Tasja Sophie Müller

Alumni of the Department Human Perception, Cognition and Action


School Education:

2006-present: Friedrichsgymnasium, Kassel, Germany


2010 two-week internship at the 'Offener Kanal Kassel'(OKK, a TV Channel)

Stays abroad:

July/2011 Alexanders International School, Bawdsey, England
August/2011-January/2012 St. Benedicts cath. High School, Whitehaven, England
(Student exchange)

Further participation in youth exchanges with:

Finnland, Russia and Vietnam 
(commen language English)


German (native)
Englisch (advanced)
Latin (advanced)
Italian (beginner)


Windows office
Finished a mediator training (now mediator at school)
First aid
Film montage experience
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