabai , G.; Schittenhelm, J.; Skardelly, M.; Scheffler, K.; Ernemann, U.; Kim, M. et al.; Golay, X.; Zaiss, M.; Lindig, T.: GLINT: GlucoCEST in neoplastic tumors at 3 T-clinical results of GlucoCEST in gliomas. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 35 (1), S. 77 - 85 (2022)
DiNuzzo, M.; Mangia, S.; Moraschi, M.; Mascali, D.; Hagberg, G.; Giove, F.: Perception is associated with the brain's metabolic response to sensory stimulation. eLife 11, e71016 (2022)
Hillmann, B.; Zuberer, A.; Obermeyer, L.; Erb, M.; Scheffler, K.; Nieratschker, V.; Ethofer, T.: ADHD patients with DIRAS2 risk allele need more thalamic activation during emotional face-voice recognition. Psychiatry Research 308, 114355 (2022)
Kim, M.; Eleftheriou, A.; Ravotto, L.; Weber, B.; Rivlin, M.; Navon, G.; Capozza, M.; Anemone, A.; Longo, D.; Aime, S. et al.; Zaiss, M.; Herz, K.; Deshmane, A.; Lindig, T.; Bender, B.; Golay, X.: What do we know about dynamic glucose-enhanced (DGE) MRI and how close is it to the clinics? Horizon 2020 GLINT consortium report. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 35 (1), S. 87 - 104 (2022)
Stockmann, J.; Arango, N.; Witzel, T.; Mareyam, A.; Sappo, C.; Zhou, J.; Jenkins, L.; Craven-Brightman, L.; Milshteyn, E.; Davids, M. et al.; Hoge, W.; Sliwiak, M.; Nasr, S.; Keil, B.; Adalsteinsson, E.; Guerin, B.; White, J.; Setsompop, K.; Polimeni, J.; Wald, L.: A 31-channel integrated “AC/DC” B0 shim and radiofrequency receive array coil for improved 7T MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 87 (2), S. 1074 - 1092 (2022)
Knipper, M.; Singer, W.; Schwabe, K.; Hagberg, G.; Hegner, Y.; Rüttiger, L.; Braun, C.; land, R.: Disturbed Balance of Inhibitory Signaling Links Hearing Loss and Cognition. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 15, 785603 (2022)
Schmidt, A.; Bowers, C.; Buckenmaier, K.; Chekmenev, E.; de Maissin, H.; Eills, J.; Ellermann, F.; Glöggler, S.; Gordon, J.; Knecht, S. et al.; Koptyug, I.; Kuhn, J.; Pravdivtsev, A.; Reineri, F.; Theis, T.; Them, K.; Hövener, J.-B.: Instrumentation for Hydrogenative Parahydrogen-Based Hyperpolarization Techniques. Analytical Chemistry 94 (1), S. 479 - 502 (2022)
Amaefule, C.; Dyrba, M.; Wolfsgruber, S.; Polcher, A.; Schneider, A.; Fliessbach, K.; Spottke, A.; Meiberth, D.; Preis, L.; Peters, J. et al.; Incesoy, E.; Spruth, E.; Priller, J.; Altenstein, S.; Bartels, C.; Wiltfang, J.; Janowitz, D.; Bürger, K.; Laske, C.; Munk, M.; Rudolph, J.; Glanz, W.; Dobisch, L.; Haynes, J.; Dechent, P.; Ertl-Wagner, B.; Scheffler, K.; Kilimann, I.; Düzel, E.; Metzger, C.; Wagner, M.; Jessen, F.; Teipel, S.: Association between composite scores of domain-specific cognitive functions and regional patterns of atrophy and functional connectivity in the Alzheimer’s disease spectrum. NeuroImage: Clinical 29, 102533, S. 1 - 11 (2021)
Göksu, C.; Scheffler, K.; Gregersen, F.; Eroglu, H.; Heule, R.; Siebner , H.; Hanson, L.; Thielscher, A.: Sensitivity and resolution improvement for in-vivo magnetic resonance current density imaging (MRCDI) of the human brain. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 86 (6), S. 3131 - 3146 (2021)
Martin, P.; Hagberg, G.; Schultz, T.; Harzer, K.; Klose, U.; Bender, B.; Nägele, T.; Scheffler, K.; Krägeloh-Mann , I.; Groeschel, S.: T2-Pseudonormalization and Microstructural Characterization in Advanced Stages of Late-infantile Metachromatic Leukodystrophy. Clinical Neuroradiology 31 (4), S. 969 - 980 (2021)
Pravdivtsev, A.; Kempf, N.; Plaumann, M.; Bernarding, J.; Scheffler, K.; Hövener, J.-B.; Buckenmaier, K.: Coherent evolution of signal amplification by reversible exchange in two alternating fields (alt-SABRE). ChemPhysChem 22 (23), S. 2381 - 2386 (2021)
Ruhm, L.; Avdievich, N.; Ziegs, T.; Nagel, A.; De Feyter , H.; de Graaf, R.; Henning, A.: Deuterium Metabolic Imaging in the human brain at 9.4 Tesla with high spatial and temporal resolution. NeuroImage 244, 118639, S. 1 - 12 (2021)
Binder, T.; Hobert, M.; Pfrommer, T.; Leks, E.; Granert, O.; Weigl, B.; Ethofer, T.; Erb, M.; Wilke, M.; Maetzler, W. et al.; Berg, D.: Increased functional connectivity in a population at risk of developing Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 92, S. 1 - 6 (2021)
Dyrba, M.; Hanzig, M.; Altenstein, S.; Bader, S.; Ballarini, T.; Brosseron, F.; Buerger, K.; Cantré, D.; Dobisch, L.; Düzel, E. et al.; Ewers, M.; Fliessbach, K.; Glanz, W.; Haynes, J.; Heneka, M.; Janowitz, D.; Keles, D.; Kilimann, I.; Laske, C.; Maier, F.; Metzger, C.; Munk, M.; Perneczky, R.; Peters, O.; Preis, L.; Priller, J.; Rauchmann, B.; Roy, N.; Scheffler, K.; Schneider, A.; Schott, B.; Spottke, A.; Spruth, E.; Weber, M.-A.; Ertl-Wagner, B.; Wagner, M.; Wiltfang, J.; Jessen, F.; Teipel, S.: Improving 3D convolutional neural network comprehensibility via interactive visualization of relevance maps: evaluation in Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 13, 191, S. 1 - 18 (2021)
Eroğlu, H.; Puonti, O.; Göksu, C.; Gregersen, F.; Siebner, H.; Hanson, L.; Thielscher, A.: On the Reconstruction of Magnetic Resonance Current Density Images of the Human Brain: Pitfalls and Perspectives. NeuroImage 243, 118517, S. 1 - 15 (2021)
Geldschläger, O.; Bosch, D.; Glaser, S.; Henning, A.: Local excitation universal parallel transmit pulses at 9.4T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 86 (5), S. 2589 - 2603 (2021)
Rauchmann, B.-S.; Ersoezlue, E.; Stoecklein, S.; Keeser, D.; Brosseron, F.; Buerger, K.; Dechent, P.; Dobisch, L.; Ertl-Wagner, B.; Fliessbach, K. et al.; Haynes, J.; Heneka, M.; Incesoy, E.; Janowitz, D.; Kilimann, I.; Laske, C.; Metzger, C.; Munk, M.; Peters, O.; Priller, J.; Ramirez, A.; Roeske, S.; Roy, N.; Scheffler, K.; Schneider, A.; Spottke, A.; Spruth, E.; Teipel, S.; Tscheuschler, M.; Vukovich, R.; Wagner, M.; Wiltfang, J.; Yakupov , R.; Duezel, E.; Jessen, F.; Perneczky, R.: Resting-State Network Alterations Differ between Alzheimer’s Disease Atrophy Subtypes. Cerebral Cortex 31 (11), S. 4901 - 4915 (2021)
Ruhm, L.; Dorst, J.; Avdievitch, N.; Wright, A.; Henning, A.: 3D 31P MRSI of the human brain at 9.4 Tesla: Optimization and quantitative analysis of metabolic images. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 86 (5), S. 2368 - 2383 (2021)
Avdievich, N.; Solomakha, G.; Ruhm, L.; Henning, A.; Scheffler, K.: 9.4 T double-tuned 13 C/ 1 H human head array using a combination of surface loops and dipole antennas. NMR in Biomedicine 34 (10), S. 1 - 15 (2021)
Fehling, P.; Buckenmaier, K.; Dobrynin, S.; Morozov, D.; Polienko, Y.; Khoroshunova, Y.; Borozdina, Y.; Mayer, P.; Engelmann, J.; Scheffler, K. et al.; Angelovski, G.; Kirilyuk, I.: The effects of nitroxide structure upon 1H Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization efficacy at ultralow-field. The Journal of Chemical Physics 155 (14), 144203, S. 1 - 11 (2021)
Fehling, P.; Buckenmaier, K.; Dobrynin, S.; Morozov, D.; Polienko, Y.; Khoroshunova, Y.; Borozdina, Y.; Mayer, P.; Engelmann, J.; Scheffler, K. et al.; Angelovski, G.; Kirilyuk, I.: Erratum: "The effects of nitroxide structure upon 1 H Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization efficacy at ultralow-field". The Journal of Chemical Physics 156 (8), 089901, S. 1 - 3 (2021)
Herz, K.; Mueller, S.; Perlman, O.; Zaitsev , M.; Knutsson, L.; Sun, P.; Zhou, J.; van Zijl, P.; Heinecke, K.; Schuenke, P. et al.; Farrar, C.; Schmidt, M.; Dörfler, A.; Scheffler, K.; Zaiss, M.: Pulseq-CEST: Towards multi-site multi-vendor compatibility and reproducibility of CEST experiments using an open-source sequence standard. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 86 (4), S. 1845 - 1858 (2021)
Madhusoodhanan, S.; Hagberg, G.; Scheffler, K.; Paul, J.: Multi-echo gradient-recalled-echo phase unwrapping using a Nyquist sampled virtual echo train in the presence of high-field gradients. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 86 (4), S. 2220 - 2233 (2021)
Nikulin, A.; Vignaud, A.; Avdievich, N.; Berrahou, D.; de Rosny, J.; Ourir, A.: Open birdcage coil for head imaging at 7T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 86 (4), S. 2290 - 2300 (2021)
Scheffler, K.; Engelmann, J.; Heule, R.: BOLD sensitivity and vessel size specificity along CPMG and GRASE echo trains. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 86 (4), S. 2076 - 2083 (2021)
Chen, X.; Jiang, Y.; Choi, S.; Pohmann, R.; Scheffler, K.; Kleinfeld, D.; Yu, X.: Assessment of single-vessel cerebral blood velocity by phase contrast fMRI. PLoS Biology 19 (9), e3000923 (2021)
Kumar, V.; Scheffler, K.; Hagberg, G.; Grodd, W.: Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of the Basal Ganglia and Thalamus at 9.4 Tesla. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 15, 725731, S. 1 - 12 (2021)
Avdievich, N.; Solomakha, G.; Ruhm, L.; Nikulin, A.; Magill, A.; Scheffler, K.: Folded-end dipole transceiver array for human whole-brain imaging at 7 T. NMR in Biomedicine 34 (8), S. 1 - 14 (2021)
Haugg, A.; Renz, F.; Nicholson, A.; Lor, C.; Götzendorfer, S.; Sladky, R.; Skouras, S.; McDonald, A.; Craddock, C.; Hellrung, L. et al.; Kirschner, M.; Herdener, M.; Koush, Y.; Papoutsi, M.; Keynan, J.; Hendler, T.; Kadosh, K.; Zich, C.; Kohl, S.; Hallschmid, M.; MacInnes, J.; Hadcock, R.; Dickerson, K.; Chen, N.-K.; Young, K.; Bodurka, J.; Marxen, M.; Yao, S.; Becker, B.; Auer, T.; Schweizer, R.; Pamplona, G.; Lanius, R.; Emmert, K.; Haller, S.; Van De Ville, D.; Kim, D.; Lee, J.-H.; Marins, T.; Megumi, F.; Sorger, B.; Kamp, T.; Liew, S.-L.; Veit, R.; Spetter, M.; Weiskopf, N.; Scharnowski, F.; Steyrl, D.: Predictors of real-time fMRI neurofeedback performance and improvement: A machine learning mega-analysis. NeuroImage 237, 118207, S. 1 - 11 (2021)
Loktyushin, A.; Herz, K.; Dang, N.; Glang, F.; Deshmane, A.; Weinmüller, S.; Doerfler, A.; Schölkopf, B.; Scheffler, K.; Zaiss, M.: MRzero: Automated discovery of MRI sequences using supervised learning. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 86 (2), S. 709 - 724 (2021)
Avdievich, N.; Solomakha, G.; Ruhm, L.; Henning, A.; Scheffler, K.: Unshielded bent folded-end dipole 9.4 T human head transceiver array decoupled using modified passive dipoles. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 86 (1), S. 581 - 597 (2021)
German, A.; Mennecke, A.; Martin, J.; Hanspach, J.; Liebert, A.; Herrler, J.; Kuder, T.; Schmidt, M.; Nagel, A.; Uder, M. et al.; Doerfler, A.; Winkler, J.; Zaiss, M.; Laun, F.: Brain tissues have single-voxel signatures in multi-spectral MRI. NeuroImage 234, 117986, S. 1 - 13 (2021)
Goerke, S.; Breitling, J.; Korzowski, A.; Paech, D.; Zaiss, M.; Schlemmer, H.-P.; Ladd, M.; Bachert, P.: Clinical routine acquisition protocol for 3D relaxation-compensated APT and rNOE CEST-MRI of the human brain at 3T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 86 (1), S. 393 - 404 (2021)
Liebert, A.; Tkotz, K.; Herrler, J.; Linz, P.; Mennecke , A.; German, A.; Liebig , P.; Gumbrecht , R.; Schmidt, M.; Doerfler, A. et al.; Uder, M.; Zaiss, M.; Nagel, A.: Whole-brain quantitative CEST MRI at 7T using parallel transmission methods and B+1 correction. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 86 (1), S. 346 - 362 (2021)
Li, X.; Pan, J.; Avdievich, N.; Hetherington, H.; Rispoli, J.: Electromagnetic simulation of a 16-channel head transceiver at 7 T using circuit-spatial optimization. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 85 (6), S. 3463 - 3478 (2021)
Ballarini, T.; Melo van Lent, D.; Brunner, J.; Schröder, A.; Wolfsgruber, S.; Altenstein, S.; Brosseron, F.; Buerger, K.; Dechent, P.; Dobisch, L. et al.; Ertl-Wagner, B.; Fliessbach, K.; Freiesleben, S.; Frommann, I.; Glanz, W.; Hauser, D.; Haynes, J.; Heneka, M.; Janowitz, D.; Kilimann, I.; Laske, C.; Maier, F.; Metzger, C.; Munk, M.; Perneczky, R.; Peters, O.; Priller, J.; Ramirez, A.; Rauchmann, B.; Roy, N.; Scheffler, K.; Schneider, A.; Spottke, A.; Spruth, E.; Teipel, S.; Vukovich, R.; Wiltfang, J.; Jessen, F.; Wagner, M.: Mediterranean Diet, Alzheimer Disease Biomarkers and Brain Atrophy in Old Age. Neurology 96 (24), S. e2920 - e2932 (2021)
Caruana, N.; Seymour, K.: Bottom-up processing of fearful and angry facial expressions is intact in schizophrenia. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 26 (3), S. 183 - 198 (2021)
Elvsåshagen, T.; Shadrin, A.; Frei, O.; van der Meer, D.; Bahrami, S.; Kumar, V.; Smeland, O.; Westlye, L.; Andreassen , O.; Kaufmann, T.: The genetic architecture of the human thalamus and its overlap with ten common brain disorders. Nature Communications 12 (1), 2909 (2021)
Gregersen, F.; Göksu, C.; Schaefers, G.; Xue, R.; Thielscher, A.; Hanson, L.: Safety Evaluation of a New Setup for Transcranial Electric Stimulation during Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Brain Stimulation 14 (3), S. 488 - 497 (2021)
Jamalabadi, H.; Zuberer, A.; Kumar, V.; Li, M.; Alizadeh, S.; Moradi, A.; Gaser, C.; Esterman, M.; Walter, M.: The missing role of gray matter in studying brain controllability. Network Neuroscience 5 (1), S. 198 - 210 (2021)
Voelker, M.; Kraff, O.; Goerke , S.; Laun, F.; Hanspach, J.; Pine, K.; Ehses, P.; Zaiss, M.; Liebert, A.; Straub, S. et al.; Eckstein, K.; Robinson, S.; Nagel, A.; Stefanescu, M.; Wollrab, A.; Klix, S.; Felder, J.; Hock, M.; Bosch, D.; Weiskopf, N.; Speck, O.; Ladd, M.; Quick, H.: The Traveling Heads 2.0: Multicenter Reproducibility of Quantitative Imaging Methods at 7 Tesla. NeuroImage 232, 117910 (2021)
Hansen, N.; Singh, A.; Bartels, C.; Brosseron, F.; Buerger, K.; Cetindag , A.; Dobisch, L.; Dechent, P.; Ertl-Wagner, B.; Fliessbach, K. et al.; Haynes, J.; Heneka, M.; Janowitz, D.; Kilimann, I.; Laske, C.; Metzger, C.; Munk, M.; Peters, O.; Priller, J.; Roy, N.; Scheffler, K.; Schneider, A.; Spottke, A.; Spruth, E.; Teipel, S.; Tscheuschler, M.; Vukovich, R.; Wiltfang, J.; Duezel, E.; Jessen, F.; Goya-Maldonado, R.: Hippocampal and Hippocampal-Subfield Volumes From Early-Onset Major Depression and Bipolar Disorder to Cognitive Decline. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 13, 626974, S. 1 - 12 (2021)
Krylova, M.; Ristow, I.; Marr, V.; Borchardt, V.; Li, M.; Witzel, J.; Drumkova, K.; Harris, J.; Zacharias, N.; Schiltz, K. et al.; Amelung, T.; Beier, K.; Kruger, T.; Ponseti , J.; Schiffer, B.; Walter, H.; Kärgel , C.; Walter, M.: MEG Reveals Preference Specific Increases of Sexual-Image-Evoked Responses in Paedophilic Sexual Offenders and Healthy Controls. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 22 (4), S. 257 - 270 (2021)
Li, S.; Daamen, M.; Scheef, L.; Gaertner, F.; Buchert, R.; Buchmann, M.; Buerger, K.; Catak, C.; Dobisch, L.; Drzezga, A. et al.; Ertl-Wagner, B.; Essler, M.; Fliessbach, K.; Haynes, J.; Incesoy, E.; Kilimann, I.; Krause, B.; Lange, C.; Laske, C.; Priller, J.; Ramirez , A.; Reimold, M.; Rominger, A.; Roy, N.; Scheffler, K.; Maurer, A.; Schneider, A.; Spottke, A.; Spruth, E.; Teipel, S.; Tscheuschler, M.; Wagner, M.; Wolfsgruber, S.; Düzel, E.; Jessen, F.; Peters, O.; Boecker, H.: Abnormal Regional and Global Connectivity Measures in Subjective Cognitive Decline Depending on Cerebral Amyloid Status. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 79 (2), S. 493 - 509 (2021)
Pérez-Rodas, M.; Pohmann, R.; Scheffler, K.; Heule, R.: Intravascular BOLD signal characterization of balanced SSFP experiments in human blood at high to ultrahigh fields. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 85 (4), S. 2055 - 2068 (2021)
Wiesner, H.; Balla, D.; Scheffler, K.; Ugurbil, K.; Zhu, X.-H.; Chen , W.; Uludag, K.; Pohmann, R.: Quantitative and simultaneous measurement of oxygen consumption rates in rat brain and skeletal muscle using 17 O MRS imaging at 16.4T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 85 (4), S. 2232 - 2246 (2021)
Martens, L.; Herrmann, L.; Colic, L.; Li, M.; Richter, A.; Behnisch, G.; Stork, O.; Seidenbecher, C.; Schott, B.; Walter, M.: Met carriers of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism show reduced Glx/NAA in the pregenual ACC in two independent cohorts. Scientific Reports 11 (1), 6742 (2021)
Becker, S.; Granert, O.; Timmers, M.; Pilotto, A.; Van Nueten , L.; Roeben, M.; Salvadore, G.; Galpern, W.; Streffer, J.; Scheffler, K. et al.; Maetzler, W.; Berg, D.; Liepelt Scarfone, I.: Association of Hippocampal Subfields, CSF Biomarkers, and Cognition in Patients With Parkinson Disease Without Dementia. Neurology 96 (6), S. e904 - e915 (2021)
Geldschläger, O.; Bosch, D.; Avdievich, N.; Henning, A.: Ultrahigh-resolution quantitative spinal cord MRI at 9.4T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 85 (2), S. 1013 - 1027 (2021)
Lacosse, E.; Scheffler, K.; Lohmann, G.; Martius, G.: Jumping over baselines with new methods to predict activation maps from resting-state fMRI. Scientific Reports 11 (1), 3480, S. 1 - 15 (2021)
Truong, V.; Cheng, P.; Lee, H.-C.; Lane, T.; Hsu, T.-Y.; Duncan, N.: Occipital gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamate-glutamine alterations in major depressive disorder: An mrs study and meta-analysis. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 308, 111238 (2021)
Krylova, M.; Alizadeh, S.; Izyurov, I.; Teckentrup, V.; Chang, C.; van der Meer, J.; Erb, M.; Kroemer, N.; Koenig, T.; Walter, M. et al.; Jamalabadi, H.: Evidence for modulation of EEG microstate sequence by vigilance level. NeuroImage 224, 117393, S. 1 - 14 (2021)
Mueller, S.; Scheffler, K.; Zaiss, M.: On the interference from agar in chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI parameter optimization in model solutions. NMR in Biomedicine 34 (1), S. 1 - 12 (2021)
Pilotto, A.; Zipser, E.; Leks, E.; Haas, D.; Gramer, G.; Freisinger, P.; Schaeffer, E.; Liepelt-Scarfone, I.; Brockmann, K.; Maetzler, W. et al.; Schulte, C.; Deuschle, C.; Hauser, A.; Hoffmann, G.; Scheffler, K.; van Spronsen, F.; Padovani, A.; Trefz, F.; Berg, D.: Phenylalanine effects on brain function in adult phenylketonuria. Neurology 96 (3), S. e399 - e411 (2021)
Avdievich, N.; Solomakha, G.; Ruhm, L.; Bause, J.; Scheffler, K.; Henning, A.: Bent Folded-End Dipole Head Array for Ultrahigh-Field MRI Turns "Dielectric Resonance" From an Enemy to a Friend. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 84 (6), S. 3453 - 3467 (2020)
Heule, R.; Bause, J.; Pusterla, O.; Scheffler, K.: Multi-parametric Artificial Neural Network Fitting of Phase-Cycled Balanced Steady-State Free Precession Data. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 84 (6), S. 2981 - 2993 (2020)
Leutritz, A.; Colic, L.; Borchardt , V.; Cheng, X.; Zhang, B.; Lison, S.; Frommer, J.; Buchheim, A.; Strauss, B.; Fonagy, P. et al.; Nolte, T.; Walter, M.: Attachment-specific speech patterns induce dysphoric mood changes in the listener as a function of individual differences in attachment characteristics and psychopathology. Psychology and Psychotherapy 93 (4), S. 754 - 776 (2020)
Seith, F.; Pohmann, R.; Schwartz, M.; Küstner, T.; Othman, A.; Kolb, M.; Scheffler, K.; Nikolaou, K.; Schick, F.; Martirosian, P.: Imaging Pulmonary Blood Flow Using Pseudocontinuous Arterial Spin Labeling (PCASL) With Balanced Steady-State Free-Precession (bSSFP) Readout at 1.5T. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 52 (6), S. 1767 - 1782 (2020)
Truong, P.; Kim, J.; Savjani, R.; Sitek, K.; Hagberg, G.; Scheffler, K.; Ress, D.: Depth relationships and measures of tissue thickness in dorsal midbrain. Human Brain Mapping 41 (18), S. 5083 - 5096 (2020)
Finsterwalder, S.; Vlegels, N.; Gesierich, B.; Araque Caballero, M.; Weaver, N.; Franzmeier, N.; Georgakis, M.; Konieczny, M.; Koek, H.; Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (DIAN) et al.; Karch, C.; Graff-Radford, N.; Salloway, S.; Oh, H.; Allegri, J.; Chhatwal, R.; DELCODE study group; Jessen, F.; Düzel, E.; Dobisch, L.; Metzger, C.; Peters, O.; Incesoy, E.; Priller, J.; Spruth, E.; Schneider, A.; Fließbach, K.; Buerger, K.; Janowitz, D.; Teipel, S.; Kilimann, I.; Laske, C.; Buchmann, M.; Henaka, M.; Brosseron, F.; Spottke, A.; Roy, N.; Ertl-Wagner, B.; Scheffler, K.; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI); Utrecht VCI study group; Seo, S.; Kim, Y.; Na, D.; Kim, H.; Jang, H.; Ewers, M.; Levin, J.; Schmidt, R.; Pasternak, O.; Dichgans, M.; Biessels, G.; Duering, M.: Small vessel disease more than Alzheimer's disease determines diffusion MRI alterations in memory clinic patients. Alzheimer's and Dementia 16 (11), S. 1504 - 1514 (2020)
Martens, L.; Kroemer, N.; Teckentrup, V.; Colic, L.; Palomero-Gallagher, N.; Li, M.; Walter, M.: Localized prediction of glutamate from whole-brain functional connectivity of the pregenual anterior cingulate cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience 40 (47), S. 9028 - 9042 (2020)
Mueller, S.; Stirnberg, R.; Akbey, S.; Ehses, P.; Scheffler, K.; Stöcker, T.; Zaiss, M.: Whole brain snapshot CEST at 3T using 3D-EPI: Aiming for speed, volume, and homogeneity. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 84 (5), S. 2469 - 2483 (2020)
Avdievich, N.; Solomakha, G.; Ruhm, L.; Scheffler, K.; Henning, A.: Decoupling of Folded-End Dipole Antenna Elements of a 9.4 T Human Head Array Using an RF Shield. NMR in Biomedicine 33 (9), S. 1 - 11 (2020)
Hovey, D.; Martens, L.; Laeng, B.; Leknes, S.; Westberg, L.: The effect of intranasal oxytocin on visual processing and salience of human faces. Translational Psychiatry 10 (1), 318, S. 1 - 9 (2020)
Avdievich, N.; Ruhm, L.; Dorst, J.; Scheffler, K.; Korzowski, A.; Henning, A.: Double‐tuned 31P/1H human head array with high performance at both frequencies for spectroscopic imaging at 9.4T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 84 (2), S. 1076 - 1089 (2020)
Denzel, D.; Colic, L.; Demenescu, R.; von Düring, F.; Ristow, I.; Nießen, H.; Hermann, L.; Kaufmann, J.; Dannlowski, U.; Frommer, J. et al.; Vogel, M.; Li, M.; Lord, A.; Walter, M.: Local glutamate in cingulate cortex subregions differentially correlates with affective network activations during face perception. European Journal of Neuroscience 52 (3), S. 3047 - 3060 (2020)
Boyd, P.; Breitling, J.; Zimmermann, F.; Korzowski, A.; Zaiss, M.; Schuenke, P.; Weinfurtner, N.; Schlemmer, H.; Ladd, M.; Bachert, P. et al.; Paech, D.; Goerke, S.: Dynamic glucose‐enhanced (DGE) MRI in the human brain at 7 T with reduced motion‐induced artifacts based on quantitative R1ρ mapping. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 84 (1), S. 182 - 191 (2020)
Chand, T.; Li, M.; Jamalabadi, H.; Wagner, G.; Lord, A.; Alizadeh, S.; Herrmann, L.; Walter, M.; Sen, Z.: Heart Rate Variability as an Index of Differential Brain Dynamics at Rest and After Acute Stress Induction. Frontiers in Neuroscience 14, 645, S. 1 - 12 (2020)
Glang, F.; Deshmane, A.; Prokudin, S.; Martin, F.; Herz, K.; Lindig, T.; Bender, B.; Scheffler, K.; Zaiss, M.: DeepCEST 3T: Robust MRI parameter determination and uncertainty quantification with neural networks-application to CEST imaging of the human brain at 3. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 84 (1), S. 450 - 466 (2020)
Grodd, W.; Kumar, V.; Schüz, A.; Lindig, T.; Scheffler, K.: The Anterior and Medial Thalamic Nuclei and the Human Limbic System: Tracing the Structural Connectivity Using Diffusion-Weighted Imaging. Scientific Reports 10 (1), 10957 (2020)
Gambino, T.; Valencia, L.; Pérez-Lourido, P.; Esteban-Gómez, D.; Zaiss, M.; Platas-Iglesias, C.; Angelovski, G.: Inert macrocyclic Eu3+ complex with affirmative paraCEST features. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 7 (12), S. 2274 - 2286 (2020)
Lezhennikova, K.; Abdeddaim, R.; Hurshkainen, A.; Vignaud, A.; Dubois, M.; Jomin, P.; Berrahou, D.; Raaijmakers, A.; Avdievich, N.; Melchakova, I. et al.; Enoch, S.; Belov, P.; Simovski, C.; Glybovski, S.: Constructive Near-Field Interference Effect in a Birdcage MRI Coil with an Artificial Magnetic Shield. Physical Review Applied 13 (6), 064004, S. 1 - 14 (2020)
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Zaretskaya, N.; Bause, J.; Polimeni, J.; Grassi, P.; Scheffler, K.; Bartels, A.: Eye-selective fMRI activity in human primary visual cortex: Comparison between 3 ​T and 9.4 ​T, and effects across cortical depth. NeuroImage 220, 117078 (2020)
Aghaeifar, A.; Bause, J.; Leks, E.; Grodd, W.; Scheffler, K.: Dynamic B0 shimming of the motor cortex and cerebellum with a multicoil shim setup for BOLD fMRI at 9.4T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 83 (5), S. 1730 - 1740 (2020)
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Bause, J.; Polimeni, J.; Stelzer, J.; In, M.-H.; Ehses, P.; Kraemer-Fernandez, P.; Aghaeifar, A.; Lacosse, E.; Pohmann, R.; Scheffler, K.: Impact of prospective motion correction, distortion correction methods and large vein bias on the spatial accuracy of cortical laminar fMRI at 9.4 Tesla. NeuroImage 208, 116434, S. 1 - 16 (2020)
Gambino, G.; Gambino, T.; Pohmann, R.; Angelovski, G.: A ratiometric 19F MR-based method for the quantification of Ca2+ using responsive paramagnetic probes. Chemical Communications 56 (24), S. 3492 - 3495 (2020)
Heule, R.; Deshmane, A.; Zaiss, M.; Herz, K.; Ehses, P.; Scheffler, K.: Structure or Exchange? On the Feasibility of Chemical Exchange Detection with Balanced Steady‐State Free Precession in Tissue: An In Vitro Study. NMR in Biomedicine 33 (3), S. 1 - 15 (2020)
Zimmermann, F.; Korzowski, A.; Breitling, J.; Meissner, J.; Schuenke, P.; Loi, L.; Zaiss, M.; Bickelhaupt, S.; Schott, S.; Schlemmer, H. et al.; Paech, D.; Ladd, M.; Bachert, P.; Goerke, S.: A novel normalization for amide proton transfer CEST MRI to correct for fat signal–induced artifacts: application to human breast cancer imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 83 (3), S. 920 - 934 (2020)
Aghaeifar, A.; Zhou, J.; Heule, R.; Tabibian, B.; Schölkopf, B.; Jia, F.; Zaitsev, M.; Scheffler, K.: A 32‐channel multi‐coil setup optimized for human brain shimming at 9.4T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 83 (2), S. 749 - 764 (2020)
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