Publikationen von K Scheffler
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Zeitschriftenartikel (391)
51 (6), S. 1205 - 1211 (2004)
Fast frequency mapping with balanced SSFP: Theory and application to proton-resonance frequency shift thermometry. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 322.
51 (1), S. 68 - 80 (2004)
Calculation of flip angles for echo trains with predefined amplitudes with the extended phase graph (EPG)-algorithm: Principles and applications to hyperecho and TRAPS sequences. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 323.
21 (10), S. 1213 - 1224 (2003)
FMRI of the auditory system: understanding the neural basis of auditory gestalt. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 324.
41 (12), S. 603 - 605 (2003)
DCE-MRI in clinical trials: data acquisition techniques and analysis methods. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 325.
86 (6), S. 344 - 346 (2003)
Basics of non-invasive angiography contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography. JBR-BTR: organe de la Société royale belge de radiologie (SRBR) = orgaan van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Radiologie (KBVR) 326.
13 (11), S. 2409 - 2418 (2003)
Principles and applications of balanced SSFP techniques. European Radiology 327.
20 (2), S. 1365 - 1370 (2003)
Sustained blood oxygenation and volume response to repetition rate-modulated sound in human auditory cortex. NeuroImage 328.
20 (1), S. 429 - 434 (2003)
Temporal integration of sequential auditory events: silent period in sound pattern activates human planum temporale. NeuroImage 329.
13 (7), S. 1608 - 1611 (2003)
Dynamic contrast enhancement of paragangliomas of the head and neck: evaluation with time-resolved 2D MR projection angiography. European Radiology 330.
16 (3), S. 144 - 151 (2003)
Detection of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug niflumic acid in humans: a combined 19F-MRS in vivo and in vitro study. NMR in Biomedicine 331.
49 (4), S. 781 - 783 (2003)
On the transient phase of balanced SSFP sequences. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 332.
167 (1), S. 33 - 43 (2003)
Invasive and non-invasive evaluation of spontaneous arteriogenesis in a novel porcine model for peripheral arterial obstructive disease. Atherosclerosis 333.
49 (3), S. 527 - 535 (2003)
Multiecho sequences with variable refocusing flip angles: Optimization of signal behavior using smooth transitions between pseudo steady states (TRAPS). Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 334.
49 (2), S. 395 - 397 (2003)
Is TrueFISP a gradient-echo or a spin-echo sequence? Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 335.
2 (4), S. 413 - 438 (2002)
Schnelle Magnetresonanz-Bildgebung. Radiologie up2date 336.
48 (6), S. 1085 - 1090 (2002)
Signal behavior in continuously ramped 2D TrueFISP for whole-body imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 337.
12 (24), S. 2147 - 2151 (2002)
Neural Processing of Auditory Looming in the Human Brain. Current Biology 338.
48 (5), S. 745 - 752 (2002)
Homogeneous preparation encoding (HoPE) in multislice imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 339.
48 (5), S. 801 - 809 (2002)
Optimization of signal behavior in the transition to driven equilibrium in steady-state free precession sequences. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 340.
48 (5), S. 921 - 925 (2002)
Single-breathhold 3D-trueFISP cine cardiac imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine